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Zeitschriftenartikel (168)

El Fissi, N.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Chang, K.; Wilhalm, A.; Barton-Owen, T.; Hansen, F. M.; Golder, Z.; Alsina, D.; Wedell, A.; Mann, M. et al.; Chinnery, P. F.; Freyer, C.; Wredenberg, A.: Preventing excessive autophagy protects from the pathology of mtDNA mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10719 (2024)
Ke, Z.; Peacock, T. P.; Brown, J. C.; Sheppard, C. M.; Croll, T. I.; Kotecha, A.; Goldhill, D. H.; Barclay, W. S.; Briggs, J. A. G.: Virion morphology and on-virus spike protein structures of diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants. The EMBO Journal 43 (24), S. 6469 - 6495 (2024)
He, F.; Aebersold, R.; Baker, M. S.; Bian, X.; Bo, X.; Chan, D. W.; Chang, C.; Chen, L.; Chen, X.; Chen, Y.-J. et al.; Cheng, H.; Collins, B. C.; Corrales, F.; Cox, J.; E, W.; Van Eyk, J. E.; Fan, J.; Faridi, P.; Figeys, D.; Gao, G. F.; Gao, W.; Gao, Z.-H.; Goda, K.; Goh, W. W. B.; Gu, D.; Guo, C.; Guo, T.; He, Y.; Heck, A. J. R.; Hermjakob, H.; Hunter, T.; Iyer, N. G.; Jiang, Y.; Jimenez, C. R.; Joshi, L.; Kelleher, N. L.; Li, M.; Li, Y.; Lin, Q.; Liu, C. H.; Liu, F.; Liu, G.-H.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Low, T. Y.; Lu, B.; Mann, M.; Meng, A.; Moritz, R. L.; Nice, E.; Ning, G.; Omenn, G. S.; Overall, C. M.; Palmisano, G.; Peng, Y.; Pineau, C.; Poon, T. C. W.; Purcell, A. W.; Qiao, J.; Reddel, R. R.; Robinson, P. J.; Roncada, P.; Sander, C.; Sha, J.; Song, E.; Srivastava, S.; Sun, A.; Sze, S. K.; Tang, C.; Tang, L.; Tian, R.; Vizcaíno, J. A.; Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Weiss, T.; Wilhelm, M.; Winkler, R.; Wollscheid, B.; Wong, L.; Xie, L.; Xie, W.; Xu, T.; Xu, T.; Yan, L.; Yang, J.; Yang, X.; Yates, J.; Yun, T.; Zhai, Q.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, Y.; Zheng, Y. Z.; Zhong, Q.; Zhu, Y.; Chan, D. W.; Tan, C. S. H.; E, W.; Van Eyk, J. E.; Gao, M.; Gao, Q.; Gao, Y.; Guo, X.; He, J.; He, J.; He, Q.-Y.; Hou, J.; Huang, C.; Jia, C.; Kuster, B.; Li, C.; Li, D.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, S.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Lu, H.; Nie, Y.; Okada, M.; Qian, G.; Qin, H.; Rao, Y.; Rao, Z.; Ren, X.; Ren, Y.; Shen, F.; Shen, L.; Su, S.; Tan, M.; Tang, B. Z.; Tao, S.-C.; Wang, J.; Wang, T.; Wei, L.; Wong, C. C. L.; Xie, X. S.; Xu, L.; Xu, P.; Xu, T.; Yang, H.; Yang, J.; Ye, M.; Ying, W.; Yu, X.; Yuan, Y.; Zeng, Q.; Zhan, Q.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhong, N.-S.; Zhou, F.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, Z.: π-HuB: The proteomic navigator of the human body. Nature 636 (8402), S. 322 - 331 (2024)
Nordmann, T. M.; Mund, A.; Mann, M.: A new understanding of tissue biology from MS-based proteomics at single-cell resolution. Nature Methods 21 (12), S. 2220 - 2222 (2024)
Schiotz, O. H.; Klumpe, S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Kaiser, C. J. O.: Cryo-electron tomography: en route to the molecular anatomy of organisms and tissues. Biochemical Society Transactions 52 (6), S. 2415 - 2425 (2024)
Gravett, M. S. C.; Klebl, D. P.; Harlen, O. G.; Read, D. J.; Muench, S. P.; Harris, S. A.; Peckham, M.: Exploiting cryo-EM structures of actomyosin-5a to reveal the physical properties of its lever. Structure 32 (12), S. 2316 - 2324 (2024)
Hickey, K. L.; Panov, A.; Whelan, E. M.; Schäfer, T.; Mizrak, A.; Kopito, R. R.; Baumeister, W.; Fernández-Busnadiego, R.; Harper, J. W.: Temporal control of acute protein aggregate turnover by UBE3C and NRF1-dependent proteasomal pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (50), e2417390121 (2024)
