F.-Ulrich Hartl

Publikationen von Hamid Hamzeiy

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Hamzeiy, H.; Ferretti, D.; Robles, M. S.; Cox, J.: Perseus plugin "Metis'' for metabolic-pathway-centered quantitative multi-omics data analysis for static and time-series experimental designs. Cell Reports: Methods 2 (4), 100198 (2022)
Sinitcyn, P.; Hamzeiy, H.; Salinas Soto, F.; Itzhak, D.; McCarthy, F.; Wichmann, C.; Steger, M.; Ohmayer, U.; Distler, U.; Kaspar-Schoenefeld, S. et al.; Prianichnikov, N.; Yilmaz, S.; Rudolph, J. D.; Tenzer, S.; Perez-Riverol, Y.; Nagaraj, N.; Humphrey, S. J.; Cox, J.: MaxDIA enables library-based and library-free data-independent acquisition proteomics. Nature Biotechnology 39, S. 1563 - 1573 (2021)
Tunca, C.; Seker, T.; Akcimen, F.; Coskun, C.; Bayraktar, E.; Palvadeau, R.; Zor, S.; Kocoglu, C.; Kartal, E.; Sen, N. E. et al.; Hamzeiy, H.; Erimis, A. O.; Norman, U.; Karakahya, O.; Olgun, G.; Akgun, T.; Durmus, H.; Sahin, E.; Cakar, A.; Gursoy, E. B.; Yildiz, G. B.; Isak, B.; Uluc, K.; Hanagasi, H.; Bilgic, B.; Turgut, N.; Aysal, F.; Ertas, M.; Boz, C.; Kotan, D.; Idrisoglu, H.; Soysal, A.; Adatepe, N. U.; Akalin, M. A.; Koc, F.; Tan, E.; Oflazer, P.; Deymeer, F.; Tastan, O.; Cicek, A. E.; Kavak, E.; Parman, Y.; Basak, A. N.: Revisiting the complex architecture of ALS in Turkey: Expanding genotypes, shared phenotypes, molecular networks, and a public variant database. Human Mutation 41 (8), S. e7 - e45 (2020)
Sinitcyn, P.; Tiwary, S.; Rudolph, J.; Gutenbrunner, P.; Wichmann, C.; Yilmaz, S.; Hamzeiy, H.; Salinas, F.; Cox, J.: MaxQuant goes Linux. Nature methods 15 (6), S. 401 - 401 (2018)
Hamzeiy, H.; Cox, J.: What computational non-targeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics can gain from shotgun proteomics. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 43, S. 141 - 146 (2017)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Hamzeiy, H.: Advancing computational methods for mass spectrometry-based proteomics, metabolomics, and analysis of multi-omics datasets. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie, München (2021)