Publikationen von Raphael Ruppert

Zeitschriftenartikel (16)

Härzschel, A.; Li, L.; Krenn, P.; Szenes-Nagy, E.; Andrieux, G.; Bayer, E.; Pfeifer, D.; Polcik, L.; Denk, U.; Höpner, J. P. et al.; Karabatak, E.; Danner, D.-J.; Tangermann, S.; Kenner, L.; Jumaa, H.; Greil, R.; Börries, M.; Ruppert, R.; Maity, P. C.; Hartmann, T. N.: Kindlin-3 maintains marginal zone B cells but confines follicular B cell activation and differentiation. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 111 (4), S. 745 - 758 (2022)
Moretti, F. A.; Klapproth, S.; Ruppert, R.; Margraf, A.; Jasmin, W.; Pick, R.; Scheiermann, C.; Sperandio, M.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: Differential requirement of kindlin-3 for T cell progenitor homing to the non-vascularized and vascularized thymus. eLife 7, e35816 (2018)
Rognoni, E.; Ruppert, R.; Fässler, R.: The kindlin family: functions, signaling properties and implications for human disease. Journal of Cell Science 129 (1), S. 17 - 27 (2016)
Klapproth, S.; Moretti, F. A.; Zeiler, M.; Ruppert, R.; Breithaupt, U.; Mueller, S.; Haas, R.; Mann, M.; Sperandio, M.; Fässler, R. et al.; Moser, M.: Minimal amounts of kindlin-3 suffice for basal platelet and leukocyte functions in mice. BLOOD 126 (24), S. 2592 - 2600 (2015)
Ruppert, R.; Moser, M.; Sperandio, M.; Rognoni, E.; Orban, M.; Liu, W.-H.; Schulz, A. S.; Oostendorp, R. A. J.; Massberg, S.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-3-mediated integrin adhesion is dispensable for quiescent but essential for activated hematopoietic stem cells. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 212 (9), S. 1415 - 1432 (2015)
Speicher, T.; Siegenthaler, B.; Bogorad, R. L.; Ruppert, R.; Petzold, T.; Padrissa-Altes, S.; Bachofner, M.; Anderson, D. G.; Koteliansky, V.; Fässler, R. et al.; Werner, S.: Knockdown and knockout of beta 1-integrin in hepatocytes impairs liver regeneration through inhibition of growth factor signalling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 5, 3862 (2014)
Rognoni, E.; Widmaier, M.; Jakobson, M.; Ruppert, R.; Ussar, S.; Katsougkri, D.; Böttcher, R. T.; Lai-Cheong, J. E.; Rifkin, D. B.; McGrath, J. A. et al.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-1 controls Wnt and TGF-beta availability to regulate cutaneous stem cell proliferation. Nature Medicine 20 (4), S. 350 - 359 (2014)
Moretti, F. A.; Moser, M.; Lyck, R.; Abadier, M.; Ruppert, R.; Engelhardt, B.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-3 regulates integrin activation and adhesion reinforcement of effector T cells. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 110 (42), S. 17005 - 17010 (2013)
Petzold, T.; Ruppert, R.; Pandey, D.; Barocke, V.; Meyer, H.; Lorenz, M.; Zhang, L.; Siess, W.; Massberg, S.; Moser, M.: beta 1 integrin-mediated signals are required for platelet granule secretion and hemostasis in mouse. BLOOD 122 (15), S. 2723 - 2731 (2013)
Ye, F.; Petrich, B. G.; Anekal, P.; Lefort, C. T.; Kasirer-Friede, A.; Shattil, S. J.; Ruppert, R.; Moser, M.; Fässler, R.; Ginsberg, M. H.: The Mechanism of Kindlin-Mediated Activation of Integrin alpha IIb beta 3. CURRENT BIOLOGY 23 (22), S. 2288 - 2295 (2013)
Schmidt, S.; Nakchbandi, I.; Ruppert, R.; Kawelke, N.; Hess, M. W.; Pfaller, K.; Jurdic, P.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: Kindlin-3-mediated signaling from multiple integrin classes is required for osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Journal of Cell Biology 192 (5), S. 883 - 897 (2011)
Schmidt, S.; Moretti, F.; Ruppert, R.; Sperandio, M.; Moser, M.: How much kindlin-3 does a cell need? Journal of Vascular Research 48 (Suppl. 1), S. 309 - 309 (2011)
Moretti, F.; Schmidt, S.; Ruppert, R.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: A critical Kindlin-3 level is required for efficient integrin activation in hematopoietic cells. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (Suppl. 60), S. 51 - 51 (2010)
Schmidt, S.; Ruppert, R.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: Kindlin-3 controls osteoclast-mediated bone resorption by activating multiple classes of integrins. European Journal of Cell Biology 89 (Suppl. 60), S. 50 - 51 (2010)
Cantor, J.; Browne, C. D.; Ruppert, R.; Feral, C. C.; Fässler, R.; Rickert, R. C.; Ginsberg, M. H.: CD98hc facilitates B cell proliferation and adaptive humoral immunity. Nature Immunology 10 (4), S. 412 - 419 (2009)
Moser, M.; Bauer, M.; Schmid, S.; Ruppert, R.; Schmidt, S.; Sixt, M.; Wang, H. V.; Sperandio, M.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-3 is required for beta(2) integrin-mediated leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells. Nature Medicine 15 (3), S. 300 - 305 (2009)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Ruppert, R.: The Role of Kindlin-3 in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Homeostasis and Mature Effector Cells. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (2014)
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