Publications of Naoko Mizuno

Journal Article (20)

Journal Article
Litschel, T.; Kelley, C. F.; Cheng, X.; Babl, L.; Mizuno, N.; Case, L. B.; Schwille, P.: Membrane-induced 2D phase separation of the focal adhesion protein talin. Nature Communications 15 (1), 4986 (2024)
Journal Article
Litschel, T.; Kelley, C. F.; Holz, D.; Koudehi, M. A.; Vogel, S. K.; Burbaum, L.; Mizuno, N.; Vavylonis, D.; Schwille, P.: Reconstitution of contractile actomyosin rings in vesicles. Nature Communications 12 (1), 2254 (2021)
Journal Article
Schumacher, S.; Dedden, D.; Nunez, R. V.; Matoba, K.; Takagi, J.; Biertuempfel, C.; Mizuno, N.: Structural insights into integrin alpha(5)beta(1) opening by fibronectin ligand. Science Advances 7 (19), eabe9716 (2021)
Journal Article
Kelley, C. F.; Litschel, T.; Schumacher, S.; Dedden, D.; Schwille, P.; Mizuno, N.: Phosphoinositides regulate force-independent interactions between talin, vinculin, and actin. eLife 9, e56110 (2020)
Journal Article
Biel, T. G.; Aryal, B.; Gerber, M. H.; Trevino, J. G.; Mizuno, N.; Rao, V. A.: Mitochondrial dysfunction generates aggregates that resist lysosomal degradation in human breast cancer cells. CELL DEATH & DISEASE 11 (6), 460 (2020)
Journal Article
Dedden, D.; Schumacher, S.; Kelley, C.; Zacharias, M.; Biertümpfel, C.; Fässler, R.; Mizuno, N.: The Architecture of Talin1 Reveals an Autoinhibition Mechanism. CELL 179 (1), pp. 120 - 131.e13 (2019)
Journal Article
Basnet, N.; Nedozralova, H.; Crevenna, A. H.; Bodakuntla, S.; Schlichthaerle, T.; Taschner, M.; Cardone, G.; Janke, C.; Jungmann, R.; Magiera, M. M. et al.; Biertuempfel, C.; Mizuno, N.: Direct induction of microtubule branching by microtubule nucleation factor SSNA1. Nature Cell Biology 20 (10), pp. 1172 - 1180 (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, Q.; Taschner, M.; Ganzinger, K. A.; Kelley, C.; Villasenor, A.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.; Lorentzen, E.; Mizuno, N.: Membrane association and remodeling by intraflagellar transport protein IFT172. Nature Communications 9, 4684 (2018)
Journal Article
Sun, Z.; Tseng, H.-Y.; Tan, S.; Senger, F.; Kurzawa, L.; Dedden, D.; Mizuno, N.; Wasik, A. A.; Thery, M.; Dunn, A. R. et al.; Fässler, R.: Kank2 activates talin, reduces force transduction across integrins and induces central adhesion formation. Nature Cell Biology 18 (9), pp. 941 - 953 (2016)
Journal Article
Crevenna, A.; Arciniega Castro, M.; Dupont, A.; Mizuno, N.; Kowalska, K.; Lange, O. F.; Wedlich-Söldner, R.; Lamb, D. C.: Side-binding proteins modulate actin filament dynamics. ELIFE 4, e04599 (2015)
Journal Article
Adam, J.; Basnet, N.; Mizuno, N.: Structural insights into the cooperative remodeling of membranes by amphiphysin/BIN1. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5, 15452 (2015)
Journal Article
Huang, R. K.; Baxa, U.; Aldrian, G.; Ahmed, A. B.; Wall, J. S.; Mizuno, N.; Antzutkin, O.; Steven, A. C.; Kajava, A. V.: Conformational Switching in PolyGln Amyloid Fibrils Resulting from a Single Amino Acid Insertion. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 106 (10), pp. 2134 - 2142 (2014)
Journal Article
Kienzle, C.; Basnet, N.; Crevenna, A. H.; Beck, G.; Habermann, B.; Mizuno, N.; von Blume, J.: Cofilin recruits F-actin to SPCA1 and promotes Ca2+-mediated secretory cargo sorting. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 206 (5), pp. 635 - 654 (2014)
Journal Article
Wang, Q.; Crevenna, A. H.; Kunze, I.; Mizuno, N.: Structural basis for the extended CAP-Gly domains of p150(glued) binding to microtubules and the implication for tubulin dynamics. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 111 (31), pp. 11347 - 11352 (2014)
Journal Article
Witosch, J.; Wolf, E.; Mizuno, N.: Architecture and ssDNA interaction of the Timeless-Tipin-RPA complex. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 42 (20), pp. 12912 - 12927 (2014)
Journal Article
Bhogaraju, S.; Cajanek, L.; Fort, C.; Blisnick, T.; Weber, K.; Taschner, M.; Mizuno, N.; Lamla, S.; Bastin, P.; Nigg, E. A. et al.; Lorentzen, E.: Molecular Basis of Tubulin Transport Within the Cilium by IFT74 and IFT81. SCIENCE 341 (6149), pp. 1009 - 1012 (2013)
Journal Article
Mizuno, N.; Dramicanin, M.; Mizuuchi, M.; Adam, J.; Wang, Y.; Han, Y.-W.; Yang, W.; Steven, A. C.; Mizuuchi, K.; Ramon-Maiques, S.: MuB is an AAA plus ATPase that forms helical filaments to control target selection for DNA transposition. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 110 (27), pp. E2441 - E2450 (2013)
Journal Article
Varkey, J.; Mizuno, N.; Hegde, B. G.; Cheng, N.; Steven, A. C.; Langen, R.: alpha-Synuclein Oligomers with Broken Helical Conformation Form Lipoprotein Nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 288 (24), pp. 17620 - 17630 (2013)
Journal Article
Mizuno, N.; Taschner, M.; Engel, B. D.; Lorentzen, E.: Structural Studies of Ciliary Components. Journal of Molecular Biology 422 (2), pp. 163 - 180 (2012)
Journal Article
Mizuno, N.; Varkey, J.; Kegulian, N. C.; Hegde, B. G.; Cheng, N. Q.; Langen, R.; Steven, A. C.: Remodeling of Lipid Vesicles into Cylindrical Micelles by alpha-Synuclein in an Extended alpha-Helical Conformation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (35), pp. 29301 - 29311 (2012)
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