Publications of R. Fässler

Journal Article (319)

Journal Article
Bonnevier, J.; Fässler, R.; Somlyo, A. P.; Somlyo, A. V.; Arner, A.: Modulation of Ca2+ sensitivity by cyclic mucleotides in smooth muscle from protein kinase G-deficient mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (7), pp. 5146 - 5151 (2004)
Journal Article
Brandau, O.; Fässler, R.: Analysis of integrin function by gene targeting in mice. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 159, pp. 193 - 228 (2004)
Journal Article
Fässler, R.: Lentiviral transgene vectors - Green light for efficient production of transgenic farm animals. EMBO Reports 5 (1), pp. 28 - 29 (2004)
Journal Article
Grashoff, C.; Thievessen, I.; Lorenz, K.; Ussar, S.; Fässler, R.: Integrin-linked kinase: integrin's mysterious partner. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 16, pp. 565 - 571 (2004)
Journal Article
Pietri, T.; Eder, O.; Breau, M.; Topilko, P.; Blanche, M.; Brakebusch, C.; Fässler, R.; Thiery, J. P.; Dufour, S.: Conditional β1-integrin gene deletion in nneural crest cells causes severe developmental alterations of th peripheral nervous system. Development 131, pp. 3871 - 3883 (2004)
Journal Article
Aszodi, A.; Hunziker, E. B.; Brakebusch, C.; Fässler, R.: β1 integrins regulate chondrocyte rotation, G1 progression, and cytokinesis. Genes & Development 17 (19), pp. 2465 - 2479 (2003)
Journal Article
Yi, M.; Sakai, T.; Fässler, R.; Ruoslahti, E.: Antiangiogenic proteins require plasma fibronectin or vitronectin for in vivo activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (20), pp. 11435 - 11438 (2003)
Journal Article
Bekku, Y.; Su, W. D.; Hirakawa, S.; Fässler, R.; Ohtsuka, A.; Kang, J. S.; Sanders, J.; Murakami, T.; Ninomiya, Y.; Oohashi, T.: Molecular cloning of Bral2, a novel brain-specific link protein, and immunohistochemical colocalization with brevican in perineuronal nets. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 24 (1), pp. 148 - 159 (2003)
Journal Article
Zhou, X. H.; Brandau, O.; Feng, K.; Oohashi, T.; Ninomiya, Y.; Rauch, U.; Fässler, R.: The murine Ten-m/Odz genes show distinct but overlapping expression patterns during development and in adult brain. Gene Expression Patterns 3 (4), pp. 397 - 405 (2003)
Journal Article
Steiling, H.; Wustefeld, T.; Bugnon, P.; Brauchle, M.; Fässler, R.; Teupser, D.; Thiery, J.; Gordon, J. I.; Trautwein, C.; Werner, S.: Fibroblast growth factor receptor signalling is crucial for liver homeostasis and regeneration. Oncogene 22 (28), pp. 4380 - 4388 (2003)
Journal Article
Brakebusch, C.; Fässler, R.: The integrin-actin connection, an eternal love affair. EMBO Journal 22 (10), pp. 2324 - 2333 (2003)
Journal Article
Li, S. H.; Edgar, D.; Fässler, R.; Wadsworth, W.; Yurchenco, P. D.: The role of laminin in embryonic cell polarization and tissue organization. Developmental Cell 4 (5), pp. 613 - 624 (2003)
Journal Article
Braun, A.; Bordoy, R.; Stanchi, F.; Moser, M.; Kostka, G.; Ehler, E.; Brandau, O.; Fässler, R.: PINCH2 is a new five LIM domain protein, homologous to PINCH and localized to focal adhesions. Experimental Cell Research 284 (2), pp. 239 - 248 (2003)
Journal Article
Grashoff, C.; Aszodi, A.; Sakai, T.; Hunziker, E. B.; Fässler, R.: Integrin-linked kinase regulates chondrocyte shape and proliferation. EMBO Reports 4 (4), pp. 432 - 438 (2003)
Journal Article
Sakai, T.; Li, S. H.; Docheva, D.; Grashoff, C.; Sakai, K.; Kostka, G.; Braun, A.; Pfeifer, A.; Yurchenco, P. D.; Fässler, R.: Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is required for polarizing the epiblast, cell adhesion, and controlling actin accumulation. Genes & Development 17 (7), pp. 926 - 940 (2003)
Journal Article
Altrock, W. D.; Dieck, S. T.; Sokolov, M.; Meyer, A. C.; Sigler, A.; Brakebusch, C.; Fässler, R.; Richter, K.; Boeckers, T. M.; Potschka, H. et al.; Brandt, C.; Loscher, W.; Grimberg, D.; Dresbach, T.; Hempelmann, A.; Hassan, H.; Balschun, D.; Frey, J. U.; Brandstätter, J. H.; Garner, C. C.; Rosenmund, C.; Gundelfinger, E. D.: Functional inactivation of a fraction of excitatory synapses in mice deficient for the active zone protein bassoon. Neuron 37 (5), pp. 787 - 800 (2003)
Journal Article
Ni, H. Y.; Yuen, P. S. T.; Papalia, J. M.; Trevithick, J. E.; Sakai, T.; Fässler, R.; Hynes, R. O.; Wagner, D. D.: Plasma fibronectin promotes thrombus growth and stability in injured arterioles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (5), pp. 2415 - 2419 (2003)
Journal Article
Bouvard, D.; Vignoud, L.; Dupe-Manet, S.; Abed, N.; Fournier, H. N.; Vincent-Monegat, C.; Retta, S. F.; Fässler, R.; Block, M. R.: Disruption of focal adhesions by integrin cytoplasmic domain- associated protein-1 alpha. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (8), pp. 6567 - 6574 (2003)
Journal Article
He, Z. Y.; Brakebusch, C.; Fässler, R.; Kreidberg, J. A.; Primakoff, P.; Myles, D. G.: None of the integrins known to be present on the mouse egg or to be ADAM receptors are essential for sperm-egg binding and fusion. Developmental Biology 254 (2), pp. 226 - 237 (2003)
Journal Article
Kuijpers, M. J. E.; Schulte, V.; Bergmeier, W.; Lindhout, T.; Brakebusch, C.; Offermanns, S.; Fässler, R.; Heemskerk, J. W. M.; Nieswandt, B.: Complementary roles of platelet glycoprotein VI and integrin α2 β1 in collagen-induced thrombus formation in flowing whole blood ex vivo. FASEB Journal 17 (2), pp. 685 - 687 (2003)
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