Publications of T. Sasaki

Journal Article (56)

Journal Article
Perez-Rico, C.; Pascual, G.; Sotomayor, S.; Montes-Mollon, M. A.; Trejo, C.; Sasaki, T.; Mecham, R.; Bellon, J. M.; Bujan, J.: Tropoelastin and Fibulin Overexpression in the Subepithelial Connective Tissue of Human Pterygium. American Journal of Ophthalmology 151 (1), pp. 44 - 52 (2011)
Journal Article
Sasaki, T.; Takagi, J.; Giudici, C.; Yamada, Y.; Arikawa-Hirasawa, E.; Deutzmann, R.; Timpl, R.; Sonnenberg, A.; Bachinger, H. P.; Tonge, D.: Laminin-121-Recombinant expression and interactions with integrins. Matrix Biology 29 (6), pp. 484 - 493 (2010)
Journal Article
Sadr-Nabavi, A.; Ramser, J.; Volkmann, J.; Naehrig, J.; Wiesmann, F.; Betz, B.; Hellebrand, H.; Engert, S.; Seitz, S.; Kreutzfeld, R. et al.; Sasaki, T.; Arnold, N.; Schmutzler, R.; Kiechle, M.; Niederacher, D.; Harbeck, N.; Dahl, E.; Meindl, A.: Decreased expression of angiogenesis antagonist EFEMP1 in sporadic breast cancer is caused by aberrant promoter methylation and points to an impact of EFEMP1 as molecular biomarker. International Journal of Cancer 124 (7), pp. 1727 - 1735 (2009)
Journal Article
Hohenester, E.; Sasaki, T.; Giudici, C.; Farndale, R. W.; Bachinger, H. P.: Structural basis of sequence-specific collagen recognition by SPARC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (47), pp. 18273 - 18277 (2008)
Journal Article
Hergeth, S. P.; Aicher, W. K.; Essl, M.; Schreiber, T. D.; Sasaki, T.; Klein, G.: Characterization and functional analysis of osteoblast-derived fibulins in the human hematopoietic stem cell niche. Experimental Hematology 36 (8), pp. 1022 - 1034 (2008)
Journal Article
Giudici, C.; Raynal, N.; Wiedemann, H.; Cabral, W. A.; Marini, J. C.; Timpl, R.; Bachinger, H. P.; Farndale, R. W.; Sasaki, T.; Tenni, R.: Mapping of SPARC/BM-40/osteonectin-binding sites on fibrillar collagens. Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (28), pp. 19551 - 19560 (2008)
Journal Article
Pagnon-Minot, A.; Malbouyres, M.; Haftek-Terreau, Z.; Kim, H. R.; Sasaki, T.; Thisse, C.; Thisse, B.; Ingham, P. W.; Ruggiero, F.; Le Guellec, D.: Collagen XV, a novel factor in zebrafish notochord differentiation and muscle development. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 316 (1), pp. 21 - 35 (2008)
Journal Article
Dasouki, M.; Markova, D.; Garola, R.; Sasaki, T.; Charbonneau, N. L.; Sakai, L. Y.; Chu, M. L.: Compound heterozygous mutations in fibulin-4 causing neonatal lethal pulmonary artery occlusion, aortic aneurysm, arachnodactyly, and mild cutis laxa. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 143A (22), pp. 2635 - 2641 (2007)
Journal Article
Kabosova, A.; Azar, D. T.; Bannikov, G. A.; Campbell, K. P.; Durbeej, M.; Ghohestani, R. F.; Jones, J. C. R.; Kenney, M. C.; Koch, M.; Ninomiya, Y. et al.; Patton, B. L.; Paulsson, M.; Sado, Y.; Sage, E. H.; Sasaki, T.; Sorokin, L. M.; Steiner-Champliaud, M. F.; Sun, T. T.; SundarRaj, N.; Timpl, R.; Virtanen, I.; Ljubimov, A. V.: Compositional differences between infant and adult human corneal basement membranes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 48 (11), pp. 4989 - 4999 (2007)
Journal Article
