How to become a research group leader at the MPIB
We are committed to promoting excellent young scientists through independent research group leader positions at our institute.
There are two alternative routes of how to apply:
(1) Application for a Max Planck Research Group Leader (MPRGL) position
MPGRL positions are announced by the institute or centrally by the Max Planck Society (“Free Floater Program”).
For calls and deadlines, please consult the homepage of the Max Planck Society (MPG).
(2) Pro-active application
(third-party funded)
Our institute is a fantastic environment to support your independent research group funded by external organizations (e.g., ERC, DFG Marie Curie). Please approach us with regard to a formal hosting agreement if you are considering the application for third-party funding. In case of success, the institute will contribute space, excellent infrastructure, access to core facilities and additional resources.
Pro-active applications are invited at any time. Interested candidates should adhere to the following two-step procedure:
Stage 1:
Please send an informal application email, including a short proposal (2-3 pages) and your CV to the contact director, Prof. Dr. Petra Schwille.
Candidates who fulfil the formal requirements will be pre-screened by the MPIB faculty for scientific quality of the research proposal and general fit to the institute. After a positive evaluation, you will be invited for a personal interview (Stage 2).
Stage 2:
Brief (ca. 30 min) presentation of yourself, your key research accomplishments and your scientific vision for the the MPIB faculty.
This will ideally be carried out online, but can also be arranged as a personal visit. Upon sufficient mutual interest, the institute will support your group leader application and will also help you to successfully apply for a grant.
What we offer
Research group leaders receive extensive support from the Institute on several levels, including administrative support from our finance and human resources departments, excellent service facilities and support with grant applications.
At the scientific level, departments and research groups have access to the Institute's many facilities and are invited to participate in graduate programs that provide access to talented and motivated students.
The MPIB scientific community is highly international and there are several arrangements in place to support foreign researchers. Currently, our staff comprises 45 nationalities. The working language is English.
The International Office (IO) provides information and extensive support for foreign scientists coming to MPIB. Each year, the institute hosts a large number of visiting graduate students, postdocs and senior scientists from all parts of the world. For example, the IO helps with relocation, financial issues, schools and daycare in the vicinity, visa and guidance for German administration. Our guesthouse provides rooms for temporary accommodation and apartments for long-term stay are available as well.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunities employer and facilitating the career of female scientists is a priority.