F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publications of Kirti Sharma

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Singhal, A.; Virmani, R.; Naz, S.; Arora, G.; Gaur, M.; Kundu, P.; Sajid, A.; Misra, R.; Dabla, A.; Kumar, S. et al.; Nellissery, J.; Molle, V.; Gerth, U.; Swaroop, A.; Sharma, K.; Nandicoori, V. K.; Singh, Y.: Methylation of two-component response regulator MtrA in mycobacteria negatively modulates its DNA binding and transcriptional activation. Biochemical Journal 477 (23), pp. 4473 - 4489 (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, J. J.; Sharma, K.; Zangrandi, L.; Chen, C.; Humphrey, S. J.; Chiu, Y.-T.; Spetea, M.; Liu-Chen, L.-Y.; Schwarzer, C.; Mann, M.: In vivo brain GPCR signaling elucidated by phosphoproteomics. Science 360 (6395), eaao4927 (2018)
Journal Article
Marakalala, M. J.; Raju, R. M.; Sharma, K.; Zhang, Y. J.; Eugenin, E. A.; Prideaux, B.; Daudelin, I. B.; Chen, P.-Y.; Booty, M. G.; Kim, J. H. et al.; Eum, S. Y.; Via, L. E.; Behar, S. M.; Barry III, C. E.; Mann, M.; Dartois, V.; Rubin, E. J.: Inflammatory signaling in human tuberculosis granulomas is spatially organized. Nature Medicine 22 (5), pp. 531 - 538 (2016)
Journal Article
Sharma, K.; Schmitt, S.; Bergner, C. G.; Tyanova, S.; Kannaiyan, N.; Manrique-Hoyos, N.; Kongi, K.; Cantuti, L.; Hanisch, U.-K.; Philips, M.-A. et al.; Rossner, M. J.; Mann, M.; Simons, M.: Cell type- and brain region-resolved mouse brain proteome. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 18 (12), pp. 1819 - 1831 (2015)
Journal Article
Zeigerer, A.; Bogorad, R. L.; Sharma, K.; Gilleron, J.; Seifert, S.; Sales, S.; Berndt, N.; Bulik, S.; Marsico, G.; D'Souza, R. C. J. et al.; Lakshmanaperumal, N.; Meganathan, K.; Natarajan, K.; Sachinidis, A.; Dahl, A.; Holzhuetter, H.-G.; Shevchenko, A.; Mann, M.; Koteliansky, V.; Zerial, M.: Regulation of Liver Metabolism by the Endosomal GTPase Rab5. CELL REPORTS 11 (6), pp. 884 - 892 (2015)
Journal Article
Gupta, M.; Sajid, A.; Sharma, K.; Ghosh, S.; Arora, G.; Singh, R.; Nagaraja, V.; Tandon, V.; Singh, Y.: HupB, a Nucleoid-Associated Protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Is Modified by Serine/Threonine Protein Kinases In Vivo. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY 196 (14), pp. 2646 - 2657 (2014)
Journal Article
D'Souza, R. C. J.; Knittle, A. M.; Nagaraj, N.; van Dinther, M.; Choudhary, C.; ten Dijke, P.; Mann, M.; Sharma, K.: Time-resolved dissection of early phosphoproteome and ensuing proteome changes in response to TGF-beta. SCIENCE SIGNALING 7 (335), rs5 (2014)
Journal Article
Sharma, K.; D'Souza, R. C. J.; Tyanova, S.; Schaab, C.; Wisniewski, J. R.; Cox, J.; Mann, M.: Ultradeep Human Phosphoproteome Reveals a Distinct Regulatory Nature of Tyr and Ser/Thr-Based Signaling. CELL REPORTS 8 (5), pp. 1583 - 1594 (2014)
Journal Article
Sharma, K.; Vabulas, R. M.; Macek, B.; Pinkert, S.; Cox, J.; Mann, M.; Hartl, F. U.: Quantitative Proteomics Reveals That Hsp90 Inhibition Preferentially Targets Kinases and the DNA Damage Response. Special Issue: Prospects in Space and Time, M111.014654, pp. [1] - [12] (2011)
Journal Article
Monetti, M.; Nagaraj, N.; Sharma, K.; Mann, M.: Large-scale phosphosite quantification in tissues by a spike-in SILAC method. Nature Methods 8 (8), pp. 655 - 659 (2011)
Journal Article
Sharma, K.; Kumar, C.; Keri, G.; Breitkopf, S. B.; Oppermann, F. S.; Daub, H.: Quantitative Analysis of Kinase-Proximal Signaling in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Innate Immune Response. Journal of Proteome Research 9 (5), pp. 2539 - 2549 (2010)
Journal Article
Sharma, K.; Weber, C.; Bairlein, M.; Greff, Z.; Keri, G.; Cox, J.; Olsen, J. V.; Daub, H.: Proteomics strategy for quantitative protein interaction profiling in cell extracts. Nature Methods 6 (10), pp. 741 - 744 (2009)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y. X.; Knyazev, P. G.; Cheburkin, Y. V.; Sharma, K.; Knyazev, Y. P.; Orfi, L.; Szabadkai, I.; Daub, H.; Keri, G.; Ullrich, A.: AXL is a potential target for therapeutic intervention in breast cancer progression. Cancer Research 68 (6), pp. 1905 - 1915 (2008)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Hein, M. Y.; Sharma, K.; Cox, J.; Mann, M.: Proteomic Analysis of Cellular Systems. In: Handbook of Systems Biology: Concepts and Insights, pp. 3 - 25 (Eds. Walhout, M.; Vidal, M.; Dekker, J.). Academic Press, New York (2013)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
D'Souza, R. C. J.; Sharma, K.; Korhonen, A. M. M.; Nagaraj, N.; Choudhary, C.; ten Dijke, P.; Mann, M.: Studying TGF-beta Signaling Using a High Resolution, Quantitative Mass Spectrometric Approach. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 48, p. S155 - S155. 22nd Biennial Congress of the European-Association-for-Cancer-Research, Barcelona, SPAIN, July 07, 2012 - July 10, 2012. ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND (2012)
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