Publications of Arno Meiler
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Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
11 (1), 15463 (2021)
AnnoMiner is a new web-tool to integrate epigenetics, transcription factor occupancy and transcriptomics data to predict transcriptional regulators. Scientific Reports 2.
Journal Article
588, pp. 157 - 163 (2020)
Splicing factor YBX1 mediates persistence of JAK2-mutated neoplasms. Nature 3.
Journal Article
15 (12), e1008155 (2019)
The alternative cap-binding complex is required for antiviral defense in vivo. PLOS PATHOGENS 4.
Journal Article
14 (4), e1006980 (2018)
Viral targeting of TFIIB impairs de novo polymerase II recruitment and affects antiviral immunity. PLoS Pathogens 5.
Journal Article
145 (7), UNSP dev163808 (2018)
Regulation and function of H3K36 di-methylation by the trithorax-group protein complex AMC. Development 6.
Journal Article
6, 8192 (2015)
mRNA export through an additional cap-binding complex consisting of NCBP1 and NCBP3. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS