F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publikationen von Andreas-David Brunner

Zeitschriftenartikel (20)

Neukam, M.; Sala, P.; Brunner, A.-D.; Ganss, K.; Palladini, A.; Grzybek, M.; Topcheva, O.; Vasiljevic, J.; Broichhagen, J.; Johnsson, K. et al.; Kurth, T.; Mann, M.; Coskun, U.; Solimena, M.: Purification of time-resolved insulin granules reveals proteomic and lipidomic changes during granule aging. Cell Reports 43 (3), 113836 (2024)
Michaelis, A. C.; Brunner, A.-D.; Zwiebel, M.; Meier, F.; Strauss, M. T.; Bludau, I.; Mann, M.: The social and structural architecture of the yeast protein interactome. Nature 624 (7990), S. 192 - 200 (2023)
Thielert, M.; Itang, E. C. M.; Ammar, C.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Bludau, I.; Schweizer, L.; Nordmann, T. M.; Skowronek, P.; Wahle, M.; Zeng, W.-F. et al.; Zhou, X.-X.; Brunner, A.-D.; Richter, S.; Levesque, M. P.; Theis, F. J.; Steger, M.; Mann, M.: Robust dimethyl-based multiplex-DIA doubles single-cell proteome depth via a reference channel. Molecular Systems Biology 19 (9), e1150 (2023)
Bhatia, H. S.; Brunner, A.-D.; Oeztuerk, F.; Kapoor, S.; Rong, Z.; Mai, H.; Thielert, M.; Ali, M.; Al-Maskari, R.; Paetzold, J. C. et al.; Kofler, F.; Todorov, M. I.; Molbay, M.; Kolabas, Z. I.; Negwer, M.; Hoeher, L.; Steinke, H.; Dima, A.; Gupta, B.; Kaltenecker, D.; Caliskan, O. S.; Brandt, D.; Krahmer, N.; Mueller, S.; Lichtenthaler, S. F.; Hellal, F.; Bechmann, I.; Menze, B.; Theis, F.; Mann, M.; Ertuerk, A.: Spatial proteomics in three-dimensional intact specimens. Cell 185 (26), S. 5040 - 5058 (2022)
Skowronek, P.; Thielert, M.; Voytik, E.; Tanzer, M. C.; Hansen, F. M.; Willems, S.; Karayel, O.; Brunner, A.-D.; Meier, F.; Mann, M.: Rapid and in-depth coverage of the (phospho-) proteome with deep libraries and optimal window design for dia-PASEF. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 21 (9), 100279 (2022)
Mund, A.; Coscia, F.; Kriston, A.; Hollandi, R.; Kovacs, F.; Brunner, A. D.; Migh, E.; Schweizer, L.; Santos, A.; Bzorek, M. et al.; Naimy, S.; Rahbek-Gjerdrum, L. M.; Dyring-Andersen, B.; Bulkescher, J.; Lukas, C.; Eckert, M. A.; Lengyel, E.; Gnann, C.; Lundberg, E.; Horvath, P.; Mann, M.: Deep Visual Proteomics defines single-cell identity and heterogeneity. Nature Biotechnology 40, S. 1231 - 1240 (2022)
Mund, A.; Brunner, A.-D.; Mann, M.: Unbiased spatial proteomics with single-cell resolution in tissues. Molecular Cell 82 (12), S. 2335 - 2349 (2022)
Brunner, A.-D.; Thielert, M.; Vasilopoulou, C.; Ammar, C.; Coscia, F.; Mund, A.; Hoerning, O. B.; Bache, N.; Apalategui, A.; Lubeck, M. et al.; Richter, S.; Fischer, D. S.; Raether, O.; Park, M. A.; Meier, F.; Theis, F. J.; Mann, M.: Ultra-high sensitivity mass spectrometry quantifies single-cell proteome changes upon perturbation. Molecular Systems Biology 18 (3), e10798 (2022)
Voytik, E.; Bludau, I.; Willems, S.; Hansen, F. M.; Brunner, A.-D.; Strauss, M. T.; Mann, M.: AlphaMap: An open-source Python package for the visual annotation of proteomics data with sequence-specific knowledge. Bioinformatics 38 (3), S. 849 - 852 (2022)
Cho, N. H.; Cheveralls, K. C.; Brunner, A.-D.; Kim, K.; Michaelis, A. C.; Raghavan, P.; Kobayashi, H.; Savy, L.; Li, J. Y.; Canaj, H. et al.; Kim, J. Y. S.; Stewart, E. M.; Gnann, C.; McCarthy, F.; Cabrera, J. P.; Brunetti, R. M.; Chhun, B. B.; Dingle, G.; Hein, M. Y.; Huang, B.; Mehta, S. B.; Weissman, J. S.; Gomez-Sjoberg, R.; Itzhak, D. N.; Royer, L. A.; Mann, M.; Leonetti, M. D.: OpenCell: Endogenous tagging for the cartography of human cellular organization. Science 375 (6585), eabi6983 (2022)
