Publications of Zunlong Ke

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Hastie, K. M.; Salie, Z. L.; Ke, Z.; Halfmann, P. J.; DeWald, L. E.; McArdle, S.; Grinyó, A.; Davidson, E.; Schendel, S. L.; Hariharan, C. et al.; Norris, M. J.; Yu, X.; Chennareddy, C.; Xiong, X.; Heinrich, M.; Holbrook, M. R.; Doranz, B.; Crozier, I.; Kawaoka, Y.; Branco, L. M.; Kuhn, J. H.; Briggs, J. A. G.; Worwa, G.; Davis, C. W.; Ahmed, R.; Saphire, E. O.: Anti-Ebola virus mAb 3A6 protects highly viremic animals from fatal outcome via binding GP(1,2) in a position elevated from the virion membrane. Nature Communications 16, 1293 (2025)
Journal Article
Ke, Z.; Peacock, T. P.; Brown, J. C.; Sheppard, C. M.; Croll, T. I.; Kotecha, A.; Goldhill, D. H.; Barclay, W. S.; Briggs, J. A. G.: Virion morphology and on-virus spike protein structures of diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants. The EMBO Journal 43 (24), pp. 6469 - 6495 (2024)
Journal Article
Zivanov, J.; Otón, J.; Ke, Z.; von Kügelgen, A.; Pyle, E.; Qu, K.; Morado, D.; Castaño-Díez, D.; Zanetti, G.; Bharat, T. A. et al.; Briggs, J. A. G.; Scheres, S. H.: A Bayesian approach to single-particle electron cryo-tomography in RELION-4.0. eLife 11, e83724 (2022)
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