Publications of R. Faessler
All genres
Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
Analysis of integrin functions in peri-implantation embryos, hematopoietic system, and skin. In: INTEGRINS, pp. 239 - 289. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC, SAN DIEGO (2007)
Meeting Abstract (8)
Meeting Abstract
118 (3), p. 397A - 397A. 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, CA, February 15, 2020 - February 19, 2020. CELL PRESS, 50 HAMPSHIRE ST, FLOOR 5, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2020)
Single-Molecule Mechanics of the Talin-Integrin Bond. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 323.
Meeting Abstract
48, p. S94 - S94. Joint 12th EBSA European Biophysics Congress / 10th IUPAP International
Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP), Madrid, SPAIN, July 20, 2019 - July 24, 2019. Springer, Berlin (2019)
Single molecule mechanics of talin-integrin bond. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 324.
Meeting Abstract
303, pp. 70 - 71. 65th Annual Meeting of the German-Society-for-Hygiene-and-Microbiology
(DGHM) e V / Annual Meeting of the
German-Society-for-Infectious-Diseases (DGI) e V, Rostock, GERMANY, September 22, 2013 - September 25, 2013. ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG, OFFICE JENA, P O BOX 100537, 07705 JENA, GERMANY (2013)
Yersinia enterocolitica needs Invasin and/or YadA for infection of leukocytes in vitro and in vivo but host cell beta 1 integrins are not essential for infection. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 325.
Meeting Abstract
133 (Supplement 1), 906, p. S154 - S154. International Investigative Dermatology Meeting, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, May 08, 2013 - May 11, 2013. NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 75 VARICK ST, 9TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1917 USA (2013)
Stabilization of integrin-linked kinase by the Hsp9O-CHIP axis regulates cellular force generation, migration and the fibrotic response. In JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, 326.
Meeting Abstract
22 (11), p. 1524 - 1524. Joint Meeting of the Society-for-Glycobiology and
American-Society-for-Matrix-Biology, San Diego, CA, November 11, 2012 - November 14, 2012. OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, JOURNALS DEPT, 2001 EVANS RD, CARY, NC 27513 USA (2012)
Prolyl 3-hydroxylation of type IV collagen is obligatory to avoid early embryoniclethality in mice. In GLYCOBIOLOGY, 327.
Meeting Abstract
33 (Suppl. 1), p. 113 - 113. OXFORD UNIV PRESS, OXFORD (2012)
Cardiac morphology and function in migfilin deficient mice due to experimental pressure overload. In European Heart Journal, 328.
Meeting Abstract
26, 680.11. Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 21, 2012 - April 25, 2012. FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, MD 20814-3998 USA (2012)
Distinct roles for talin-1 and kindlin-3 in LFA-1-dependent neutrophil rolling and arrest. In FASEB JOURNAL, 329.
Meeting Abstract
42 (Suppl. 1), p. 24 - 24. WILEY-BLACKWELL, MALDEN (2012)
RIAM is essential for beta 2 integrin activation and leukocyte adhesion in vivo. In European Journal of Clinical Investigation, Other (1)
Corrigendum: Fibronectin-bound α5β1 integrins sense load and signal to reinforce adhesion in less than a second, Nature Materials 17, p. 103 (2018)