Publications of L. Moroder

Journal Article (144)

Journal Article
Renner, C.; Kusebauch, U.; Löweneck, M.; Milbradt, A. G.; Moroder, L.: Azobenzene as photoresponsive conformational switch in cyclic peptides. Journal of Peptide Research 65 (1), pp. 4 - 14 (2005)
Journal Article
Özbek, S.; Pokidysheva, E.; Schwager, M.; Schulthess, T.; Tariq, N.; Barth, D.; Milbradt, A. G.; Moroder, L.; Engel, J.; Holstein, T. W.: The glycoprotein NOWA and minicollagens are part of a disulfide-linked polymer that forms the cnidarian nematocyst wall. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (50), pp. 52016 - 52023 (2004)
Journal Article
Sinner, E. K.; Reuning, U.; Kök, F. N.; Saccà, B.; Moroder, L.; Knoll, W.; Oesterhelt, D.: Incorporation of integrins into artificial planar lipid membranes: characterization by plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy. Analytical Biochemistry 333 (2), pp. 216 - 224 (2004)
Journal Article
Venanzi, M.; Valeri, A.; Palleschi, A.; Stella, L.; Moroder, L.; Formaggio, F.; Toniolo, C.; Pispisa, B.: Structural properties and photophysical behavior of conformationally constrained hexapeptides functionalized with a new fluorescent analog of tryptophan and a nitroxide radical quencher. Biopolymers 75 (2), pp. 128 - 139 (2004)
Journal Article
Escrieut, C.; Dufresne, M.; Seva, C.; Pradayrol, L.; Moroder, L.; Maigret, B.; Fourmy, D.: Modeled stucture of a G-protein-coupled receptor, the human cholecystokinin-1 receptor. Regulatory Peptides 122 (1), p. 5 - 5 (2004)
Journal Article
Vatinel, S.; Lopez, F.; Esteve, J. P.; Monsarrat, B.; Moroder, L.; Pradayrol, L.; Dufresne, M.; Fourmy, D.; Seva, C.: Proteomics approaches to identify signalling complexes interacting with the CCK2 receptor C-terminus. Regulatory Peptides 122 (1), p. 46 - 46 (2004)
Journal Article
Satzger, H.; Root, C.; Renner, C.; Behrendt, R.; Moroder, L.; Wachtveitl, J.; Zinth, W.: Picosecond dynamics in water-soluble azobenzene-peptides. Chemical Physics Letters 396 (1-3), pp. 191 - 197 (2004)
Journal Article
Kaiser, M.; Groll, M.; Siciliano, C.; Assfalg-Machleidt, I.; Weyher, E.; Kohno, J.; Milbradt, A. G.; Renner, C.; Huber, R.; Moroder, L.: Binding mode of TMC-95A analogues to eukaryotic 20S proteasome. ChemBioChem 5 (9), pp. 1256 - 1266 (2004)
Journal Article
Pokidysheva, E.; Milbradt, A. G.; Meier, S.; Renner, C.; Häussinger, D.; Bächinger, H. P.; Moroder, L.; Grzesiek, S.; Holstein, T. W.; Özbek, S. et al.; Engel, J.: The structure of the Cys-rich terminal domain of hydra minicollagen, which is involved in disulfide networks of the nematocyst wall. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (29), pp. 30395 - 30401 (2004)
Journal Article
Stern, I.; Schaschke, N.; Moroder, L.; Turk, D.: Crystal structure of NS-134 in complex with bovine cathepsin B: a two-headed epoxysuccinyl inhibitor extends along the entire active-site cleft. Biochemical Journal 381, pp. 511 - 517 (2004)
Journal Article
Arnould, M.; Tassa, A.; Ferrand, A.; Archer, E.; Estève, J. P.; Pénalba, V.; Portolan, G.; Escherich, A.; Moroder, L.; Fourmy, D. et al.; Seva, C.; Dufresne, M.: The G-protein-coupled CCK2 receptor associates with phospholipase Cγ1. FEBS Letters 568 (1-3), pp. 89 - 93 (2004)
Journal Article
Bae, J. H.; Pal, P. P.; Moroder, L.; Huber, R.; Budisa, N.: Crystallographic evidence for isomeric chromophores in 3-fluorotyrosyl-green fluorescent protein. ChemBioChem 5 (5), pp. 720 - 722 (2004)
Journal Article
Renner, C.; Saccà, B.; Moroder, L.: Synthetic heterotrimeric collagen peptides as mimics of cell adhesion sites of the basement membrane. Biopolymers 76 (1), pp. 34 - 47 (2004)
Journal Article
Wachtveitl, J.; Spörlein, S.; Satzger, H.; Fonrobert, B.; Renner, C.; Behrendt, R.; Oesterhelt, D.; Moroder, L.; Zinth, W.: Ultrafast conformational dynamics in cyclic azobenzene peptides of increased flexibility. Biophysical Journal 86 (4), pp. 2350 - 2362 (2004)
Journal Article
Giragossian, C.; Schaschke, N.; Moroder, L.; Mierke, D. F.: Conformational and molecular modeling studies of beta-cyclodextrin-heptagastrin and the third extracellular loop of the cholecystokinin 2 receptor. Biochemistry 43 (10), pp. 2724 - 2731 (2004)
Journal Article
Renner, C.; Fiori, S.; Fiorino, F.; Landgraf, D.; Deluca, D.; Mentler, M.; Grantner, K.; Parak, F. G.; Kretzschmar, H.; Moroder, L.: Micellar environments induce structuring of the N-terminal tail of the prion protein. Biopolymers 73 (4), pp. 421 - 433 (2004)
Journal Article
Sartori, E.; Toffoletti, A.; Corvaja, C.; Moroder, L.; Formaggio, F.; Toniolo, C.: An oligopeptide doubly labelled with an azulene chromophore and a TEMPO radical. Azulene triplet generation by enhanced ISC from S< /sub>2< /sub>. Chemical Physics Letters 385 (5-6), pp. 362 - 367 (2004)
Journal Article
Barth, D.; Milbradt, A. G.; Renner, C.; Moroder, L.: A (4R)- or a (4S)-fluoroproline residue in position Xaa of the (Xaa-Yaa-Gly) collagen repeat severely affects triple-helix formation. ChemBioChem 5 (1), pp. 79 - 86 (2004)
Journal Article
Kaiser, M.; Milbradt, A. G.; Siciliano, C.; Assfalg-Machleidt, I.; Machleidt, W.; Groll, M.; Renner, C.; Moroder, L.: TMC-95A analogues with endocyclic biphenyl ether group as proteasome inhibitors. Chemistry & Biodiversity 1 (1), pp. 161 - 173 (2004)
Journal Article
Moroder, L.: Murray Goodman (1928-2004): Peptide chemistry. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 43 (28), p. 3628 - 3628 (2004)
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