Publications of M. Heymann

Journal Article (26)

Journal Article
Jia, H.; Flommersfeld, J.; Heymann, M.; Vogel, S. K.; Franquelim, H. G.; Bruckner, D. B.; Eto, H.; Broedersz, C. P.; Schwille, P.: 3D printed protein-based robotic structures actuated by molecular motor assemblies. Nature Materials 21 (6), pp. 703 - 709 (2022)
Journal Article
Eto, H.; Franquelim, H. G.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.: Membrane-coated 3D architectures for bottom-up synthetic biology dagger. Soft Matter 17, pp. 5456 - 5466 (2021)
Journal Article
Erben, A.; Hoerning, M.; Hartmann, B.; Becke, T.; Eisler, S. A.; Southan, A.; Cranz, S.; Hayden, O.; Kneidinger, N.; Koenigshoff, M. et al.; Lindner, M.; Tovar, G. E. M.; Burgstaller, G.; Clausen-Schaumann, H.; Sudhop, S.; Heymann, M.: Precision 3D-Printed Cell Scaffolds Mimicking Native Tissue Composition and Mechanics. Advanced Healthcare Materials 9 (24), 2000918 (2020)
Journal Article
Jia, H.; Litschel, T.; Heymann, M.; Eto, H.; Franquelim, H. G.; Schwille, P.: Shaping Giant Membrane Vesicles in 3D-Printed Protein Hydrogel Cages. Small 16, 1906259 (2020)
Journal Article
Bohne, S.; Heymann, M.; Chapman, H. N.; Trieu, H. K.; Bajt, S.: 3D printed nozzles on a silicon fluidic chip. Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (3), 035108 (2019)
Journal Article
Jensen, S. C.; Sullivan, B.; Hartzler, D. A.; Aguilar, J. M.; Awel, S.; Bajt, S.; Basu, S.; Bean, R.; Chapman, H. N.; Conrad, C. et al.; Frank, M.; Fromme, R.; Martin-Garcia, J. M.; Grant, T. D.; Heymann, M.; Hunter, M. S.; Ketawala, G.; Kirian, R. A.; Knoska, J.; Kupitz, C.; Li, X.; Liang, M.; Lisova, S.; Mariani, V.; Mazalova, V.; Messerschmidt, M.; Moran, M.; Nelson, G.; Oberthür, D.; Schaffer, A.; Sierra, R. G.; Vaughn, N.; Weierstall, U.; Wiedorn, M. O.; Paulraj, L. X.; Yang, J.-H.; Yefanov, O.; Zatsepin, N. A.; Aquila, A.; Fromme, P.; Boutet, S.; Seidler, G. T.; Pushkar, Y.: X-ray Emission Spectroscopy at X-ray Free Electron Lasers: Limits to Observation of the Classical Spectroscopic Response for Electronic Structure Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (3), pp. 441 - 446 (2019)
Journal Article
Eto, H.; Soga, N.; Franquelim, H. G.; Glock, P.; Khmelinskaia, A.; Kai, L.; Heymann, M.; Noji, H.; Schwille, P.: Design of sealable custom-shaped cell mimicries based on self-assembled monolayers on CYTOP polymer. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11 (24), pp. 21372 - 21380 (2019)
Journal Article
Fuest, M.; Schaffer, M.; Nocera, G. M.; Galilea-Kleinsteuber, R. I.; Messling, J.-E.; Heymann, M.; Plitzko, J. M.; Burg, T. P.: In situ Microfluidic Cryofixation for Cryo Focused Ion Beam Milling and Cryo Electron Tomography. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9, 19133 (2019)
Journal Article
Hürtgen, D.; Mascarenhas, J.; Heymann, M.; Murray, S.; Schwille, P.; Sourjik, V.: Reconstitution and coupling of DNA replication and segregation in a biomimetic system. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 20 (20), pp. 2633 - 2642 (2019)
Journal Article
Jia, H.; Heymann, M.; Härtel, T.; Kai, L.; Schwille, P.: Temperature-sensitive protein expression in protocells. Chemical Communications 55, pp. 6421 - 6424 (2019)
Journal Article
Weise, L. I.; Heymann, M.; Mayr, V.; Mutschler, H.: Cell-free expression of RNA encoded genes using MS2 replicase. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 47 (20), pp. 10956 - 10967 (2019)
Journal Article
Litschel, T.; Ramm, B.; Maas, R.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.: Beating vesicles: Encapsulated protein oscillations cause dynamic membrane deformations. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (50), pp. 16286 - 16290 (2018)
Journal Article