von der Mark, H.; Poschl, E.; Lanig, H.; Sasaki, T.; Deutzman, R.; von der Mark, K.: Distinct acidic clusters and hydrophobic residues in the alternative splice domains X1 and X2 of alpha 7 Integrins define specificity for laminin isoforms. Journal of Molecular Biology 371 (5), pp. 1188 - 1203 (2007)
Journal Article
Kikkawa, Y.; Sasaki, T.; Nguyen, M. T.; Nomizu, M.; Mitaka, T.; Miner, J. H.: The LG1-3 tandem of laminin alpha 5 harbors the binding sites of lutheran/basal cell adhesion molecule and alpha 3 beta 1/alpha 6 beta 1 integrins. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (20), pp. 14853 - 14860 (2007)
Journal Article
Rodgers, K. D.; Sasaki, T.; Aszodi, A.; Jacenko, O.: Reduced perlecan in mice results in chondrodysplasia resembling Schwartz-Jampel syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 16 (5), pp. 515 - 528 (2007)
Journal Article
Ulazzi, L.; Sabbioni, S.; Miotto, E.; Veronese, A.; Angusti, A.; Gafa, R.; Manfredini, S.; Farinati, F.; Sasaki, T.; Lanza, G. et al.; Negrini, M.: Nidogen 1 and 2 gene promoters are aberrantly methylated in human gastrointestinal cancer. Molecular Cancer 6, 17 (2007)
Journal Article
Kvist, A. J.; Johnson, A. E.; Morgelin, M.; Gustafsson, E.; Bengtsson, E.; Lindblom, K.; Aszodi, A.; Fässler, R.; Sasaki, T.; Timpl, R. et al.; Aspberg, A.: Chondroitin sulfate perlecan enhances collagen fibril formation - Implications for perlecan chondrodysplasias. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (44), pp. 33127 - 33139 (2006)
Journal Article
El-Hallous, E.; Tiedemann, K.; Hubmacher, D.; Weiss, A.; Sasaki, T.; Davis, E. C.; Reinhardt, D. P.: Initial mechanisms in fibrillin-1 assembly. Matrix Biology 25 (Suppl. Suppl. S), p. S19 - S19 (2006)
Journal Article
Rodgers, K. D.; Sasaki, T.; Aszodi, A.; Fässler, R.; Jacenko, O.: Reduced perlecan results in skeletal dysplasia: A new mouse model. Matrix Biology 25 (Suppl. Suppl. S), p. S38 - S38 (2006)
Journal Article
Scheele, S.; Sasaki, T.; Arnal-Estape, A.; Durbeej, M.; Ekblom, P.: Monoclonal anti-mouse laminin antibodies: AL-1 reacts with laminin alpha 1 chain, AL-2 with laminin beta 1 chain, and AL-4 with the coiled-coil domain of laminin beta 1 chain. Matrix Biology 25 (5), pp. 301 - 305 (2006)
Journal Article
Schmidt, A.; Wenzel, D.; Thorey, I.; Sasaki, T.; Hescheler, J.; Timpl, R.; Addicks, K.; Werner, S.; Fleischmann, B. K.; Bloch, W.: Endostatin influences endothelial morphology via the activated ERK1/2-kinase endothelial morphology and signal transduction. Microvascular Research 71 (3), pp. 152 - 162 (2006)
Journal Article
Sasaki, T.; Knyazev, P. G.; Clout, N. J.; Cheburkin, Y.; Göhring, W.; Ullrich, A.; Timpl, R.; Hohenester, E.: Structural basis for Gas6-Axl signalling. EMBO Journal 25 (1), pp. 80 - 87 (2006)
Journal Article
Saghizadeh, M.; Kramerov, A. A.; Tajbakhsh, J.; Aoki, A. M.; Wang, C.; Chai, N. N.; Ljubimova, J. Y.; Sasaki, T.; Sosne, G.; Carlson, M. R. J. et al.; Nelson, S. F.; Ljubimov, A. V.: Proteinase and growth factor alterations revealed by gene microarray analysis of human diabetic corneas. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46 (10), pp. 3604 - 3615 (2005)
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