F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publikationen von Arno Meiler

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Meiler, A.; Marchiano, F.; Haering, M.; Weitkunat, M.; Schnorrer, F.; Habermann, B. H.: AnnoMiner is a new web-tool to integrate epigenetics, transcription factor occupancy and transcriptomics data to predict transcriptional regulators. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 15463 (2021)
Jayavelu, A. K.; Schnöder, T.M.; Perner, F.; Herzog, C.; Meiler, A.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Huber, N.; Mohr, J.; Edelmann-Stephan, B.; Austin, R. et al.; Brandt, S.; Palandri, F.; Schröder, N.; Isermann, B.; Edlich, F.; Sinha, A.U.; Ungelenk, M.; Hübner, C.A.; Zeiser, R.; Rahmig, S.; Waskow, C.; Coldham, I.; Ernst, T.; Hochhaus, A.; Jilg, S.; Jost, P.J.; Mullally, A.; Bullinger, L.; Mertens, P.R.; Lane, S.W.; Mann, M.; Heidel, F.H.: Splicing factor YBX1 mediates persistence of JAK2-mutated neoplasms. Nature 588, S. 157 - 163 (2020)
Gebhardt, A.; Bergant, V.; Schnepf, D.; Moser, M.; Meiler, A.; Togbe, D.; Mackowiak, C.; Reinert, L.; Paludan, S. R.; Ryffel, B. et al.; Stukalov, A.; Staeheli, P.; Pichlmair, A.: The alternative cap-binding complex is required for antiviral defense in vivo. PLOS PATHOGENS 15 (12), e1008155 (2019)
Haas, D. A.; Meiler, A.; Geiger, K.; Vogt, C.; Preuss, E.; Kochs, G.; Pichlmair, A.: Viral targeting of TFIIB impairs de novo polymerase II recruitment and affects antiviral immunity. PLoS Pathogens 14 (4), e1006980 (2018)
Schmähling, S.; Meiler, A.; Lee, Y.; Mohammed, A.; Finkl, K.; Tauscher, K.; Israel, L.; Wirth, M.; Philippou-Massier, J.; Blum, H. et al.; Habermann, B.; Imhof, A.; Song, J.-J.; Müller, J.: Regulation and function of H3K36 di-methylation by the trithorax-group protein complex AMC. Development 145 (7), UNSP dev163808 (2018)
Gebhardt, A.; Habjan, M.; Benda, C.; Meiler, A.; Haas, D. A.; Hein, M. Y.; Mann, A.; Mann, M.; Habermann, B.; Pichlmair, A.: mRNA export through an additional cap-binding complex consisting of NCBP1 and NCBP3. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 6, 8192 (2015)