Publications of Alexandra K. Davies
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
15, 584 (2024)
High-content screening identifies a small molecule that restores AP-4-dependent protein trafficking in neuronal models of AP-4-associated hereditary spastic paraplegia. Nature Communications 2.
Journal Article
14 (1), 5252 (2023)
Deep and fast label-free Dynamic Organellar Mapping. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
380 (6651), pp. 1258 - 1265 (2023)
Perforin-2 is a pore-forming effector of endocytic escape in cross-presenting dendritic cells. Science 4.
Journal Article
13 (1), 1058 (2022)
AP-4-mediated axonal transport controls endocannabinoid production in neurons. Nature Communications 5.
Journal Article
3 (4), fcab221 (2021)
High-throughput imaging of ATG9A distribution as a diagnostic functional assay for adaptor protein complex 4-associated hereditary spastic paraplegia. Brain Communications 6.
Journal Article
29 (2), pp. 320 - 334 (2020)
Adaptor protein complex 4 deficiency: a paradigm of childhood-onset hereditary spastic paraplegia caused by defective protein trafficking. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
90 (S27), K-211, p. S195 - S195. 146th Annual Meeting American Neurological Association, ELECTR NETWORK, October 17, 2021 - October 19, 2021. American Neurological Association, Boston (2021)
High-Throughput Imaging of ATG9A Distribution as a Diagnostic Functional Assay for Adaptor Protein Complex 4 - Associated Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. In Annals of Neurology,