Students & Pupils
Thank you for your interest in the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry! Below you will find information about internships and other options to become part of the institute.
Students have the opportunity to complete an internship as part of their final theses (Bachelor & Master).
In order to optimally combine an internship at our institute with your interests, please first inform yourself about the research at the institute with the help of our website. On the websites of the departments and independent research groups you can find the group with the most interesting topic for you.
Together with the neighbouring Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) is the largest employer in Würmtal. The employees of the MPIB are active in the most diverse areas of science, but also in administration or service.
Current vacancies, if interested, are listed in our job portal:
It's great to learn of the scientific interest and enthusiasm of pupils. School students who would like work in one of our laboratories, however need to be extensively safeguarded for security reasons. In general, we don't have the personnel capacity to guarantee for this. This means, regrettably, that we are not able to offer internships for pupils in our departments and groups.
Still, we consider it a pleasant duty to promote scientific interest, particularly among young people. We have thus expanded the number and scopes of classes in our students' and visitors' lab (MaxLab). Not only high school students, but also pupils from other grades are now able to work in the authentic MaxLab laboratory environment. One-day courses for high school classes, a young researcher's week in the summer holidays, or the introductory class molecular biology, are some course examples. The MaxLab also offers a one week internship for pupils in the German 9th and 10th grade. Due to organizational reasons, the time of this internship week is restricted to the time given on the MaxLab internet site.
For more information on these and other classes, please visit our MaxLab website:
Scientists of the institutes are supported in their work by various scientific, administrative and technical service facilities. In many of these institutions, apprenticeships can be learned.
Within the framework of the vocational training, the trainees have numerous opportunities for further training and additional opportunities at their disposal. These include advanced seminars in Mathematics and English as well as exchange opportunities with other Max Planck Institutes.
For more information and detailed data please visit our training page: