F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publikationen von D. Tung Vu

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Horn-Ghetko, D.; Hopf, L. V. M.; Tripathi-Giesgen, I.; Du, J.; Kostrhon, S.; Tung Vu, D.; Beier, V.; Steigenberger, B.; Prabu, J. R.; Stier, L. et al.: Noncanonical assembly, neddylation and chimeric cullin-RING/RBR ubiquitylation by the 1.8 MDa CUL9 E3 ligase complex. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31 (7), S. 1083 - 1094 (2024)
Gottemukkala, K. V.; Chrustowicz, J.; Sherpa, D.; Sepic, S.; Tung Vu, D.; Karayel, O.; Papadopoulou, E. C.; Gross, A.; Schorpp, K.; von Gronau, S. et al.: Non-canonical substrate recognition by the human WDR26-CTLH E3 ligase regulates prodrug metabolism. Molecular Cell 84 (10), S. 1948 - 1963.e11 (2024)
Hehl, L. A.; Horn-Ghetko, D.; Prabu, J. R.; Vollrath, R.; Tung Vu, D.; Pérez Berrocal, D. A.; Mulder, M. P. C.; van der Heden van Noort, G. J.; Schulman, B. A.: Structural snapshots along K48-linked ubiquitin chain formation by the HECT E3 UBR5. Nature Chemical Biology 20, S. 190 - 200 (2024)
Chrustowicz, J.; Sherpa, D.; Li, J.; Langlois, C. R.; Papadopoulou, E. C.; Tung Vu, D.; Hehl, L. A.; Karayel, Ö.; Beier, V.; Gronau, S. v. et al.: Multisite phosphorylation dictates selective E2-E3 pairing as revealed by Ubc8/UBE2H-GID/CTLH assemblies. Molecular Cell 84 (2), S. 293 - 308 (2024)
Schmidt, S.; Stautner, C.; Tung Vu, D.; Heinz, A.; Regensburger, M.; Karayel, O.; Truembach, D.; Artati, A.; Kaltenhaeuser, S.; Nassef, M. Z. et al.: A reversible state of hypometabolism in a human cellular model of sporadic Parkinson's disease. Nature Communications 14 (1), 7674 (2023)
Karayel, O.; Winter, S.; Padmanabhan, S.; Kuras I, Y.; Tung Vu, D.; Tuncali, I.; Merchant, K.; Wills, A.-M.; Scherzer, C. R.; Mann, M.: Proteome profiling of cerebrospinal fluid reveals biomarker candidates for Parkinson's disease. Cell Reports Medicine 3 (6), 100661 (2022)
Qiao, S.; Lee, C.-W.; Sherpa, D.; Chrustowicz, J.; Cheng, J. D.; Duennebacke, M.; Steigenberger, B.; Karayel, O.; Tung Vu, D.; Gronau, S. v. et al.: Cryo-EM structures of Gid12-bound GID E3 reveal steric blockade as a mechanism inhibiting substrate ubiquitylation. Nature Communications 13 (1), 3041 (2022)