Publikationen von W. Wietrzynski

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Khavnekar, S.; Wan, W.; Majumder, P.; Wietrzynski, W.; Erdmann, P. S.; Plitzko, J. M.: Multishot tomography for high-resolution in situ subtomogram averaging. Journal of Structural Biology 215 (1), 107911 (2023)
Gupta, T. K.; Klumpe, S.; Gries, K.; Heinz, S.; Wietrzynski, W.; Ohnishi, N.; Niemeyer, J.; Spaniol, B.; Schaffer, M.; Rast, A. et al.; Ostermeier, M.; Strauss, M.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Rudack, T.; Sakamoto, W.; Nickelsen, J.; Schuller, J. M.; Schroda, M.; Engel, B. D.: Structural basis for VIPP1 oligomerization and maintenance of thylakoid membrane integrity. Cell 184 (14), S. 3643 - 3659.e23 (2021)
Wietrzynski, W.; Traverso, E.; Wollman, F.-A.; Wostrikoff, K.: The state of oligomerization of Rubisco controls the rate of synthesis of the Rubisco large subunit in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell 33 (5), S. 1706 - 1727 (2021)
Albert, S.; Wietrzynski, W.; Lee, C.-W.; Schaffer, M.; Beck, F.; Schuller, J. M.; Salome, P. A.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Engel, B. D.: Direct visualization of degradation microcompartments at the ER membrane. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117 (2), S. 1069 - 1080 (2020)
Wietrzynski, W.; Schaffer, M.; Tegunov, D.; Kämmerer, S.; Kanazawa, A.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Engel, B. D.: Charting the native architecture of Chlamydomonas thylakoid membranes with single-molecule precision. ELIFE 9, e53740 (2020)
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