Publications of R. Faessler

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Montanez, E.; Piwko-Czuchra, A.; Bauer, M.; Li, S.; Yurchenco, P.; Faessler, R.: Analysis of integrin functions in peri-implantation embryos, hematopoietic system, and skin. In: INTEGRINS, pp. 239 - 289. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC, SAN DIEGO (2007)

Meeting Abstract (8)

Meeting Abstract
Bodescu, M.-A.; Grison, M.; Aretz, J.; Rief, M.; Fassler, R.: Single-Molecule Mechanics of the Talin-Integrin Bond. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 118 (3), p. 397A - 397A. 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, CA, February 15, 2020 - February 19, 2020. CELL PRESS, 50 HAMPSHIRE ST, FLOOR 5, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2020)
Meeting Abstract
Bodescu, M. A.; Rief, M.; Grison, M.; Faessler, R.; Aretz, J.; Kammerer, P.; Veelders, M.: Single molecule mechanics of talin-integrin bond. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 48, p. S94 - S94. Joint 12th EBSA European Biophysics Congress / 10th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP), Madrid, SPAIN, July 20, 2019 - July 24, 2019. Springer, Berlin (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Deuschle, E.; Keller, B.; Siegfried, A.; Manncke, B.; Faessler, R.; Autenrieth, I. B.; Bohn, E.: Yersinia enterocolitica needs Invasin and/or YadA for infection of leukocytes in vitro and in vivo but host cell beta 1 integrins are not essential for infection. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 303, pp. 70 - 71. 65th Annual Meeting of the German-Society-for-Hygiene-and-Microbiology (DGHM) e V / Annual Meeting of the German-Society-for-Infectious-Diseases (DGI) e V, Rostock, GERMANY, September 22, 2013 - September 25, 2013. ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANY (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Radovanac, K.; Morgner, J.; Schultz, J.; Blumbach, K.; Patterson, C.; Geiger, T.; Mann, M.; Krieg, T.; Eckes, B.; Fässler, R. et al.; Wickstroem, S. A.: Stabilization of integrin-linked kinase by the Hsp9O-CHIP axis regulates cellular force generation, migration and the fibrotic response. In JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, 133 (Supplement 1), 906, p. S154 - S154. International Investigative Dermatology Meeting, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, May 08, 2013 - May 11, 2013. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 75 VARICK ST, 9TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1917 USA (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Pokidysheva, E.; Boudko, S.; Vranka, J.; Keene, D.; Tufa, S.; Zentek, K.; Moser, M.; Fässler, R.; Ware, J.; Baechinger, H. P.: Prolyl 3-hydroxylation of type IV collagen is obligatory to avoid early embryoniclethality in mice. In GLYCOBIOLOGY, 22 (11), p. 1524 - 1524. Joint Meeting of the Society-for-Glycobiology and American-Society-for-Matrix-Biology, San Diego, CA, November 11, 2012 - November 14, 2012. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Reiner, M.; Streil, K.; Haubner, B. J.; Bader, K.; Moik, D. V.; Faessler, R.; Pachinger, O.; Metzler, B.: Cardiac morphology and function in migfilin deficient mice due to experimental pressure overload. In European Heart Journal, 33 (Suppl. 1), p. 113 - 113. OXFORD UNIV PRESS, OXFORD (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Lefort, C.; Rossaint, J.; Moser, M.; Petrich, B. G.; Zarbock, A.; Monkley, S. J.; Critchley, D. R.; Ginsberg, M. H.; Fässler, R.; Ley, K.: Distinct roles for talin-1 and kindlin-3 in LFA-1-dependent neutrophil rolling and arrest. In FASEB JOURNAL, 26, 680.11. Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 21, 2012 - April 25, 2012. FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, MD 20814-3998 USA (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Schmidt, S.; Pinheiro, E.; Gertler, F. B.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.; Sperandio, M.: RIAM is essential for beta 2 integrin activation and leukocyte adhesion in vivo. In European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 42 (Suppl. 1), p. 24 - 24. WILEY-BLACKWELL, MALDEN (2012)

Other (1)

Strohmeyer, N.; Bharadwaj, M.; Costell, M.; Fässler, R.; Müller, D. J.: Corrigendum: Fibronectin-bound α5β1 integrins sense load and signal to reinforce adhesion in less than a second, Nature Materials 17, p. 103 (2018)
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