F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publikationen von Florian A. Rosenberger

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

El Fissi, N.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Chang, K.; Wilhalm, A.; Barton-Owen, T.; Hansen, F. M.; Golder, Z.; Alsina, D.; Wedell, A.; Mann, M. et al.: Preventing excessive autophagy protects from the pathology of mtDNA mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature Communications 15 (1), 10719 (2024)
Mennuni, M.; Wilkie, S. E.; Michon, P.; Alsina, D.; Filograna, R.; Lindberg, M.; Sanin, D. E.; Rosenberger, F.; Schaaf, A.; Larsson, E. et al.: High mitochondrial DNA levels accelerate lung adenocarcinoma progression. Science Advances 10 (44), eadp3481 (2024)
Nordmann, T. M.; Anderton, H.; Hasegawa, A.; Schweizer, L.; Zhang, P.; Stadler, P.-C.; Sinha, A.; Metousis, A.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Zwiebel, M. et al.: Spatial proteomics identifies JAKi as treatment for a lethal skin disease. Nature 635 (8040), S. 1001 - 1009 (2024)
Kabatnik, S.; Post, F.; Drici, L.; Bartels, A. S.; Strauss, M. T.; Zheng, X.; Madsen, G. I.; Mund, A.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Moreira, J. et al.: Spatial characterization and stratification of colorectal adenomas by deep visual proteomics. iScience 27 (9), 110620 (2024)
Jiang, S.; Yuan, T.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Mourier, A.; Dragano, N. R. V.; Kremer, L. S.; Rubalcava-Gracia, D.; Hansen, F. M.; Borg, M.; Mennuni, M. et al.: Inhibition of mammalian mtDNA transcription acts paradoxically to reverse diet-induced hepatosteatosis and obesity. Nature Metabolism 6 (6), S. 1024 - 1035 (2024)
Nordmann, T. M.; Schweizer, L.; Metousis, A.; Thielert, M.; Rodriguez, E.; Rahbek-Gjerdrum, L. M.; Stadler, P. C.; Bzorek, M.; Mund, A.; Rosenberger, F. A. et al.: A Standardized and Reproducible Workflow for Membrane Glass Slides in Routine Histology and Spatial Proteomics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 22 (10), 100643 (2023)
Rosenberger, F. A.; Thielert, M.; Strauss, M. T.; Schweizer, L.; Ammar, C.; Mädler, S. C.; Metousis, A.; Skowronek, P.; Wahle, M.; Madden, K. et al.: Spatial single-cell mass spectrometry defines zonation of the hepatocyte proteome. Nature Methods 20 (10), S. 1530 - 1536 (2023)
Thielert, M.; Itang, E. C. M.; Ammar, C.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Bludau, I.; Schweizer, L.; Nordmann, T. M.; Skowronek, P.; Wahle, M.; Zeng, W.-F. et al.: Robust dimethyl-based multiplex-DIA doubles single-cell proteome depth via a reference channel. Molecular Systems Biology 19 (9), e1150 (2023)
Shalon, D.; Culver, R. N.; Grembi, J. A.; Folz, J.; Treit, P. V.; Shi, H.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Dethlefsen, L.; Meng, X.; Yaffe, E. et al.: Profiling the human intestinal environment under physiological conditions. Nature 617 (7961), S. 581 - 591 (2023)
Rosenberger, F. A.; Thielert, M.; Mann, M.: Making single-cell proteomics biologically relevant. Nature Methods 20 (3), S. 320 - 323 (2023)