Publications of Leon Babl
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
15 (1), 4986 (2024)
Membrane-induced 2D phase separation of the focal adhesion protein talin. Nature Communications 2.
Journal Article
15 (1), 2010 (2024)
Machine learning-aided design and screening of an emergent protein function in synthetic cells. Nature Communications 3.
Journal Article
144, pp. 21939 - 21947 (2022)
Regulating DNA-Hybridization Using a Chemically Fueled Reaction Cycle. Journal of the American Chemical Society 4.
Journal Article
12 (1), 17949 (2022)
Membrane mediated phase separation of the bacterial nucleoid occlusion protein Noc. Scientific Reports 5.
Journal Article
434 (2), 167401 (2022)
CTP-controlled liquid-liquid phase separation of ParB. Journal of Molecular Biology Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of a Bacterial Protein Family. Dissertation, Technische Universität München, School of Natural Sciences (2023)