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Zeitschriftenartikel (246)

Erben, A.; Hoerning, M.; Hartmann, B.; Becke, T.; Eisler, S. A.; Southan, A.; Cranz, S.; Hayden, O.; Kneidinger, N.; Koenigshoff, M. et al.; Lindner, M.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Burgstaller, G.; Clausen-Schaumann, H.; Sudhop, S.; Heymann, M.: Precision 3D-Printed Cell Scaffolds Mimicking Native Tissue Composition and Mechanics. Advanced Healthcare Materials 9 (24), 2000918 (2020)
Bäuerlein, F. J. B.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.; Baumeister, W.: Investigating the Structure of Neurotoxic Protein Aggregates Inside Cells. Trends in Cell Biology 30 (12), S. 951 - 966 (2020)
Borner, G. H. H.: Spatial Proteomics: A Gateway to Understanding Cell Biology. Proteomics 20 (23, SI), 1900328 (2020)
Karayel, O.; Michaelis, A. C.; Mann, M.; Schulman, B. A.; Langlois, C. R.: DIA-based systems biology approach unveils E3 ubiquitin ligase-dependent responses to a metabolic shift. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (51), 202020197 (2020)
Liu, J. J.; Chiu, Y.-T.; Chen, C.; Huang, P.; Mann, M.; Liu-Chen, L.-Y.: Pharmacological and phosphoproteomic approaches to roles of protein kinase C in kappa opioid receptor-mediated effects in mice. Neuropharmacology 181, 108324 (2020)
Palor, M.; Stejskal, L.; Mandal, P.; Lenman, A.; Alberione, M. P.; Kirui, J.; Moeller, R.; Ebner, S.; Meissner, F.; Gerold, G. et al.; Shepherd, A. J.; Grove, J.: Cholesterol sensing by CD81 is important for hepatitis C virus entry. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (50), S. 16931 - 16948 (2020)
Schueder, F.; Unterauer, E. M.; Ganji, M.; Jungmann, R.: DNA‐Barcoded Fluorescence Microscopy for Spatial Omics. Proteomics 20 (23, SI), 1900368 (2020)
Winther-Sorensen, M.; Galsgaard, K. D.; Santos, A.; Trammell, S. A. J.; Sulek, K.; Kuhre, R. E.; Pedersen, J.; Andersen, D. B.; Hassing, A. S.; Dall, M. et al.; Treebak, J. T.; Gillum, M. P.; Torekov, S. S.; Windelov, J. A.; Hunt, J. E.; Kjeldsen, S. A. S.; Jepsen, S. L.; Vasilopoulou, C. G.; Knop, F. K.; Orskov, C.; Werge, M. P.; Bisgaard, H. C.; Eriksen, P. L.; Vilstrup, H.; Gluud, L. L.; Holst, J. J.; Albrechtsen, N. J. W.: Glucagon acutely regulates hepatic amino acid catabolism and the effect may be disturbed by steatosis. Molecular Metabolism 42, 101080 (2020)
Fenske, S.; Hennis, K.; Rotzer, R. D.; Brox, V. F.; Becirovic, E.; Scharr, A.; Gruner, C.; Ziegler, T.; Mehlfeld, V.; Brennan, J. et al.; Efimov, I. R.; Pauza, A. G.; Moser, M.; Wotjak, C. T.; Kupatt, C.; Gonner, R.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, H. G.; Zong, X. G.; Biel, M.; Wahl-Schott, C.: cAMP-dependent regulation of HCN4 controls the tonic entrainment process in sinoatrial node pacemaker cells. Nature Communications 11 (1), 5555 (2020)
Batista, T. M.; Jayavelu, A. K.; Wewer Albrechtsen, N. J.; Iovino, S.; Lebastchi, J.; Pan, H.; Dreyfuss, J. M.; Krook, A.; Zierath, J. R.; Mann, M. et al.; Kahn, C. R.: A Cell-Autonomous Signature of Dysregulated Protein Phosphorylation Underlies Muscle Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes. Cell Metabolism 32 (5), S. 844 - 859.e5 (2020)
Ganzinger, K. A.; Merino-Salomon, A.; Garcia-Soriano, D. A.; Butterfield, N. A.; Litschel, T.; Siedler, F.; Schwille, P.: FtsZ Reorganization Facilitates Deformation of Giant Vesicles in Microfluidic Traps. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (48), S. 21372 - 21376 (2020)
Orsini, S. S.; James, K. L.; Reyes, D. J.; Couto-Rodriguez, R. L.; Kolog Gulko, M.; Witte, A.; Carroll, R. K.; Rice, K. C.: Bacterial‐like nitric oxide synthase in the haloalkaliphilic archaeon Natronomonas pharaonis. MicrobiologyOpen 9 (11), e1124 (2020)
Andreieva, Y.; Petroyska, Y.; Lyzak, O.; Liu, W.; Kang, Y.; Dmytruk, K.; Sibirny, A.: Role of the regulatory genes SEF1, VMA1 and SFU1 in riboflavin synthesis in the flavinogenic yeast Candida famata (Candida flareri). Yeast 37 (9-10, SI: ISSY35), S. 497 - 504 (2020)
Brockman, J. M.; Su, H.; Blanchard, A. T.; Duan, Y.; Meyer, T.; Quach, M. E.; Glazier, R.; Bazrafshan, A.; Bender, R. L.; Kellner, A. V. et al.; Ogasawara, H.; Ma, R.; Schueder, F.; Petrich, B. G.; Jungmann, R.; Li, R.; Mattheyses, A. L.; Ke, Y.; Salaita, K.: Live-cell super-resolved PAINT imaging of piconewton cellular traction forces. Nature Methods 17, S. 1018 - 1024 (2020)
Flecken, M.; Wang, H.; Popilka, L.; Hartl, F. U.; Bracher, A.; Hayer-Hartl, M.: Dual Functions of a Rubisco Activase in Metabolic Repair and Recruitment to Carboxysomes. Cell 183 (2), S. 457 - 473.e20 (2020)
Petrovska, Y.; Lyzak, O.; Dmytruk, K.; Sibirny, A.: Effect of Gene SFU1 on Riboflavin Synthesis in Flavinogenic Yeast Candida famata. Cytology and Genetics 54 (5), S. 408 - 412 (2020)
Allegretti, M.; Zimmerli, C. E.; Rantos, V.; Wilfling, F.; Ronchi, P.; Fung, H. K. H.; Lee, C.-W.; Hagen, W.; Turonova, B.; Karius, K. et al.; Boermel, M.; Zhang, X.; Mueller, C. W.; Schwab, Y.; Mahamid, J.; Pfander, B.; Kosinski, J.; Beck, M.: In-cell architecture of the nuclear pore and snapshots of its turnover. Nature 586, S. 796 - 800 (2020)
Chakraborty, S.; Jasnin, M.; Baumeister, W.: Corrigendum to “Three‐dimensional organization of the cytoskeleton: A cryo‐electron tomography perspective”. Protein Science 29, S. 2132 - 2133 (2020)
Faber, H.; Kurtoic, D.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Weber, P.; Puetz, B.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Weber, F.; Andlauer, T. F. M.: Gene Expression in Spontaneous Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Is Linked to Human Multiple Sclerosis Risk Genes. Frontiers in immunology 11, 2165 (2020)
Brod, F.; Fässler, R.: A FAK conundrum is solved: activation and organization of focal adhesion kinase at the plasma membrane. EMBO Journal 39, e106234 (2020)
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