Publications of L. Moroder

Journal Article (144)

Journal Article
Kusebauch, U.; Cadamuro, S. A.; Musiol, H.-J.; Moroder, L.; Renner, C.: Photocontrol of the collagen triple helix. Synthesis and conformational characterization of bis-cysteinyl collagenous peptides with an azobenzene clamp. Chemistry - A European Journal 13 (10), DOI: 10.1002/chem.200601162, pp. 2966 - 2973 (2007)
Journal Article
Barth, L.; Sinner, E. K.; Oesterhelt, D.; Moroder, L.: Homotrimeric collagen peptides as model systems for cell adhesion studies. Biopolymers 88 (4 Sp. Iss. Sp. Iss. SI), p. 563 - 563 (2007)
Journal Article
Boulègue, C.; Löweneck, M.; Renner, C.; Moroder, L.: Redox Potential of Azobenzene as an Amino Acid Residue in Peptides. ChemBioChem 8, pp. 591 - 594 (2007)
Journal Article
del Pino, P.; Weiss, A.; Bertsch, U.; Renner, C.; Mentler, M.; Grantner, K.; Fiorino, F.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Moroder, L.; Kretzschmar, H.A. et al.; Parak, F.G.: The configuration of the Cu2+ binding region in full-length human prion protein. European Biophysics Journal 36 (3), pp. 239 - 252 (2007)
Journal Article
Dong, S. L.; Cadamuro, S. A.; Fiorino, F.; Bertsch, U.; Moroder, L.; Renner, C.: Copper binding and conformation of the N-terminal octarepeats of the prion protein in the presence of DPC micelles as membrane mimetic. Biopolymers 88 (6), pp. 840 - 847 (2007)
Journal Article
FIORINO, F.; GIL-PARRADO, S.; ASSFALG-MACHLEIDT, I.; MACHLEIDT, W.; MORODER, L.: A new cell-permeable calpain inhibitor. Journal of Peptide Science 13, pp. 70 - 73 (2007)
Journal Article
Kusebauch, U.; Cadamuro, S. A.; Musiol, H. J.; Moroder, L.; Renner, C.: Photocontrol of the collagen triple helix: Synthesis and conformational characterization of bis-cysteinyl collagenous peptides with an azobenzene clamp. Chemistry-A European Journal 13 (10), pp. 2966 - 2973 (2007)
Journal Article
Kusebauch, U.; Lorenz, L.; Cadamuro, S. A.; Musiol, H. J.; Len, M. O.; Renner, C.; Wachtveitl, J.; Moroder, L.: Light-switchable folding/unfolding of the collagen triple helix with azobenzene-containing model peptides. Biopolymers 88 (4 Sp. Iss. Sp. Iss. SI), p. 532 - 532 (2007)
Journal Article
Pfizer, J. M.; Assfalg-Machleidt, I.; Machleidt, W.; Moroder, L.; Schaschke, N.: Primed-site Probing of Papain-like Cysteine Proteases. Int. J. Peptide Res. & Therapeut. 13 (1-2), pp. 93 - 104 (2007)
Journal Article
Purrucker, O.; Gönnewein, S.; Förtig, A.; Jordan, R.; Rusp, M.; Bärmann, M.; Moroder, L.; Sackmann, E.; Tanaka, M.: Polymer-tethered membranes as quantitative models for the study of integrin-mediated cell adhesion. Soft Matter, DOI: 10.1039/b612069e (2007)
Journal Article
Weiss, A.; del Pino, P.; Bertsch, U.; Renner, C.; Mentler, M.; Grantner, K.; Moroder, L.; Kretzschmar, H.A.; Parak, F.G.: The configuration of the Cu2+ binding region in full-length human prion protein compared with the isolated octapeptide. Veterinary Microbiology 123, pp. 358 - 366 (2007)
Journal Article
Langer, I.; Tikhonova, I. G.; Boulègue, C.; Esteve, J. P.; Vatinel, S.; Ferrand, A.; Pradayrol, L.; Moroder, L.; Robberecht, P.; Fourmy, D.: A new mechanism of G protein coupled receptor regulation through direct interaction between RGS2 and phosphorylated C-terminus of cholecystokinin receptor. Regulatory Peptides 135 (3), p. 140 - 140 (2006)
Journal Article
Cordelier, P.; Estève, J. P.; Najib, S.; Moroder, L.; Vaysse, N.; Pradayrol, L.; Susini, C.; Buscail, L.: Regulation of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase activity by somatostatin analogs following SST5 somatostatin receptor activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (28), pp. 19156 - 19171 (2006)
Journal Article
Groll, M.; Götz, M.; Kaiser, M.; Weyher, E.; Moroder, L.: TMC-95-based inhibitor design provides evidence for the catalytic versatility of the proteasome. Chemistry & Biology 13 (6), pp. 607 - 614 (2006)
Journal Article
Renner, C.; Moroder, L.: Azobenzene as conformational switch in model peptides. ChemBioChem 7 (6), pp. 869 - 878 (2006)
Journal Article
Boulègue, C.; Milbradt, A. G.; Renner, C.; Moroder, L.: Single proline residues can dictate the oxidative folding pathways of cysteine-rich peptides. Journal of Molecular Biology 358 (3), pp. 846 - 856 (2006)
Journal Article
Gonscherowski, V.; Becker, B. F.; Moroder, L.; Motrescu, E.; Gil-Parrado, S.; Gloe, T.; Keller, M.; Zahler, S.: Calpains: a physiological regulator of the endothelial barrier? American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 290 (5), pp. H2035 - H2042 (2006)
Journal Article
Löweneck, M.; Milbradt, A. G.; Root, C.; Satzger, H.; Zinth, W.; Moroder, L.; Renner, C.: A conformational two-state peptide model system containing an ultrafast but soft light switch. Biophysical Journal 90 (6), pp. 2099 - 2108 (2006)
Journal Article
Dong, S. L.; Löweneck, M.; Schrader, T. E.; Schreier, W. J.; Zinth, W.; Moroder, L.; Renner, C.: A photocontrolled beta-hairpin peptide. Chemistry-A European Journal 12 (4), pp. 1114 - 1120 (2006)
Journal Article
Boulègue, C.; Musiol, H.-J.; Prasad, V.; Moroder, L.: Synthesis of cystine-rich peptides. Chemistry Today 24, pp. 24 - 36 (2006)
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