Brenda Schulman
Research Department Molecular Machines and Signaling (MoMaS)
Structural Biology, Ubiquitin Proteasome System, Ubiquitin-like Protein
An important form of regulation is the modification of proteins and membranes by linking them to the small protein ubiquitin or structurally related ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs). Ubiquitin and UBLs control timing, subcellular location, composition, conformation and activity of thousands of different proteins and macromolecules. In addition, defects in ubiquitin and UBL pathways are associated with numerous diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and viral infections. Brenda Schulman's Department “Molecular Machines and Signaling” has shown that hundreds of microscopic, dynamic, multiprotein molecular machines are transiently transformed into different conformations by specialized regulatory factors to control ubiquitin and UBLs in order to regulate virtually all aspects of cell biology.
A widespread mechanism regulating the functions of eukaryotic proteins involves post-translational modification by the small protein ubiquitin (UB) or structurally related ubiquitin-like proteins (UBLs).
Department News
Alina won the Audience Best Poster Prize at the Heinrich Wieland Prize Symposium. Congratulations Alina!
Alina (flash talk + poster), Frank (poster), Jiale (poster), Luca and Brenda (speaker) attended the EMBO workshop in Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. Danny Scott from St. Jude Schulman group as well as multiple Schulman Group alumni - Arno Alpi, Danny Huang,
Vladislav Sviderskiy, Helen Walden (speaker) - were also at the event.
Lukas is awarded this prestigious award for his PhD project, probing active ubiquitin E3 ligases. Lukas developed probes targeting active ubiquitin E3s within cells and utilized them in mass spectrometry-based workflows to explore the response of these networks to extracellular signals.
Congratulations Lukas!
We're sad to bid farewell to Arno as he embarks on his new adventure as Senior Lecturer in Edinburgh, but we're taking comfort in the fact that he'll remain a close collaborator and friend. We'll miss Arno, but we're excited to see the great things he'll achieve in his new role.