Silvia Eger - „ARTenvielfalt“-ARTdiversità-ARTdiversity
Exhibition from November 27, until January 17, 2020

How threatened is the diversity of species in nature? I think so, if you can believe renowned scientists and nature conservationists. And what about biodiversity in art? Slightly threatened, one can say, because the art market rather demands clearly assignable creative manuscripts. But there are artists, like Silvia Eger from Munich, who allow themselves a wealth of forms of expression in their creative work, and who have made diversity their trademark. Even her abstract acrylic paintings, with their diversity of expression, pay homage to artistic freedom, from vociferous and superficial to tender and reserved. But Silvia Eger is not content with the one-dimensionally perceptible form of her pictures. She incorporates natural materials into many of her works, thereby giving them a haptic dimension that almost seduces the viewer to touch them. Recently she has increasingly abandoned the world of acrylic painting and pictorial collages and experimented with combinations of materials, which she adds to individual objects and object series with unbridled creative joy. This is particularly striking in the recent series "Edition II", in which Plexiglas, hemp and metal elements become pictures that tell a creative story.
The exhibition "ARTenvielfalt", "ARTdiversità", "ARTdiversity" at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried is a comprehensive exhibition of the works of Silvia Eger, which will be shown for the first time in this abundance and variation of artistic expression. The opening will take place on 27.11.2019 at 18.00 in the presence of the artist and with musical accompaniment by Renkei Hashimoto. Admission is free. Duration of the exhibition from 27.11.19 to 17.1.20 daily from 8 am to 8 pm, also on Sundays and public holidays. and
Vernissage: November 27, 2019 at 6 p.m.
Opening hours from 8am to 8pm daily, entrance free