Publications of Ankit Sinha
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Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
635 (8040), pp. 1001 - 1009 (2024)
Spatial proteomics identifies JAKi as treatment for a lethal skin disease. Nature 2.
Journal Article
23 (2), 100713 (2024)
Full Mass Range ΦSDM Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for DIA Proteome Analysis. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3.
Journal Article
14 (1), 2642 (2023)
Cell-selective proteomics segregates pancreatic cancer subtypes by extracellular proteins in tumors and circulation. Nature Communications 4.
Journal Article
17 (7), e10125 (2021)
Identification of covalent modifications regulating immune signaling complex composition and phenotype. Molecular Systems Biology 5.
Journal Article
592, pp. 450 - 456 (2021)
NASH limits anti-tumour surveillance in immunotherapy-treated HCC. Nature 6.
Journal Article
63, pp. 20 - 30 (2020)
Dissecting intercellular signaling with mass spectrometry-based proteomics. CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY 7.
Journal Article
36 (3), pp. 250 - 267.e9 (2019)
Age-Related Gliosis Promotes Central Nervous System Lymphoma through CCL19-Mediated Tumor Cell Retention. CANCER CELL Meeting Abstract (2)
Meeting Abstract
81 (4), PS18-131. Waverly Press, Baltimore, Md. (2021)
Identification of cell surface proteins in triple negative breast cancer for the development of novel targeted therapies. In Cancer Research, 9.
Meeting Abstract
80 (16, Suppl.), 1116. Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research 2020; Apr 27-28 and Jun 22-24, Philadelphia (PA), 2020-04 - 2020-06. Waverly Press, Baltimore, Md. (2020)
Spatio-temporal analysis of the tumor microenvironment of colorectal cancer subtypes using an orthotopic organoid transplantation model [abstract]. In Cancer research,