Book Chapter (34)

Book Chapter
Witt, S.; Baumeister, W.: Proteasomes: Molecular Machines for Protein Degradation. In: Biopolymers, pp. 439 - 464 (Eds. Steinbüchel, A.; Fahnestock, S. R.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2002)
Book Chapter
Zwickl, P.: The 20S proteasome. In: The Proteasome-Ubiquitin Protein Degradation, pp. 23 - 41 (Eds. Zwickl, P.; Baumeister, W.). SPRINGER-VERLAG, BERLIN HEIDELBERG (2002)
Book Chapter
Zwickl, P.; Seemüller, E.; Kapelari, B.; Baumeister, W.: The proteasome: A supramolecular assembly designed for controlled proteolysis. In: PROTEIN FOLDING IN THE CELL, pp. 187 - 222 (Eds. Richards, F. M.; Eisenberg, D. S.; Kuriyan, J.). ACADEMIC PRESS INC, SAN DIEGO (2002)
Book Chapter
Tampe, R.; Urlinger, S.; Pawlitschko, K.; Uebel, S.: The Transporters associated with Antigen Processing (TAP), Chapter 4. In: Unusual Secretory Pathways: From Bacteria to Man, pp. 115 - 136 (Eds. Holland; Kuchler, K.; Rubartelli, A.; B.). Landes Bioscience, Austin, TX (1997)

Conference Paper (9)

Conference Paper
Zhao, Y.; Zeng, X.; Guo, Q.; Xu, M.: An integration of fast alignment and maximum-likelihood methods for electron subtomogram averaging and classification. 26th Annual Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Chicago, IL, July 06, 2018 - July 10, 2018. Bioinformatics 34 (13), pp. i227 - i236 (2018)
Conference Paper
Zhou, B.; Guo, Q.; Wang, K.; Zeng, X.; Gao, X.; Xu, M.: Feature Decomposition Based Saliency Detection in Electron Cryo-Tomograms. In: 2018 IEEE International Conference onBioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM): proceedings, pp. 2467 - 2473. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Madrid, SPAIN, December 03, 2018 - December 06, 2018. IEEE (2018)
Conference Paper
Chen, Y.; Hrabe, T.; Pfeffer, S.; Pauly, O.; Mateus, D.; Navab, N.; Förster, F.: Detection and identification of macromolecular complexes in cryo-electron tomograms using support vector machines. In: Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 1373 - 1376. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) - From Nano to Macro Location, Barcelona, Spain, May 02, 2012 - May 05, 2012. IEEE Xplore (2012)
Conference Paper
Mertig, M.; Kirsch, R.; Wahl, R.; Gerbatsch, A.; Engelhardt, H.; Pompe, W.: Formation of regular metallic nano-cluster arrays on bacterial surface layers. In: Proceedings of the 4th Intern. Conference on Intelligent Materials, pp. 334 - 335 (Eds. Tagaki, E. b. T.; Aizaiwa, M.; Okano, T.; Shinya, N.). 4th Intern. Conf.on Intelligent Materials. Intelligent Materials Forum, Tokyo (1998)
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
Jakubowski, U.: Carbon (C60) Embedding. A New Preparation Method for Electron Microscopy of Biological Macromolecules. Electron Microscopy 1994, Paris, France., (1994)
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
Chalcroft, J. P.: A Simple Inexpensive Cyro Transfer Holder for the Philips EM 400 Series. Proc. Roy. Micr. Soc., Cambridge/England., (1985)

Meeting Abstract (20)

Meeting Abstract
Baumeister, W.: Structural biology in situ: the promise and challenges of cryo-electron tomography. In FEBS Open Bio, 11, p. 22 - 22. Wiley (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Karnicar, K.; Turk, M.; Cernic, M.; Vidmar, R.; Baumeister, W.; Turk, D.: Structural insight in the complex between major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and invariant chain. In FEBS Open Bio, 11, p. 443 - 443. Wiley (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Zabret, J.; Bohn, S.; Schuller, S. K.; Moeller, M.; Meier-Credo, J.; Liauw, P.; Chan, A.; Tajkhorshid, E.; Langer, J. D.; Krieger-Liszkay, A. et al.; Engel, B. D.; Rudack, T.; Schuller, J. M.; Nowaczyk, M. M.: CryoEM structure of PSII assembly intermediate: insights into the role of auxiliary proteins. In FEBS Open Bio, 11, p. 86 - 86. Wiley (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Mahamid, J.; Chakraborty, S.; Baumeister, W.: Modulation of Microtubule Curvature under Different Cellular Conditions Revealed by In-Cell Ceryo-Electron Tomography. In Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts), 116 (3, Suppl. 1), p. 257A - 257A. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Baltimore, MD, March 02, 2019 - March 06, 2019. Biophysical Society, Bethesda, MD (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Di Palma, F.; Ramaswamy, V. K.; Daino, G.; Frau, A.; Corona, A.; Zinzula, L.; Tramontano, E.; Ruggerone, P.; Vargiu, A.: Insights into Ebola VP35 oligomerization from molecular simulations. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 255, 356. 255th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) - Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water, New Orleans, LA, March 18, 2018 - March 22, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Kochanek, S.; Huang, B.; Seefelder, M.; Engler, T.; Cheng, J.; Baumeister, W.; Guo, Q.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: The cryo-electron microscopy structure of huntingtin. In Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 89 (Suppl 1), p. A5 - A5. Plenary Meeting of the European-Huntington's-Disease-Network (EHDN), Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2018. BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: Unravelling the structure of toxic protein aggregates in situ. In The FEBS Journal, 284, p. 48 - 48. 42nd Congress of the Federation-of-European-Biochemical-Societies (FEBS) on From Molecules to Cells and Back, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, September 10, 2017 - September 14, 2017. Wiley-Blackwell (2017)
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