F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publikationen von Susanne von Gronau

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Adolf, F.; Du, J.; Goodall, E. A.; Walsh Jr, R. M.; Rawson, S.; Gronau, S. v.; Harper, J. W.; Hanna, J.; Schulman, B. A.: Visualizing chaperone-mediated multistep assembly of the human 20S proteasome. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31 (8), S. 1176 - 1188 (2024)
Gottemukkala, K. V.; Chrustowicz, J.; Sherpa, D.; Sepic, S.; Tung Vu, D.; Karayel, O.; Papadopoulou, E. C.; Gross, A.; Schorpp, K.; von Gronau, S. et al.; Hadian, K.; Murray, P. J.; Mann, M.; Schulman, B. A.; Alpi, A. F.: Non-canonical substrate recognition by the human WDR26-CTLH E3 ligase regulates prodrug metabolism. Molecular Cell 84 (10), S. 1948 - 1963.e11 (2024)
Chrustowicz, J.; Sherpa, D.; Li, J.; Langlois, C. R.; Papadopoulou, E. C.; Tung Vu, D.; Hehl, L. A.; Karayel, Ö.; Beier, V.; Gronau, S. v. et al.; Müller, J.; Prabu, J. R.; Mann, M.; Kleiger, G.; Alpi, A. F.; Schulman, B. A.: Multisite phosphorylation dictates selective E2-E3 pairing as revealed by Ubc8/UBE2H-GID/CTLH assemblies. Molecular Cell 84 (2), S. 293 - 308 (2024)
Botsch, J. J.; Junker, R.; Sorgenfrei, M.; Ogger, P. P.; Stier, L.; von Gronau, S.; Murray, P. J.; Seeger, M. A.; Schulman, B. A.; Bräuning, B.: Doa10/MARCH6 architecture interconnects E3 ligase activity with lipid-binding transmembrane channel to regulate SQLE. Nature Communications 15 (1), 410 (2024)
Wallace, I.; Baek, K.; Prabu, J. R.; Vollrath, R.; von Gronau, S.; Schulman, B. A.; Swatek, K. N.: Insights into the ISG15 transfer cascade by the UBE1L activating enzyme. Nature Communications 14 (1), 7970 (2023)
Hopf, L. V. M.; Baek, K.; Klügel, M.; von Gronau, S.; Xiong, Y.; Schulman, B. A.: Structure of CRL7(FBXW)(8) reveals coupling with CUL1-RBX1/ROC1 for multi-cullin-RING E3-catalyzed ubiquitin ligation. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29 (9), S. 854 - 862 (2022)
Qiao, S.; Lee, C.-W.; Sherpa, D.; Chrustowicz, J.; Cheng, J. D.; Duennebacke, M.; Steigenberger, B.; Karayel, O.; Tung Vu, D.; Gronau, S. v. et al.; Mann, M.; Wilfling, F.; Schulman, B.: Cryo-EM structures of Gid12-bound GID E3 reveal steric blockade as a mechanism inhibiting substrate ubiquitylation. Nature Communications 13 (1), 3041 (2022)
Kostrhon, S.; Prabu, J. R.; Baek, K.; Horn-Ghetko, D.; Gronau, S. v.; Klügel, M.; Basquin, J.; Alpi, A. F.; Schulman, B. A.: CUL5-ARIH2 E3-E3 ubiquitin ligase structure reveals cullin-specific NEDD8 activation. Nature Chemical Biology 17 (10), S. 1075 - 1083 (2021)
Sherpa, D.; Chrustowicz, J.; Qiao, S.; Langlois, C. R.; Hehl, L. A.; Gottemukkala, K. V.; Hansen, F. M.; Karayel, O.; von Gronau, S.; Prabu, J. R. et al.; Mann, M.; Alpi, A. F.; Schulman, B. A.: GID E3 ligase supramolecular chelate assembly configures multipronged ubiquitin targeting of an oligomeric metabolic enzyme. Molecular Cell 81 (11), S. 2445 - 2459.e13 (2021)
Baek, K.; Krist, D. T.; Prabu, J. R.; Hill, S.; Klügel, M.; Neumaier, L.-M.; von Gronau, S.; Kleiger, G.; Schulman, B. A.: NEDD8 nucleates a multivalent cullin-RING-UBE2D ubiquitin ligation assembly. Nature 578, S. 461 - 466 (2020)
Qiao, S.; Langlois, C. R.; Chrustowicz, J.; Sherpa, D.; Karayel, O.; Hansen, F. M.; Beier, V.; von Gronau, S.; Bollschweiler, D.; Schäfer, T. et al.; Alpi, A. F.; Mann, M.; Prabu, J. R.; Schulman, B.: Interconversion between Anticipatory and Active GID E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Conformations via Metabolically Driven Substrate Receptor Assembly. MOLECULAR CELL 77 (1), S. 150 - 163.e9 (2020)
Zaccai, G.; Bagyan, I.; Combet, J.; Cuello, G. J.; Deme, B.; Fichou, Y.; Gallat, F.-X.; Josa, V. M. G.; von Gronau, S.; Haertlein, M. et al.; Martel, A.; Moulin, M.; Neumann, M.; Weik, M.; Oesterhelt, D.: Neutrons describe ectoine effects on water H-bonding and hydration around a soluble protein and a cell membrane. Scientific Reports 6, 31434 (2016)
Zenke, R.; von Gronau, S.; Bolhuis, H.; Gruska, M.; Pfeiffer, F.; Oesterhelt, D.: Fluorescence microscopy visualization of halomucin, a secreted 927 kDa protein surrounding Haloquadratum walsbyi cells. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY 6, 249 (2015)