Publications of M. Moser

Journal Article (141)

Journal Article
Zhao, F.; Bosserhoff, A. K.; Buettner, R.; Moser, M.: A Heart-Hand Syndrome Gene: Tfap2b Plays a Critical Role in the Development and Remodeling of Mouse Ductus Arteriosus and Limb Patterning. PLoS ONE 6 (7), e22908, pp. [1] - [8] (2011)
Journal Article
Bouabe, H.; Moser, M.; Heesemann, J.: Enhanced selection for homologous-recombinant embryonic stem cell clones by Cre recombinase-mediated deletion of the positive selection marker. Transgenic Research 21 [2012] (1), pp. 227 - 229 (2011)
Journal Article
Sperandio, M.; Frommhold, D.; Kamphues, A.; Prunster, M.; Lukic, I. K.; Nussbaum, C.; Lange-Sperandio, B.; Moser, M.; Bierhaus, A.: The receptor for advanced glycation endproducts RAGE controls P-selectin-dependent leukocyte rolling in vivo. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 41 (Suppl. 1), p. 24 - 24 (2011)
Journal Article
Schmidt, S.; Nakchbandi, I.; Ruppert, R.; Kawelke, N.; Hess, M. W.; Pfaller, K.; Jurdic, P.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: Kindlin-3-mediated signaling from multiple integrin classes is required for osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Journal of Cell Biology 192 (5), pp. 883 - 897 (2011)
Journal Article
Liebl, J.; Moser, M.; Bibb, J. A.; Zhang, S.; Furst, R.; Vollmar, A. M.; Zahler, S.: A novel role of Cyclin dependent kinase 5 in angiogenesis and lymphanglogenesis. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 383 (Suppl. 1), p. 47 - 47 (2011)
Journal Article
Liebl, J.; Moser, M.; Hager, B.; Zhang, S.; Furst, R.; Bibb, J. A.; Adams, R. H.; Vollmar, A. M.; Zahler, S.: Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) and its function in the endothelium. Journal of Vascular Research 48 (Suppl. 1), p. 20 - 20 (2011)
Journal Article
Schmidt, S.; Moretti, F.; Ruppert, R.; Sperandio, M.; Moser, M.: How much kindlin-3 does a cell need? Journal of Vascular Research 48 (Suppl. 1), p. 309 - 309 (2011)
Journal Article
Ziegler, T.; Schroder, M.; Horstkotte, J.; Hinkel, R.; Nussbaum, C.; Moser, M.; Bierhaus, A.; Sperandio, M.; Kupatt, C.: Endothelial RAGE-deficiency reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via reduction of acute leucocyte influx in RAGE/ICAM-deficient mice. Journal of Vascular Research 48 (Suppl. 1), p. 296 - 296 (2011)
Journal Article
Gutierrez Aguilar, A. L.; Piskol, R.; Beitzinger, M.; Zhu, J. Y.; Kruspe, D.; Aszodi, A.; Moser, M.; Englert, C.; Meister, G.: The small RNA expression profile of the developing murine urinary and reproductive systems. FEBS Letters 584 (21), pp. 4426 - 4434 (2010)
Journal Article
Schmid, R.; Schiffner, S.; Opolka, A.; Grässel, S.; Schubert, T.; Moser, M.; Bosserhoff, A. K.: Enhanced cartilage regeneration in MIA/CD-RAP deficient mice. Cell Death & Disease 1, e97, pp. [1] - [10] (2010)
Journal Article
Frommhold, D.; Kamphues, A.; Hepper, I.; Pruenster, M.; Lukic, I. K.; Socher, I.; Zablotskaya, V.; Buschmann, K.; Lange-Sperandio, B.; Schymeinsky, J. et al.; Ryschich, E.; Poeschl, J.; Kupatt, C.; Nawroth, P. P.; Moser, M.; Walzog, B.; Bierhaus, A.; Sperandio, M.: RAGE and ICAM-1 cooperate in mediating leukocyte recruitment during acute inflammation in vivo. Blood 116 (5), pp. 841 - 849 (2010)
Journal Article
Marg, S.; Winkler, U.; Sestu, M.; Himmel, M.; Schonherr, M.; Bar, J.; Mann, A.; Moser, M.; Mierke, C. T.; Rottner, K. et al.; Blessing, M.; Hirrlinger, J.; Ziegler, W. H.: The Vinculin-Delta In20/21 Mouse: Characteristics of a Constitutive, Actin-Binding Deficient Splice Variant of Vinculin. PLoS ONE 5 (7), e11530, pp. [1] - [13] (2010)
Journal Article
Kuckenberg, P.; Buhl, S.; Woynecki, T.; van Fuerden, B.; Tolkunova, E.; Seiffe, F.; Moser, M.; Tomilin, A.; Winterhager, E.; Schorle, H.: The Transcription Factor TCFAP2C/AP-2 gamma Cooperates with CDX2 To Maintain Trophectoderm Formation. Molecular and Cellular Biology 30 (13), pp. 3310 - 3320 (2010)
Journal Article
Uhrin, P.; Zaujec, J.; Breuss, J. M.; Olcaydu, D.; Chrenek, P.; Stockinger, H.; Fuertbauer, E.; Moser, M.; Haiko, P.; Fässler, R. et al.; Alitalo, K.; Binder, B. R.; Kerjaschki, D.: Novel function for blood platelets and podoplanin in developmental separation of blood and lymphatic circulation. Blood 115 (19), pp. 3997 - 4005 (2010)
Journal Article
Hesse, D.; Hommel, A.; Jaschke, A.; Moser, M.; Bernhardt, U.; Zahn, C.; Kluge, R.; Wittschen, P.; Gruber, A. D.; Al-Hasani, H. et al.; Joost, H. G.; Schurmann, A.: Altered GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes in the absence of the GTPase Arfrp1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 394 (4), pp. 896 - 903 (2010)
Journal Article
Nussbaum, C.; Moser, M.; Sperandio, M.: Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency-III: When Leukocytes Cannot Stop. Pediatric Research 67 (4), p. 339 - 339 (2010)
Journal Article
Jaschke, A.; Hesse, D.; Zahn, C.; Petzke, K. J.; Moser, M.; Koepsell, H.; Schurmann, A.: Impaired absorption of dietary lipids in mice lacking Arfrp1 in intestinal epithelial cells. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 381 (Suppl. 1), pp. 24 - 25 (2010)
Journal Article
Moretti, F.; Schmidt, S.; Ruppert, R.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: A critical Kindlin-3 level is required for efficient integrin activation in hematopoietic cells. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (Suppl. 60), p. 51 - 51 (2010)
Journal Article
Schmidt, S.; Ruppert, R.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: Kindlin-3 controls osteoclast-mediated bone resorption by activating multiple classes of integrins. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (Suppl. 60), pp. 50 - 51 (2010)
Journal Article
van de Vijver, E.; de Boer, M.; van Buul, J.; Verkuijlen, P.; Tool, A. T. J.; Mul, E.; Unal, S.; Cetin, M.; Moser, M.; van den Berg, T. K. et al.; Kuijpers, T. W.: The role of kindlin-3 in neutrophil integrin activation. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 40 (Suppl. 1), p. 25 - 25 (2010)
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