Publications of L. Moroder

Journal Article (144)

Journal Article
Kaiser, M.; Groll, M.; Renner, C.; Huber, R.; Moroder, L.: The core structure of TMC-95A is a promising lead for reversible proteasome inhibition. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 41 (5), pp. 780 - 783 (2002)
Journal Article
Kaiser, M.; Milbradt, A. G.; Moroder, L.: Synthesis of TMC-95A analogues. Structure-based prediction of cyclization propensities of linear precursors. Letters in Peptide Science 9 (2-3), pp. 65 - 70 (2002)
Journal Article
Saccà, B.; Sinner, E. K.; Fiori, S.; Kaiser, J.; Eble, J. A.; Moroder, L.: Identification of the cell-adhesion epitope of collagen type IV. ChemBioChem 9, pp. 904 - 907 (2002)
Journal Article
Hu, B.; Finsinger, D.; Peter, K.; Guttenberg, Z.; Bärmann, M.; Kessler, I.; Escherich, A.; Moroder, L.; Böhm, J.; Baumeister, W. et al.; Sui, S. F.; Sackmann, E.: Intervesicle cross-linking with integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) and cyclic-RGD-lipopeptide. A model of cell-adhesion processes. Biochemistry 39 (40), pp. 12284 - 12294 (2000)

Book (5)

Goodman, M.; Felix, A.; Moroder, L.; Toniolo, C. (Eds.): Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 785 pp.
Goodman, M.; Felix, A.; Moroder, L.; Toniolo, C. (Eds.): Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 847 pp.
Goodman, M.; Felix, A.; Moroder, L.; Toniolo, C. (Eds.): Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 395 pp.
Goodman, M.; Felix, A.; Moroder, L.; Toniolo, C. (Eds.): Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 497 pp.
Goodman, M.; Felix, A.; Moroder, L.; Toniolo, C. (Eds.): Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2002), 901 pp.

Book Chapter (57)

Book Chapter
Lorenz, L.; Kusebauch, U.; Moroder, L.; Wachtveitl, J.: Azobenzene-mediated photomodulation of a collagen triple helix monitored by IR spectroscopy. In: Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science. Proceedings of The Thirtieth European Peptide Symposium, 6-11-104, pp. 582 - 583 (Eds. Lankinen, H.; Vallivirta, J.). Helsinki University Press, Helsinki (2010)
Book Chapter
Moroder, L.: Disulfide knots for collagen models. In: 6th Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides, pp. 25 - 30 (Ed. Cordopatis, P.). Typorama, Greece (2010)
Book Chapter
Götz, M.; Musiol, H.-J.; Moroder, L.: Multiple-Strand Cystine Peptides. In: Oxidative folding of peptides and proteins, pp. 367 - 380 (Eds. Buchner, J.; Moroder, L.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Kusebauch, U.; Lorenz, L.; Cadamuro, S. A.; Musiol, H. J.; Lenz, M. O.; Renner, C.; Wachtveitl, J.; Moroder, L.: Light-Switchable Folding/Unfolding of the Collagen Triple Helix with Azobenzene-Containing Model Peptides. In: Peptides for youth: the proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium, pp. 57 - 59 (Eds. Del Valle, S.; Escher, E.; W.D., L.). Springer, s.l. (2009)
Book Chapter
Merkel, L.; Moroder, L.; Budisa, N.: Chemical Protein Engineering: Synthetic and Semisynthetic Peptides and Proteins. In: Protein Engineering, pp. 29 - 64. Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Moroder, L.; Musiol, H.-J.; Renner, C.: Engineered Disulfide Bonds for Protein Design. In: Oxidative folding of peptides and proteins, pp. 236 - 252 (Eds. Buchner, J.; Moroder, L.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Boulègue, C.; Milbradt, A.G.; Renner, C.; Moroder, L.: Unexpected different disulfide connectivities of systeine-rich peptides with identical cysteine patterns. In: Peptides 2006, pp. 350 - 351 (Eds. Rolka; K.; Rekowski; P.; Silberring et al.). Kenes International, Geneva (2007)
Book Chapter
Zinth, A.; Schrader, T.E.; Schreier, W.J.; Koller, F.O.; Cordes, T.; Babizki, G.; Denschlag, R.; Tavan, P.; Löweneck, M.; Dong, S.-L. et al.; Moroder, L.; Renner, C.: Ultrafast Unzipping of a Beta-Hairpin Peptide. In: Ultrafast Phenomena XV, pp. 498 - 500. Springer, New York (2007)
Book Chapter
Moroder, L.: Cystine knots affect folding and stability of the collagen triple helix. In: Essays on Science, Felicitation Volume in Honour of Prof. Wolfgang Voelter, pp. 77 - 93 (Ed. Rashid, S.). Hamdard Foundation, Karachi/Pakistan (2006)
Book Chapter
Moroder, L.; Renner, C.; Lopez, J. L.; Mutter, M.; Tuchscherer, G.: Tailoring the cis-trans isomerization of amides. In: Cis-Trans Isomerization in Biochemistry, pp. 225 - 260 (Ed. Dugave, C.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2006)
Book Chapter
Schreier, W. J.; Schrader, T. E.; Koller, F. O.; Sieg, A.; Renner, C.; Moroder, L.; Wachtveitl, J.; Zinth, W.: Femtosecond spectroscopy for the study of initial reactions in protein folding. In: Femtochemistry VII - Fundamental ultrafast processes in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, pp. 311 - 320 (Eds. Castleman, A. W.; Kimble, M. I.). Elsevier BV, Amsterdam/Netherlands (2006)
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