F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publications of Johannes B. Müller-Reif

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Albrecht, V.; Müller-Reif, J. B.; Nordmann, T. M.; Mund, A.; Schweizer, L.; Geyer, P. E.; Niu, L.; Wang, J.; Post, F.; Oeller, M. et al.; Metousis, A.; Nielsen, A. B.; Steger, M.; Albrechtsen, N. J. W.; Mann, M.: Bridging the Gap From Proteomics Technology to Clinical Application: Highlights From the 68th Benzon Foundation Symposium. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 23 (12), 100877 (2024)
Journal Article
Geyer, P. E.; Hornburg, D.; Pernemalm, M.; Hauck, S. M.; Palaniappan, K. K.; Albrecht, V.; Dagley, L. F.; Moritz, R. L.; Yu, X.; Edfors, F. et al.; Vandenbrouck, Y.; Mueller-Reif, J. B.; Sun, Z.; Brun, V.; Ahadi, S.; Omenn, G. S.; Deutsch, E. W.; Schwenk, J. M.: The Circulating Proteome-Technological Developments, Current Challenges, and Future Trends. Journal of Proteome Research 23 (12), pp. 5279 - 5295 (2024)
Journal Article
Schweizer, L.; Schaller, T.; Zwiebel, M.; Karayel, O.; Müller-Reif, J. B.; Zeng, W.-F.; Dintner, S.; Nordmann, T. M.; Hirschbuehl, K.; Maerkl, B. et al.; Claus, R.; Mann, M.: Quantitative multiorgan proteomics of fatal COVID-19 uncovers tissue-specific effects beyond inflammation. EMBO Molecular Medicine 15 (9), e17459 (2023)
Journal Article
Shalon, D.; Culver, R. N.; Grembi, J. A.; Folz, J.; Treit, P. V.; Shi, H.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Dethlefsen, L.; Meng, X.; Yaffe, E. et al.; Aranda-Diaz, A.; Geyer, P. E.; Mueller-Reif, J. B.; Spencer, S.; Patterson, A. D.; Triadafilopoulos, G.; Holmes, S. P.; Mann, M.; Fiehn, O.; Relman, D. A.; Huang, K. C.: Profiling the human intestinal environment under physiological conditions. Nature 617 (7961), pp. 581 - 591 (2023)
Journal Article
Thienel, M.; Müller-Reif, J. B.; Zhang, Z.; Ehreiser, V.; Huth, J.; Shchurovska, K.; Kilani, B.; Schweizer, L.; Geyer, P. E.; Zwiebel, M. et al.; Novotny, J.; Luesebrink, E.; Little, G.; Orban, M.; Nicolai, L.; El Nemr, S.; Titova, A.; Spannagl, M.; Kindberg, J.; Evans, A. L.; Mach, O.; Vogel, M.; Tiedt, S.; Ormanns, S.; Kessler, B.; Dueck, A.; Friebe, A.; Jorgensen, P. G.; Majzoub-Altweck, M.; Blutke, A.; Polzin, A.; Stark, K.; Kaab, S.; Maier, D.; Gibbins, J. M.; Limper, U.; Frobert, O.; Mann, M.; Massberg, S.; Petzold, T.: Immobility-associated thromboprotection is conserved across mammalian species from bear to human. Science 380 (6641), pp. 178 - 187 (2023)
Journal Article
Voronina, L.; Leonardo, C.; Müller-Reif, J. B.; Geyer, P. E.; Huber, M.; Trubetskov, M.; Kepesidis, K. V.; Behr, J.; Mann, M.; Krausz, F. et al.; Zigman, M.: Molecular origin of blood-based infrared spectroscopic fingerprints. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60 (31), pp. 17060 - 17069 (2021)
Journal Article
Müller-Reif, J. B.; Hansen, F. M.; Schweizer, L.; Treit, P. V.; Geyer, P. E.; Mann, M.: A New Parallel High-Pressure Packing System Enables Rapid Multiplexed Production of Capillary Columns. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 20, 100082 (2021)
Journal Article
Pangratz-Fuehrer, S.; Genzel-Boroviczeny, O.; Bodensohn, W. E.; Eisenburger, R.; Scharpenack, J.; Geyer, P. E.; Müller-Reif, J. B.; van Hagen, N.; Muller, A. M.; Jensen, M. K. et al.; Klein, C.; Mann, M.; Nussbaum, C.: Cohort profile: the MUNICH Preterm and Term Clinical study (MUNICH-PreTCl), a neonatal birth cohort with focus on prenatal and postnatal determinants of infant and childhood morbidity. BMJ Open 11 (6), e050652 (2021)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Müller-Reif, J. B.: Mass spectrometry-based proteomics: from deep proteomes to clinical application. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie, München (2021)
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