
Journal Article (28)

Journal Article
Hedderich, D. M.; Menegaux, A.; Li, H.; Schmitz-Koep, B.; Staempfli, P.; Baeuml, J. G.; Berndt, M. T.; Bäuerlein, F. J. B.; Grothe, M. J.; Dyrba, M. et al.; Avram, M.; Boecker, H.; Daamen, M.; Zimmer, C.; Bartmann, P.; Wolke, D.; Sorg, C.: Aberrant Claustrum Microstructure in Humans after Premature Birth. Cerebral Cortex 31 (12), pp. 5549 - 5559 (2021)
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Kazman, P.; Absmeier, R. M.; Engelhardt, H.; Buchner, J.: Dissection of the amyloid formation pathway in AL amyloidosis. Nature Communications 12 (1), 6516 (2021)
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Moebel, E.; Martinez-Sanchez, A.; Lamm, L.; Righetto, R. D.; Wietrzynski, W.; Albert, S.; Lariviere, D.; Fourmentin, E.; Pfeffer, S.; Ortiz, J. O. et al.; Baumeister, W.; Peng, T.; Engel, B. D.; Kervrann, C.: Deep learning improves macromolecule identification in 3D cellular cryo-electron tomograms. Nature Methods 18, pp. 1386 - 1394 (2021)
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Bäuerlein, F. J. B.; Baumeister, W.: Towards Visual Proteomics at High Resolution. Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (20), 167187 (2021)
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Mickoleit, F.; Rosenfeldt, S.; Toro-Nahuelpan, M.; Schaffer, M.; Schenk, A. S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Schueler, D.: High-Yield Production, Characterization, and Functionalization of Recombinant Magnetosomes in the Synthetic Bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum “magneticum”. Advanced Biology 5 (9), 2101017 (2021)
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Xu, P.; Mahamid, J.; Dombrowski, M.; Baumeister, W.; Olins, A. L.; Olins, D. E.: Interphase epichromatin: last refuge for the 30-nm chromatin fiber? Chromosoma 130 (2-3), pp. 91 - 102 (2021)
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Wilfling, F.; Lee, C.-W.; Erdmann, P. S.; Baumeister, W.: Autophagy ENDing unproductive phase-separated endocytic protein deposits. Autophagy 17 (10), pp. 3264 - 3265 (2021)
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Sakata, E.; Eisele, M. R.; Baumeister, W.: Molecular and cellular dynamics of the 26S proteasome. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 1869 (3), 140583 (2021)
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Bieber, A.; Capitanio, C.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J.; Erdmann, P. S.: Sample Preparation by 3D-Correlative Focused Ion Beam Milling for High-Resolution Cryo-Electron Tomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (176), e62886 (2021)
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Burbaum, L.; Schneider, J.; Scholze, S.; Böttcher, R. T.; Baumeister, W.; Schwille, P.; Plitzko, J. M.; Jasnin, M.: Molecular-scale visualization of sarcomere contraction within native cardiomyocytes. Nature Communications 12 (1), 4086 (2021)
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Chen, Y.; Wang, Y.-H.; Zheng, Y.; Li, M.; Wang, B.; Wang, Q.-W.; Fu, C.-L.; Liu, Y.-N.; Li, X.; Yao, J.: Synaptotagmin-1 interacts with PI(4,5)P2 to initiate synaptic vesicle docking in hippocampal neurons. Cell Reports 34 (11), 108842 (2021)
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Erdmann, P. S.; Hou, Z.; Klumpe, S.; Khavnekar, S.; Beck, F.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: In situ cryo-electron tomography reveals gradient organization of ribosome biogenesis in intact nucleoli. Nature Communications 12 (1), 5364 (2021)
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Gupta, T. K.; Klumpe, S.; Gries, K.; Heinz, S.; Wietrzynski, W.; Ohnishi, N.; Niemeyer, J.; Spaniol, B.; Schaffer, M.; Rast, A. et al.; Ostermeier, M.; Strauss, M.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Rudack, T.; Sakamoto, W.; Nickelsen, J.; Schuller, J. M.; Schroda, M.; Engel, B. D.: Structural basis for VIPP1 oligomerization and maintenance of thylakoid membrane integrity. Cell 184 (14), pp. 3643 - 3659.e23 (2021)
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Huang, B.; Guo, Q.; Niedermeier, M. L.; Cheng, J.; Engler, T.; Maurer, M.; Pautsch, A.; Baumeister, W.; Stengel, F.; Kochanek, S. et al.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: Pathological polyQ expansion does not alter the conformation of the Huntingtin-HAP40 complex. Structure 29 (8), pp. 804 - 809 (2021)
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Klumpe, S.; Fung, H. K. H.; Goetz, S. K.; Zagoriy, I.; Hampoelz, B.; Zhang, X.; Erdmann, P. S.; Baumbach, J.; Mueller, C. W.; Beck, M. et al.; Plitzko, J. M.; Mahamid, J.: A modular platform for automated cryo-FIB workflows. eLife 10, e70506 (2021)
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Li, H.; Menegaux, A.; Schmitz-Koep, B.; Neubauer, A.; Bäuerlein, F. J. B.; Shit, S.; Sorg, C.; Menze, B.; Hedderich, D.: Automated claustrum segmentation in human brain MRI using deep learning. Human Brain Mapping 42 (18), pp. 5862 - 5872 (2021)
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Liu, Z.; Gao, J.; Cui, Y.; Klumpe, S.; Xiang, Y.; Erdmann, P. S.; Jiang, L.: Membrane imaging in the plant endomembrane system. Plant Physiology 185 (3), pp. 562 - 576 (2021)
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Martinez Sanchez, A.; Laugks, U.; Kochovski, Z.; Papantoniou, C.; Zinzula, L.; Baumeister, W.; Lucic, V.: Trans-synaptic assemblies link synaptic vesicles and neuroreceptors. Science Advances 7 (10), eabe6204 (2021)
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Pöge, M.; Mahamid, J.; Imanishi, S. S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Palczewski, K.; Baumeister, W.: Determinants shaping the nanoscale architecture of the mouse rod outer segment. eLife 10, e72817 (2021)
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