Publications of L. Moroder
All genres
Journal Article (144)
Journal Article
41 (5), pp. 780 - 783 (2002)
The core structure of TMC-95A is a promising lead for reversible proteasome inhibition. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 142.
Journal Article
9 (2-3), pp. 65 - 70 (2002)
Synthesis of TMC-95A analogues. Structure-based prediction of cyclization propensities of linear precursors. Letters in Peptide Science 143.
Journal Article
9, pp. 904 - 907 (2002)
Identification of the cell-adhesion epitope of collagen type IV. ChemBioChem 144.
Journal Article
39 (40), pp. 12284 - 12294 (2000)
Intervesicle cross-linking with integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) and cyclic-RGD-lipopeptide. A model of cell-adhesion processes. Biochemistry Book (5)
Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 785 pp.
Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 847 pp.
Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 395 pp.
Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2003), 497 pp.
Synthesis of Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Thieme, Stuttgart (2002), 901 pp.
Book Chapter (57)
Book Chapter
Azobenzene-mediated photomodulation of a collagen triple helix monitored by IR spectroscopy. In: Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science. Proceedings of The Thirtieth European Peptide Symposium, 6-11-104, pp. 582 - 583 (Eds. Lankinen, H.; Vallivirta, J.). Helsinki University Press, Helsinki (2010)
Book Chapter
Disulfide knots for collagen models. In: 6th Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides, pp. 25 - 30 (Ed. Cordopatis, P.). Typorama, Greece (2010)
Book Chapter
Moroder, L.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2009)
Multiple-Strand Cystine Peptides. In: Oxidative folding of peptides and proteins, pp. 367 - 380 (Eds. Buchner, J.; 153.
Book Chapter
Light-Switchable Folding/Unfolding of the Collagen Triple Helix with Azobenzene-Containing Model Peptides. In: Peptides for youth: the proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium, pp. 57 - 59 (Eds. Del Valle, S.; Escher, E.; W.D., L.). Springer, s.l. (2009)
Book Chapter
Chemical Protein Engineering: Synthetic and Semisynthetic Peptides and Proteins. In: Protein Engineering, pp. 29 - 64. Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Moroder, L.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2009)
Engineered Disulfide Bonds for Protein Design. In: Oxidative folding of peptides and proteins, pp. 236 - 252 (Eds. Buchner, J.; 156.
Book Chapter
Unexpected different disulfide connectivities of systeine-rich peptides with identical cysteine patterns. In: Peptides 2006, pp. 350 - 351 (Eds. Rolka; K.; Rekowski; P.; Silberring et al.). Kenes International, Geneva (2007)
Book Chapter
Ultrafast Unzipping of a Beta-Hairpin Peptide. In: Ultrafast Phenomena XV, pp. 498 - 500. Springer, New York (2007)
Book Chapter
Cystine knots affect folding and stability of the collagen triple helix. In: Essays on Science, Felicitation Volume in Honour of Prof. Wolfgang Voelter, pp. 77 - 93 (Ed. Rashid, S.). Hamdard Foundation, Karachi/Pakistan (2006)
Book Chapter
Tailoring the cis-trans isomerization of amides. In: Cis-Trans Isomerization in Biochemistry, pp. 225 - 260 (Ed. Dugave, C.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2006)
Book Chapter
Femtosecond spectroscopy for the study of initial reactions in protein folding. In: Femtochemistry VII - Fundamental ultrafast processes in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, pp. 311 - 320 (Eds. Castleman, A. W.; Kimble, M. I.). Elsevier BV, Amsterdam/Netherlands (2006)