Publications of Wolfgang Zachariae
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
42 (20), e114288 (2023)
Spo13/MEIKIN ensures a Two-Division meiosis by preventing the activation of APC/CAma1 at meiosis I. The EMBO Journal 2.
Journal Article
41 (4), e109446 (2022)
The Spo13/Meikin pathway confines the onset of gamete differentiation to meiosis II in yeast. The EMBO Journal 3.
Journal Article
40 (7), e106812 (2021)
Deprotection of centromeric cohesin at meiosis II requires APC/C activity but not kinetochore tension. EMBO Journal 4.
Journal Article
40 (1), pp. 37 - 52 (2017)
Casein Kinase 1 Coordinates Cohesin Cleavage, Gametogenesis, and Exit from M Phase in Meiosis II. Developmental Cell 5.
Journal Article
26 (24), pp. R1272 - R1274 (2016)
Cell Division: Flipping the Mitotic Switches. Current Biology 6.
Journal Article
151 (3), pp. 603 - 618 (2012)
Meiotic Prophase Requires Proteolysis of M Phase Regulators Mediated by the Meiosis-Specific APC/C-Ama1. CELL Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
30, p. 192 - 192. 26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Frankfurt Main, GERMANY, August 29, 2013 - September 03, 2013. WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA (2013)
Regulation of chromosome segregation in meiosis II. In YEAST,