Publications of Markus Moser

Journal Article (141)

Journal Article
Stark, K.; Kilani, B.; Stockhausen, S.; Busse, J.; Schubert, I.; Tran, T.-D.; Gaertner, F.; Leunig, A.; Pekayvaz, K.; Nicolai, L. et al.; Fumagalli, V.; Stermann, J.; Stephan, F.; David, C.; Muller, M. B.; Heyman, B.; Lux, A.; Guerreiro, A. d. P.; Frenzel, L. P.; Schmidt, C. Q.; Dopler, A.; Moser, M.; Chandraratne, S.; von Bruehl, M.-L.; Lorenz, M.; Korff, T.; Rudelius, M.; Popp, O.; Kirchner, M.; Mertins, P.; Nimmerjahn, F.; Iannacone, M.; Sperandio, M.; Engelmann, B.; Verschoor, A.; Massberg, S.: Antibodies and complement are key drivers of thrombosis. Immunity 57 (9), pp. 2140 - 2156 (2024)
Journal Article
Singh, A. K.; Rai, A.; Weber, A.; Gericke, M.; Janssen, K.-P.; Moser, M.; Posern, G.: MRTF-A gain-of-function in mice impairs homeostatic renewal of the intestinal epithelium. Cell Death and Disease 14 (9), 639 (2023)
Journal Article
Empere, M.; Wang, X.; Prein, C.; Aspberg, A.; Moser, M.; Oohashi, T.; Clausen-Schaumann, H.; Aszodi, A.; Alberton, P.: Aggrecan governs intervertebral discs development by providing critical mechanical cues of the extracellular matrix. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 11, 1128587 (2023)
Journal Article
Jakel, H.; Taschler, M.; Jung, K.; Weinl, C.; Pegka, F.; Kullmann, M. K.; Podmirseg, S. R.; Dutta, S.; Moser, M.; Hengst, L.: Inability to phosphorylate Y88 of p27(Kip1) enforces reduced p27 protein levels and accelerates leukemia progression. Leukemia 36 (7), pp. 1916 - 1925 (2022)
Journal Article
Borza, C. M.; Bolas, G.; Zhang, X.; Browning Monroe, M. B.; Zhang, M.-Z.; Meiler, J.; Skwark, M. J.; Harris, R. C.; Lapierre, L. A.; Goldenring, J. R. et al.; Hook, M.; Rivera, J.; Brown, K. L.; Leitinger, B.; Tyska, M. J.; Moser, M.; Böttcher, R. T.; Zent, R.; Pozzi, A.: The Collagen Receptor Discoidin Domain Receptor 1b Enhances Integrin beta 1-Mediated Cell Migration by Interacting With Talin and Promoting Rac1 Activation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10, 836797 (2022)
Journal Article
Arasa, J.; Collado-Diaz, V.; Kritikos, I.; Medina-Sanchez, J. D.; Friess, M. C.; Sigmund, E. C.; Schineis, P.; Hunter, M. C.; Tacconi, C.; Paterson, N. et al.; Nagasawa, T.; Kiefer, F.; Makinen, T.; Detmar, M.; Moser, M.; Laemmermann, T.; Halin, C.: Upregulation of VCAM-1 in lymphatic collectors supports dendritic cell entry and rapid migration to lymph nodes in inflammation. Journal of Experimental Medicine 218 (7), e20201413 (2021)
Journal Article
Bromberger, T.; Klapproth, S.; Rohwedder, I.; Weber, J.; Pick, R.; Mittmann, L.; Min-Weißenhorn, S. J.; Reichel, C. A.; Scheiermann, C.; Sperandio, M. et al.; Moser, M.: Binding of Rap1 and Riam to Talin1 Fine-Tune beta 2 Integrin Activity During Leukocyte Trafficking. Frontiers in Immunology 12, 702345 (2021)
Journal Article
Klapproth, S.; Richter, K.; Tuerk, C.; Bock, T.; Bromberger, T.; Dominik, J.; Huck, K.; Pfaller, K.; Hess, M. W.; Reichel, C. A. et al.; Krueger, M.; Nakchbandi, I. A.; Moser, M.: Low kindlin-3 levels in osteoclasts of kindlin-3 hypomorphic mice result in osteopetrosis due to leaky sealing zones. Journal of Cell Science 134 (22), jcs259040 (2021)
Journal Article
Fenske, S.; Hennis, K.; Rotzer, R. D.; Brox, V. F.; Becirovic, E.; Scharr, A.; Gruner, C.; Ziegler, T.; Mehlfeld, V.; Brennan, J. et al.; Efimov, I. R.; Pauza, A. G.; Moser, M.; Wotjak, C. T.; Kupatt, C.; Gonner, R.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, H. G.; Zong, X. G.; Biel, M.; Wahl-Schott, C.: cAMP-dependent regulation of HCN4 controls the tonic entrainment process in sinoatrial node pacemaker cells. Nature Communications 11 (1), 5555 (2020)