Albrecht, V.; Müller-Reif, J. B.; Nordmann, T. M.; Mund, A.; Schweizer, L.; Geyer, P. E.; Niu, L.; Wang, J.; Post, F.; Oeller, M. et al.; Metousis, A.; Nielsen, A. B.; Steger, M.; Albrechtsen, N. J. W.; Mann, M.: Bridging the Gap From Proteomics Technology to Clinical Application: Highlights From the 68th Benzon Foundation Symposium. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 23 (12), 100877 (2024)
Bondarieva, A.; Tachibana, K.: Genome folding and zygotic genome activation in mammalian preimplantation embryos. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 89, 102268 (2024)
Kamps, J.; Yuste-Checa, P.; Mamashli, F.; Schmitz, M.; Herrera, M. G.; da Silva Correia, S. M.; Gogte, K.; Bader, V.; Zerr, I.; Hartl, F. U. et al.; Bracher, A.; Winklhofer, K. F.; Tatzelt, J.: Regulated Proteolysis Induces Aberrant Phase Transition of Biomolecular Condensates into Aggregates: A Protective Role for the Chaperone Clusterin. Journal of Molecular Biology 436 (23), 168839 (2024)
Khavnekar, S.; Erdmann, P. S.; Wan, W.: TOMOMAN: A software package for large-scale cryo-electron tomography data preprocessing, community data sharing and collaborative computing. Journal of Applied Crystallography 57, S. 2010 - 2016 (2024)
Wales, T. E.; Pajak, A.; Roeselova, A.; Shivakumaraswamy, S.; Howell, S.; Kjaer, S.; Hartl, F. U.; Engen, J. R.; Balchin, D.: Resolving chaperone-assisted protein folding on the ribosome at the peptide level. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31 (12), S. 1888 - 1897 (2024)
Wirth, F.; Zoeller, C.; Lubosch, A.; Schroeder-Braunstein, J.; Wabnitz, G.; Nakchbandi, I. A.: Insights into the metastatic bone marrow niche gained from fibronectin and ß1 integrin transgenic mice. Neoplasia 58, 101058 (2024)
Guo, S. S.; Liu, Z.; Wang, G. M.; Sun, Z.; Yu, K.; Fawcett, J. P.; Buettner, R.; Gao, B.; Fässler, R.: KANK1 promotes breast cancer development by compromising Scribble-mediated Hippo activation. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10381 (2024)
Hernandez-Cedeno, M.; Rodriguez-Ulloa, A.; Ramos, Y.; Gonzalez, L. J.; Serrano-Diaz, A.; Zettl, K.; Wiśniewski, J. R.; Martinez-Donato, G.; Guillen-Nieto, G.; Besada, V. et al.; Dominguez-Horta, M. d. C.: Proteomic Profile Regulated by the Immunomodulatory Jusvinza Drug in Neutrophils Isolated from Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Biomedicines 12 (12), 2740 (2024)
Reverte-López, M.; Kanwa, N.; Qutbuddin, Y.; Belousova, V.; Jasnin, M.; Schwille, P.: Self-organized spatial targeting of contractile actomyosin rings for synthetic cell division. Nature Communications 15, 10415 (2024)
Zinzula, L.; Beck, F.; Camasta, M.; Bohn, S.; Liu, C.; Morado, D.; Bracher, A.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: Cryo-EM structure of single-layered nucleoprotein-RNA complex from Marburg virus. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10307 (2024)
Cankar, N.; Beschorner, N.; Tsopanidou, A.; Qvist, F. L.; Andersen, M.; Kjaerby, C.; Delle, C.; Lambert, M.; Mundt, F.; Weikop, P. et al.; Jucker, M.; Mann, M.; Colac, A. R.; Skotte, N. H.; Nedergaard, M.: Sleep deprivation leads to non-adaptive alterations in sleep microarchitecture and amyloid-b accumulation in a murine Alzheimer model. Cell Reports 43 (11), 114977 (2024)
Reimão-Pinto, M. M.; Behrens, A.; Forcelloni, S.; Fröhlich, K.; Kaya, S.; Nedialkova, D. D.: The dynamics and functional impact of tRNA repertoires during early embryogenesis in zebrafish. The EMBO Journal 43 (22), S. 5747 - 5779 (2024)
Sharma, N.; Coticchio, G.; Borini, A.; Tachibana, K.; Nasmyth, K. A.; Schuh, M.: Changes in DNA repair compartments and cohesin loss promote DNA damage accumulation in aged oocytes. Current Biology 34 (22), S. 5131 - 5148 (2024)
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