Publications of Uma Jayachandran
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
29 (2), pp. 178 - 187 (2023)
Modulation of RNA-binding properties of the RNA helicase UPF1 by its activator UPF2. RNA: A Publication of the RNA Society 2.
Journal Article
46 (3), pp. 274 - 286 (2012)
Structural and Functional Organization of the Ska Complex, a Key Component of the Kinetochore-Microtubule Interface. Molecular Cell 3.
Journal Article
19 (11), pp. 1625 - 1634 (2011)
Structural Basis for the Recognition of Phosphorylated Histone H3 by the Survivin Subunit of the Chromosomal Passenger Complex. Structure 4.
Journal Article
41 (6), pp. 693 - 703 (2011)
Molecular Mechanisms for the RNA-Dependent ATPase Activity of Upf1 and Its Regulation by Upf2. Molecular Cell 5.
Journal Article
24 (21), pp. 2440 - 2450 (2010)
SMG6 interacts with the exon junction complex via two conserved EJC-binding motifs (EBMs) required for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Genes & Development 6.
Journal Article
107 (22), pp. 10050 - 10055 (2010)
Insights into the recruitment of the NMD machinery from the crystal structure of a core EJC-UPF3b complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America