Journal Article
Benito-Jardon, M.; Strohmeyer, N.; Ortega-Sanchis, S.; Bharadwaj, M.; Moser, M.; Mueller, D. J.; Fässler, R.; Costell, M.: alpha v-Class integrin binding to fibronectin is solely mediated by RGD and unaffected by an RGE mutation. The Journal of Cell Biology 219 (12), e202004198 (2020)
Journal Article
Bromberger, T.; Zhu, L.; Klapproth, S.; Qin, J.; Moser, M.: Rap1 and membrane lipids cooperatively recruit talin to trigger integrin activation. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 132 (21), UNSP jcs235531 (2019)
Journal Article
Gebhardt, A.; Bergant, V.; Schnepf, D.; Moser, M.; Meiler, A.; Togbe, D.; Mackowiak, C.; Reinert, L.; Paludan, S. R.; Ryffel, B. et al.; Stukalov, A.; Staeheli, P.; Pichlmair, A.: The alternative cap-binding complex is required for antiviral defense in vivo. PLOS PATHOGENS 15 (12), e1008155 (2019)
Journal Article
Guenther, C.; Faisal, I.; Uotila, L. M.; Asens, M. L.; Harjunpaa, H.; Savinko, T.; Ohman, T.; Yao, S.; Moser, M.; Morris, S. W. et al.; Tojkander, S.; Fagerholm, S. C.: A beta 2-Integrin/MRTF-A/SRF Pathway Regulates Dendritic Cell Gene Expression, Adhesion, and Traction Force Generation. Frontiers in immunology 10, 1138 (2019)
Journal Article
Hammelmann, V.; Stieglitz, M. S.; Huelle, H.; Le Meur, K.; Kass, J.; Bruemmer, M.; Gruner, C.; Roetzer, R. D.; Fenske, S.; Hartmann, J. et al.; Zott, B.; Luthi, A.; Spahn, S.; Moser, M.; Isbrandt, D.; Ludwig, A.; Konnerth, A.; Wahl-Schott, C.; Biel, M.: Abolishing cAMP sensitivity in HCN2 pacemaker channels induces generalized seizures. JCI Insight 4 (9), e126418 (2019)
Journal Article
Hubeau, C.; Gerard, C.; Carnet, O.; Moser, M.; Fässler, R.; Noel, A.; Rocks, N.; Cataldo, D.: Microenvironment-Derived ADAM28 Impacts the Onset of Lung Cancer. JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 14 (10, Suppl.), P1.04-65, p. S466 - S466 (2019)
Journal Article
Klapproth, S.; Bromberger, T.; Tuerk, C.; Krueger, M.; Moser, M.: A kindlin-3-leupaxin-paxillin signaling pathway regulates podosome stability. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 218 (10), pp. 3436 - 3454 (2019)
Journal Article
Marx, C.; Novotny, J.; Salbeck, D.; Zellner, K. R.; Nicolai, L.; Pekayvaz, K.; Kilani, B.; Stockhausen, S.; Buergener, N.; Kupka, D. et al.; Stocker, T. J.; Weckbach, L. T.; Pircher, J.; Moser, M.; Joner, M.; Desmet, W.; Adriaenssens, T.; Neumann, F.-J.; Gerschlick, A. H.; ten Berg, J. M.; Lorenz, M.; Stark, K.: Eosinophil-platelet interactions promote atherosclerosis and stabilize thrombosis with eosinophil extracellular traps. BLOOD 134 (21), pp. 1859 - 1872 (2019)
Journal Article
Stremmel, C.; Schuchert, R.; Wagner, F.; Thaler, R.; Weinberger, T.; Pick, R.; Mass, E.; Ishikawa-Ankerhold, H. C.; Margraf, A.; Hutter, S. et al.; Vagnozzi, R.; Klapproth, S.; Frampton, J.; Yona, S.; Scheiermann, C.; Molkentin, J. D.; Jeschke, U.; Moser, M.; Sperandio, M.; Massberg, S.; Geissmann, F.; Schulz, C.: Yolk sac macrophage progenitors traffic to the embryo during defined stages of development. Nature Communications 9, 75 (2018)
Journal Article
Bromberger, T.; Klapproth, S.; Rohwedder, I.; Zhu, L.; Mittmann, L.; Reichel, C. A.; Sperandio, M.; Qin, J.; Moser, M.: Direct Rap1/Talin1 interaction regulates platelet and neutrophil integrin activity in mice. Blood 132 (26), pp. 2754 - 2762 (2018)
Journal Article
Gerard, C.; Hubeau, C.; Carnet, O.; Bellefroid, M.; Sounni, N. E.; Blacher, S.; Bendavid, G.; Moser, M.; Fässler, R.; Noel, A. et al.; Cataldo, D.; Rocks, N.: Microenvironment-derived ADAM28 prevents cancer dissemination. Oncotarget 9 (98), pp. 37185 - 37199 (2018)
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