Wiedorn, M. O.; Oberthür, D.; Bean, R.; Schubert, R.; Werner, N.; Abbey, B.; Aepfelbacher, M.; Adriano, L.; Allahgholi, A.; Al-Qudami, N. et al.; Andreasson, J.; Aplin, S.; Awel, S.; Ayyer, K.; Bajt, S.; Barák, I.; Bari, S.; Bielecki, J.; Botha, S.; Boukhelef, D.; Brehm, W.; Brockhauser, S.; Cheviakov, I.; Coleman, M. A.; Cruz-Mazo, F.; Danilevski, C.; Darmanin, C.; Doak, R. B.; Domaracky, M.; Dörner, K.; Du, Y.; Fangohr, H.; Fleckenstein, H.; Frank, M.; Fromme, P.; Gañán-Calvo, A. M.; Gevorkov, Y.; Giewekemeyer, K.; Ginn, H. M.; Graafsma, H.; Graceffa, R.; Greiffenberg, D.; Gumprecht, L.; Göttlicher, P.; Hajdu, J.; Hauf, S.; Heymann, M.; Holmes, S.; Horke, D. A.; Hunter, M. S.; Imlau, S.; Kaukher, A.; Kim, Y.; Klyuev, A.; Knoška, J.; Kobe, B.; Kuhn, M.; Kupitz, C.; Küpper, J.; Lahey-Rudolph, J. M.; Laurus, T.; Le Cong, K.; Letrun, R.; Xavier, P. L.; Maia, L.; Maia, F. R. N. C.; Mariani, V.; Messerschmidt, M.; Metz, M.; Mezza, D.; Michelat, T.; Mills, G.; Monteiro, D. C. F.; Morgan, A.; Mühlig, K.; Munke, A.; Münnich, A.; Nette, J.; Nugent, K. A.; Nuguid, T.; Orville, A. M.; Pandey, S.; Pena, G.; Villanueva-Perez, P.; Poehlsen, J.; Previtali, G.; Redecke, L.; Riekehr, W. M.; Rohde, H.; Round, A.; Safenreiter, T.; Sarrou, I.; Sato, T.; Schmidt, M.; Schmitt, B.; Schönherr, R.; Schulz, J.; Sellberg, J. A.; Seibert, M. M.; Seuring, C.; Shelby, M. L.; Shoeman, R. L.; Sikorski, M.; Silenzi, A.; Stan, C. A.; Shi, X.; Stern, S.; Sztuk-Dambietz, J.; Szuba, J.; Tolstikova, A.; Trebbin, M.; Trunk, U.; Vagovic, P.; Ve, T.; Weinhausen, B.; White, T. A.; Wrona, K.; Xu, C.; Yefanov, O.; Zatsepin, N.; Zhang, J.; Perbandt, M.; Mancuso, A. P.; Betzel, C.; Chapman, H.; Barty, A.: Megahertz serial crystallography. Nature Communications 9, 4025 (2018)
Journal Article
Litschel, T.; Ganzinger, K. A.; Movinkel, T.; Heymann, M.; Robinson, T.; Mutschler, H.; Schwille, P.: Freeze-thaw cycles induce content exchange between cell-sized lipid vesicles. New Journal of Physics 20, 055008 (2018)
Journal Article
Olmos Jr., J. L.; Pandey, S.; Martin-Garcia, J. M.; Calvey, G.; Katz, A.; Knoska, J.; Kupitz, C.; Hunter, M. S.; Liang, M.; Oberthuer, D. et al.; Yefanov, O.; Wiedorn, M.; Heyman, M.; Holl, M.; Pande, K.; Barty, A.; Miller, M. D.; Stern, S.; Roy-Chowdhury, S.; Coe, J.; Nagaratnam, N.; Zook, J.; Verburgt, J.; Norwood, T.; Poudyal, I.; Xu, D.; Koglin, J.; Seaberg, M. H.; Zhao, Y.; Bajt, S.; Grant, T.; Mariani, V.; Nelson, G.; Subramanian, G.; Bae, E.; Fromme, R.; Fung, R.; Schwander, P.; Frank, M.; White, T. A.; Weierstall, U.; Zatsepin, N.; Spence, J.; Fromme, P.; Chapman, H. N.; Pollack, L.; Tremblay, L.; Ourmazd, A.; Phillips Jr., G. N.; Schmidt, M.: Enzyme intermediates captured "on the fly" by mix-and-inject serial crystallography. BMC Biology 16, 59 (2018)
Journal Article
Gicquel, Y.; Schubert, R.; Kapis, S.; Bourenkov, G.; Schneider, T.; Perbandt, M.; Betzel, C.; Chapman, H. N.; Heymann, M.: Microfluidic Chips for In Situ Crystal X-ray Diffraction and In Situ Dynamic Light Scattering for Serial Crystallography. Journal of Visualized Experiments (134), e57133 (2018)
Journal Article
Jia, H.; Kai, L.; Heymann, M.; Garcia-Soriano, D.; Härtel, T.; Schwille, P.: Light-Induced Printing of Protein Structures on Membranes in Vitro. Nano Letters 18 (11), pp. 7133 - 7140 (2018)
Journal Article
Niederauer, C.; Blumhardt, P.; Mücksch, J.; Heymann, M.; Lambacher, A.; Schwille, P.: Direct characterization of the evanescent field in objective-type total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Optics Express 26 (16), pp. 20492 - 20506 (2018)
Journal Article
Ramm, B.; Glock, P.; Mücksch, J.; Blumhardt, P.; Garcia-Soriano, D.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.: The MinDE system is a generic spatial cue for membrane protein distribution in vitro. Nature Communications 9, 3942 (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, Q.; Taschner, M.; Ganzinger, K. A.; Kelley, C.; Villasenor, A.; Heymann, M.; Schwille, P.; Lorentzen, E.; Mizuno, N.: Membrane association and remodeling by intraflagellar transport protein IFT172. Nature Communications 9, 4684 (2018)
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