NGS Core Facility
Next Generation Sequencing Facility @ MPIB

- Sequencer: NovaSeq 6000, AVITI, NextSeq 500, Oxford Nanopore MinION, PromethION
- Automation: Beckman Coulter i7 hybrid, TECAN Freedom EVO 100
- Single Cell: 10x Genomics Chromium iX
- Lab on Chip: 4200 TapeStation
- qPCR: Roche LightCycler 480 II
- Fluorometer: Qubit Flexi & 3/4
- Sonication: Covaris E220
Supporting library preparation & quality control for various applications (a few examples below, not limited to):
- RNA-Seq: rRNA depletion-total RNA, mRNAseq, miRNAseq
- DNA-Seq: ChIP-Seq, Cut&Tag seq, Hi-Cseq, Micro-Cseq, WGS
- Single Cell: scRNAseq, scATACseq, snRNAseq, seRNAseq
Our NGS service is open to other MPI research departments and groups. Feel free to contact us! ngs@biochem.mpg.de