Publikationen von Jürgen M. Plitzko

Zeitschriftenartikel (118)

Kraus, F.; He, Y.; Swarup, S.; Overmyer, K. A.; Jiang, Y.; Brenner, J.; Capitanio, C.; Bieber, A.; Jen, A.; Nightingale, N. M. et al.; Anderson, B. J.; Lee, C.; Paulo, J. A.; Smith, I. R.; Plitzko, J. M.; Gygi, S. P.; Schulman, B. A.; Wilfling, F.; Coon, J. J.; Harper, J. W.: Global cellular proteo-lipidomic profiling of diverse lysosomal storage disease mutants using nMOST. Science Advances 11 (4), eadu5787 (2025)
Xu, P.; Schumacher, D.; Liu, C.; Harms, A.; Dickmanns, M.; Beck, F.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Søgaard-Andersen, L.: In situ architecture of a nucleoid-associated biomolecular co-condensate that regulates bacterial cell division. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 122 (1), e2419610121 (2025)
Klumpe, S.; Senti, K. A.; Beck, F.; Sachweh, J.; Hampoelz, B.; Ronchi, P.; Oorschot, V.; Brandstetter, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Briggs, J. A. G. et al.; Brennecke, J.; Beck, M.; Plitzko, J. M.: In-cell structure and snapshots of copia retrotransposons in intact tissue by cryoelectron tomography. Cell (2025)
Schiotz, O. H.; Klumpe, S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Kaiser, C. J. O.: Cryo-electron tomography: en route to the molecular anatomy of organisms and tissues. Biochemical Society Transactions 52 (6), S. 2415 - 2425 (2024)
Zinzula, L.; Beck, F.; Camasta, M.; Bohn, S.; Liu, C.; Morado, D.; Bracher, A.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: Cryo-EM structure of single-layered nucleoprotein-RNA complex from Marburg virus. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10307 (2024)
Schiotz, O. H.; Kaiser, C. J. O.; Klumpe, S.; Morado, D. R.; Poege, M.; Schneider, J.; Beck, F.; Klebl, D. P.; Thompson, C.; Plitzko, J. M.: Serial Lift-Out: Sampling the molecular anatomy of whole organisms. Nature Methods 21 (9), S. 1684 - 1692 (2024)
Khavnekar, S.; Wan, W.; Majumder, P.; Wietrzynski, W.; Erdmann, P. S.; Plitzko, J. M.: Multishot tomography for high-resolution in situ subtomogram averaging. Journal of Structural Biology 215 (1), 107911 (2023)
Dumoux, M.; Glen, T.; Smith, J. L. R.; Ho, E. M. L.; Perdigao, L. M. A.; Pennington, A.; Klump, S.; Yee, N. B. Y.; Farmer, D. A.; Lai, P. Y. A. et al.; Bowles, W.; Kelley, R.; Plitzko, J. M.; Wu, L.; Basham, M.; Clare, D. K.; Siebert, C. A.; Darrow, M. C.; Naismith, J. H.; Grange, M.; Zanetti, G.: Cryo-plasma FIB/SEM volume imaging of biological specimens. eLife 12, e83623 (2023)
Van den Hoek, H.; Klena, N.; Jordan, M. A.; Viar, G. A.; Righetto, R. D.; Schaffer, M.; Erdmann, P. S.; Wan, W.; Geimer, S.; Plitzko, J. M. et al.; Baumeister, W.; Pigino, G.; Hamel, V.; Guichard, P.; Engel, B. D.: In situ architecture of the ciliary base reveals the stepwise assembly of intraflagellar transport trains. Science 377 (6605), S. 543 - 548 (2022)
Boltje, D. B.; Hoogenboom, J. P.; Jakobi, A. J.; Jensen, G. J.; Jonker, C. T. H.; Kaag, M. J.; Koster, A. J.; Last, M. G. F.; Pinto, C. d. A.; Plitzko, J. M. et al.; Raunser, S.; Tacke, S.; Wang, Z.; van der Wee, E. B.; Wepf, R.; den Hoedt, S.; Pfeffer, S. R.: A cryogenic, coincident fluorescence, electron, and ion beam microscope. eLife 11, e82891 (2022)
Toro-Nahuelpan, M.; Plitzko, J. M.; Schueler, D.; Pfeiffer, D.: In vivo Architecture of the Polar Organizing Protein Z (PopZ) Meshwork in the Alphaproteobacteria Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense and Caulobacter crescentus. Journal of Molecular Biology 434 (5), 167423 (2022)
Khavnekar, S.; Vrbovská, V.; Zaoralová, M.; Kelley, R.; Beck, F.; Klumpe, S.; Kotecha, A.; Plitzko, J.; Erdmann, P. S.: Optimizing Cryo-FIB Lamellas for sub-5Å in situ Structural Biology. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2022)
Klumpe, S.; Kuba, J.; Schioetz, O. H.; Erdmann, P. S.; Rigort, A.; Plitzko, J. M.: Recent Advances in Gas Injection System-Free Cryo-FIB Lift-Out Transfer for Cryo-Electron Tomography of Multicellular Organisms and Tissues. Microscopy Today 30, S. 42 - 47 (2022)
Mickoleit, F.; Rosenfeldt, S.; Toro-Nahuelpan, M.; Schaffer, M.; Schenk, A. S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Schueler, D.: High-Yield Production, Characterization, and Functionalization of Recombinant Magnetosomes in the Synthetic Bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum “magneticum”. Advanced Biology 5 (9), 2101017 (2021)
Bieber, A.; Capitanio, C.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J.; Erdmann, P. S.: Sample Preparation by 3D-Correlative Focused Ion Beam Milling for High-Resolution Cryo-Electron Tomography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (176), e62886 (2021)
Burbaum, L.; Schneider, J.; Scholze, S.; Böttcher, R. T.; Baumeister, W.; Schwille, P.; Plitzko, J. M.; Jasnin, M.: Molecular-scale visualization of sarcomere contraction within native cardiomyocytes. Nature Communications 12 (1), 4086 (2021)
Erdmann, P. S.; Hou, Z.; Klumpe, S.; Khavnekar, S.; Beck, F.; Wilfling, F.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: In situ cryo-electron tomography reveals gradient organization of ribosome biogenesis in intact nucleoli. Nature Communications 12 (1), 5364 (2021)
Gupta, T. K.; Klumpe, S.; Gries, K.; Heinz, S.; Wietrzynski, W.; Ohnishi, N.; Niemeyer, J.; Spaniol, B.; Schaffer, M.; Rast, A. et al.; Ostermeier, M.; Strauss, M.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Rudack, T.; Sakamoto, W.; Nickelsen, J.; Schuller, J. M.; Schroda, M.; Engel, B. D.: Structural basis for VIPP1 oligomerization and maintenance of thylakoid membrane integrity. Cell 184 (14), S. 3643 - 3659.e23 (2021)
Klumpe, S.; Fung, H. K. H.; Goetz, S. K.; Zagoriy, I.; Hampoelz, B.; Zhang, X.; Erdmann, P. S.; Baumbach, J.; Mueller, C. W.; Beck, M. et al.; Plitzko, J. M.; Mahamid, J.: A modular platform for automated cryo-FIB workflows. eLife 10, e70506 (2021)
Pöge, M.; Mahamid, J.; Imanishi, S. S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Palczewski, K.; Baumeister, W.: Determinants shaping the nanoscale architecture of the mouse rod outer segment. eLife 10, e72817 (2021)
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