Wigger, L.; Barovic, M.; Brunner, A.-D.; Marzetta, F.; Schoeniger, E.; Mehl, F.; Kipke, N.; Friedland, D.; Burdet, F.; Kessler, C. et al.; Lesche, M.; Thorens, B.; Bonifacio, E.; Legido-Quigley, C.; Barbier Saint Hilaire, P.; Delerive, P.; Dahl, A.; Klose, C.; Gerl, M. J.; Simons, K.; Aust, D.; Weitz, J.; Distler, M.; Schulte, A. M.; Mann, M.; Ibberson, M.; Solimena, M.: Multi-omics profiling of living human pancreatic islet donors reveals heterogeneous beta cell trajectories towards type 2 diabetes. Nature Metabolism 3 (7), S. 1017 - 1031 (2021)
Dietmann, A.; Wenz, E.; van Der Meer, J.; Ringli, M.; Warncke, J. D.; Edwards, E.; Schmidt, M. H.; Bernasconi, C. A.; Nirkko, A.; Strub, M. et al.; Miano, S.; Manconi, M.; Acker, J.; von Manitius, S.; Baumann, C. R.; Valko, P. O.; Yilmaz, B.; Brunner, A.-D.; Tzovara, A.; Zhang, Z.; Largiader, C. R.; Tafti, M.; Latorre, D.; Sallusto, F.; Khatami, R.; Bassetti, C. L. A.: The Swiss Primary Hypersomnolence and Narcolepsy Cohort study (SPHYNCS): Study protocol for a prospective, multicentre cohort observational study. Journal of sleep research 30 (5), e13296 (2021)
Meier, F.; Koehler, N. D.; Brunner, A.-D.; Wanka, J.-M. H.; Voytik, E.; Strauss, M. T.; Theis, F. J.; Mann, M.: Deep learning the collisional cross sections of the peptide universe from a million experimental values. Nature Communications 12 (1), 1185 (2021)
Vasilopoulou, C. G.; Sulek, K.; Brunner, A.-D.; Meitei, N. S.; Schweiger-Hufnagel, U.; Meyer, S. W.; Barsch, A.; Mann, M.; Meier, F.: Reply to "Quality control requirements for the correct annotation of lipidomics data". Nature Communications 12 (1), 4772 (2021)
Chen, J.; Brunner, A.-D.; Cogan, J. Z.; Nunez, J. K.; Fields, A. P.; Adamson, B.; Itzhak, D. N.; Li, J. Y.; Mann, M.; Leonetti, M. D. et al.; Weissman, J. S.: Pervasive functional translation of noncanonical human open reading frames. SCIENCE 367 (6482), S. 1140 - 1146 (2020)
Meier, F.; Brunner, A.-D.; Frank, M.; Ha, A.; Bludau, I.; Voytik, E.; Kaspar-Schoenefeld, S.; Lubeck, M.; Raether, O.; Bache, N. et al.; Aebersold, R.; Collins, B.C.; Röst, H.L.; Mann, M.: diaPASEF: parallel accumulation–serial fragmentation combined with data-independent acquisition. Nature Methods 17 (12), S. 1229 - 1236 (2020)
Vasilopoulou, C. G.; Sulek, K.; Brunner, A.-D.; Meitei, N. S.; Schweiger-Hufnagel, U.; Meyer, S. W.; Barsch, A.; Mann, M.; Meier, F.: Trapped ion mobility spectrometry and PASEF enable in-depth lipidomics from minimal sample amounts. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 331 (2020)
Deshmukh, A. S.; Peijs, L.; Beaudry, J. L.; Jespersen, N. Z.; Nielsen, C. H.; Ma, T.; Brunner, A. D.; Larsen, T. J.; Bayarri-Olmos, R.; Prabhakar, B. S. et al.; Helgstrand, C.; Severinsen, M. C. K.; Holst, B.; Kjaer, A.; Tang-Christensen, M.; Sanfridson, A.; Garred, P.; Prive, G. G.; Pedersen, B. K.; Gerhart-Hines, Z.; Nielsen, S.; Drucker, D. J.; Mann, M.; Scheele, C.: Proteomics-Based Comparative Mapping of the Secretomes of Human Brown and White Adipocytes Reveals EPDR1 as a Novel Batokine. CELL METABOLISM 30 (5), S. 963 - 975.e7 (2019)
Wichmann, C.; Meier, F.; Virreira Winter, S.; Brunner, A.-D.; Cox, J.; Mann, M.: MaxQuant. Live Enables Global Targeting of More Than 25,000 Peptides. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 18 (5), S. 982 - 994 (2019)
Meier, F.; Brunner, A.-D.; Koch, S.; Koch, H.; Lubeck, M.; Krause, M.; Goedecke, N.; Decker, J.; Kosinski, T.; Park, M. A. et al.; Bache, N.; Hoerning, O.; Cox, J.; Raether, O.; Mann, M.: Online parallel accumulation - serial fragmentation (PASEF) with a novel trapped on mobility mass spectrometer. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 17 (12), UNSP TIR118.000900, S. 2533 - 2545 (2018)