Publications of Michael Heymann

Journal Article (26)

Journal Article
Wiedorn, M. O.; Awel, S.; Morgan, A. J.; Ayyer, K.; Gevorkov, Y.; Fleckenstein, H.; Roth, N.; Adriano, L.; Bean, R.; Beyerlein, K. R. et al.; Chen, J.; Coe, J.; Cruz-Mazo, F.; Ekeberg, T.; Graceffa, R.; Heymann, M.; Horke, D. A.; Knoska, J.; Mariani, V.; Nazari, R.; Oberthuer, D.; Samanta, A. K.; Sierra, R. G.; Stan, C. A.; Yefanov, O.; Rompotis, D.; Correa, J.; Erk, B.; Treusch, R.; Schulz, J.; Hogue, B. G.; Ganan-Calvo, A. M.; Fromme, P.; Kuepper, J.; Rode, A. V.; Bajt, S.; Kirian, R. A.; Chapman, H. N.: Rapid sample delivery for megahertz serial crystallography at X-ray FELs. IUCrJ 5, pp. 574 - 584 (2018)
Journal Article
Wiedorn, M. O.; Awel, S.; Morgan, A. J.; Barthelmess, M.; Bean, R.; Beyerlein, K. R.; Chavas, L. M. G.; Eckerskorn, N.; Fleckenstein, H.; Heymann, M. et al.; Horke, D. A.; Knoska, J.; Mariani, V.; Oberthuer, D.; Roth, N.; Yefanov, O.; Barty, A.; Bajt, S.; Kuepper, J.; Rode, A. V.; Kirian, R. A.; Chapman, H. N.: Post-sample aperture for low background diffraction experiments at X-ray free-electron lasers. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24, pp. 1296 - 1298 (2017)
Journal Article
Aghvami, S. A.; Opathalage, A.; Zhang, Z. K.; Ludwig, M.; Heymann, M.; Norton, M.; Wilkins, N.; Fraden, S.: Rapid prototyping of cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) microfluidic devices. Sensors and Actuators b-Chemical 247, pp. 940 - 949 (2017)
Journal Article
Jia, H.; Heymann, M.; Bernhard, F.; Schwille, P.; Kai, L.: Cell-free protein synthesis in micro compartments: building a minimal cell from biobricks. New biotechnology 39 (Part B), pp. 199 - 205 (2017)
Journal Article
Wojtas, D. H.; Ayyer, K.; Liang, M.; Mossou, E.; Romoli, F.; Seuring, C.; Beyerlein, K. R.; Bean, R. J.; Morgan, A. J.; Oberthuer, D. et al.; Fleckenstein, H.; Heymann, M.; Gati, C.; Yefanov, O.; Barthelmess, M.; Ornithopoulou, E.; Galli, L.; Xavier, P. L.; Ling, W. L.; Frank, M.; Yoon, C. H.; White, T. A.; Bajt, S.; Mitraki, A.; Boutet, S.; Aquila, A.; Barty, A.; Forsyth, V. T.; Chapman, H. N.; Millane, R. P.: Analysis of XFEL serial diffraction data from individual crystalline fibrils. IUCrJ 4 (6), pp. 795 - 811 (2017)
Journal Article
Nelson, G.; Kirian, R. A.; Weierstall, U.; Zatsepin, N. A.; Farago, T.; Baumbach, T.; Wilde, F.; Niesler, F. B. P.; Zimmer, B.; Ishigami, I. et al.; Hikita, M.; Bajt, S.; Yeh, S.-R.; Rousseau, D. L.; Chapman, H. N.; Spence, J. C. H.; Heymann, M.: Three-dimensional-printed gas dynamic virtual nozzles for x-ray laser sample delivery. Optics Express 24 (11), pp. 1515 - 1530 (2016)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Diaz, D. A. R.; Salomon, A. M.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.: Bidirectional FtsZ filament treadmilling promotes membrane constriction via torsional stress. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 48, p. S210 - S210. Joint 12th EBSA European Biophysics Congress / 10th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP), Madrid, SPAIN, July 20, 2019 - July 24, 2019. Springer, Berlin (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Eto, H.; Heymann, M.; Soga, N.; Noji, H.; Schwille, P.: Micro-structured compartment models for synthetic biology. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 46, p. S96 - S96. 19th IUPAB Congress / 11th EBSA Congress, British Biophys Soc, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, July 16, 2017 - July 20, 2017. Springer, Berlin (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Ganzinger, K.; Heymann, M.; Robinson, T.; Schwille, P.: Catch me if you can: microfluidic traps for studying biomolecular processes in GUVs. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 46, p. S120 - S120. 19th IUPAB Congress / 11th EBSA Congress, British Biophys Soc, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, July 16, 2017 - July 20, 2017. Springer, Berlin (2017)

Preprint (1)

Ramirez-Diaz, D. A.; Merino-Salomon, A.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.: Bidirectional FtsZ filament treadmilling promotes membrane constriction via torsional stress. bioRxiv, 587790 (2019)
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