Publications of Elena Conti

Journal Article (101)

Journal Article
Kögel, A.; Keidel, A.; Loukeri, M.-J.; Kuhn, C. C.; Langer, L. M.; Schäfer, I. B.; Conti, E.: Structural basis of mRNA decay by the human exosome–ribosome supercomplex. Nature 635 (8037), pp. 237 - 242 (2024)
Journal Article
Todesca, S.; Sandmeir, F.; Keidel, A.; Conti, E.: Molecular basis of human polyA polymerase recruitment by mPSF. RNA: A Publication of the RNA Society 30 (7), pp. 795 - 806 (2024)
Journal Article
Langer, L. M.; Kurscheidt, K.; Basquin, J.; Bonneau, F.; Iermak, I.; Basquin, C.; Conti, E.: UPF1 helicase orchestrates mutually exclusive interactions with the SMG6 endonuclease and UPF2. Nucleic Acids Research 52 (10), pp. 6036 - 6048 (2024)
Journal Article
Polák, P.; Garland, W.; Rathore, O.; Schmid, M.; Salerno-Kochan, A.; Jakobsen, L.; Gockert, M.; Gerlach, P.; Silla, T.; Andersen, J. S. et al.; Conti, E.; Jensen, T. H.: Dual agonistic and antagonistic roles of ZC3H18 provide for co-activation of distinct nuclear RNA decay pathways. Cell Reports 42 (11), 113325 (2023)
Journal Article
Keidel, A.; Conti, E.: Meet the authors: Achim Keidel and Elena Conti. Molecular Cell 83 (22), pp. 3943 - 3945 (2023)
Journal Article
Keidel, A.; Kögel, A.; Reichelt, P.; Kowalinski, E.; Schäfer, I. B.; Conti, E.: Concerted structural rearrangements enable RNA channeling into the cytoplasmic Ski238-Ski7-exosome assembly. Molecular Cell 83 (22), pp. 4093 - 4105 (2023)
Journal Article
Rouvière, J. O.; Salerno-Kochan, A.; Lykke-Andersen, S.; Garland, W.; Dou, Y.; Rathore, O.; Molska, E. Š.; Wu, G.; Schmid, M.; Bugai, A. et al.; Jakobsen, L.; Žumer, K.; Cramer, P.; Andersen, J. S.; Conti, E.; Jensen, T. H.: ARS2 instructs early transcription termination-coupled RNA decay by recruiting ZC3H4 to nascent transcripts. Molecular Cell 83 (13), pp. 2240 - 2257 (2023)
Journal Article
Bonneau, F.; Basquin, J.; Steigenberger, B.; Schäfer, T.; Schäfer, I. B.; Conti, E.: Nuclear mRNPs are compact particles packaged with a network of proteins promoting RNA–RNA interactions. Genes & Development 37 (11-12), pp. 505 - 517 (2023)
Journal Article
Mauxion, F.; Basquin, J.; Ozgur, S.; Rame, M.; Albrecht, J.; Schäfer, I.; Séraphin, B.; Conti, E.: The human CNOT1-CNOT10-CNOT11 complex forms a structural platform for protein-protein interactions. Cell Reports 42 (1), 111902 (2023)
Journal Article
Brüggenthies, J. B.; Fiore, A.; Russier, M.; Bitsina, C.; Brötzmann, J.; Kordes, S.; Menninger, S.; Wolf, A.; Conti, E.; Eickhoff, J. E. et al.; Murray, P. J.: A cell-based chemical-genetic screen for amino acid stress response inhibitors reveals torins reverse stress kinase GCN2 signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (12), 102629 (2022)
Journal Article
Gerlach, P.; Garland, W.; Lingaraju, M.; Salerno-Kochan, A.; Bonneau, F.; Basquin, J.; Jensen, T. H.; Conti, E.: Structure and regulation of the nuclear exosome targeting complex guides RNA substrates to the exosome. Molecular Cell 82 (13), pp. 2505 - 2518 (2022)
Journal Article
Schmidt, M.; Kluge, F.; Sandmeir, F.; Kühn, U.; Schäfer, P.; Tüting, C.; Ihling, C.; Conti, E.; Wahle, E.: Reconstitution of 3′ end processing of mammalian pre-mRNA reveals a central role of RBBP6. Genes & Development 36 (3-4), pp. 195 - 209 (2022)
Journal Article
Kögel, A.; Keidel, A.; Bonneau, F.; Schaefer, I.; Conti, E.: The human SKI complex regulates channeling of ribosome-bound RNA to the exosome via an intrinsic gatekeeping mechanism. Molecular Cell 82 (4), pp. 756 - 769 (2022)
Journal Article
Langer, L. M.; Bonneau, F.; Gat, Y.; Conti, E.: Cryo-EM reconstructions of inhibitor-bound SMG1 kinase reveal an autoinhibitory state dependent on SMG8. eLife 10, e72353 (2021)
Journal Article
Busetto, V.; Barbosa, I.; Basquin, J.; Marquenet, E.; Hocq, R.; Hennion, M.; Paternina, J. A.; Namane, A.; Conti, E.; Bensaude, O. et al.; Le Hir, H.: Structural and functional insights into CWC27/CWC22 heterodimer linking the exon junction complex to spliceosomes. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 48 (10), pp. 5670 - 5683 (2020)
Journal Article
Langer, L. M.; Gat, Y.; Bonneau, F.; Conti, E.: Structure of substrate-bound SMG1-8-9 kinase complex reveals molecular basis for phosphorylation specificity. ELIFE 9, e57127 (2020)
Journal Article
Schuller, S. K.; Schuller, J. M.; Prabu, J. R.; Baumgärtner, M.; Bonneau, F.; Basquin, J.; Conti, E.: Structural insights into the nucleic acid remodeling mechanisms of the yeast THO-Sub2 complex. eLife 9, e61467 (2020)
Journal Article
Gat, Y.; Schuller, J. M.; Lingaraju, M.; Weyher, E.; Bonneau, F.; Strauss, M.; Murray, P. J.; Conti, E.: InsP(6) binding to PIKK kinases revealed by the cryo-EM structure of an SMG1-SMG8-SMG9 complex. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 26 (12), pp. 1089 - 1093 (2019)
Journal Article
Lingaraju, M.; Johnsen, D.; Schlundt, A.; Langer, L. M.; Basquin, J.; Sattler, M.; Jensen, T. H.; Falk, S.; Conti, E.: The MTR4 helicase recruits nuclear adaptors of the human RNA exosome using distinct arch-interacting motifs. Nature Communications 10, 3393 (2019)
Journal Article
Lingaraju, M.; Schuller, J. M.; Falk, S.; Gerlach, P.; Bonneau, F.; Basquin, J.; Benda, C.; Conti, E.: To Process or to Decay: A Mechanistic View of the Nuclear RNA Exosome. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 84, pp. 155 - 163 (2019)
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