Publikationen von Daniel Moik

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Haubner, B. J.; Moik, D.; Schuetz, T.; Reiner, M. F.; Voelkl, J. G.; Streil, K.; Bader, K.; Zhao, L.; Scheu, C.; Mair, J. et al.; Pachinger, O.; Metzler, B.: In vivo cardiac role of migfilin during experimental pressure overload. Cardiovascular Research 106 (3), S. 398 - 407 (2015)
Janbandhu, V. C.; Moik, D.; Fässler, R.: Cre recombinase induces DNA damage and tetraploidy in the absence of LoxP sites. CELL CYCLE 13 (3), S. 462 - 470 (2014)
Moik, D.; Böttcher, A.; Makhina, T.; Grashoff, C.; Bulus, N.; Zent, R.; Fässler, R.: Mutations in the Paxillin-binding Site of Integrin-linked Kinase (ILK) Destabilize the Pseudokinase Domain and Cause Embryonic Lethality in Mice. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 288 (26), S. 18863 - 18871 (2013)
Meyer, M.; Mueller, A.-K.; Yang, J.; Moik, D.; Ponzio, G.; Ornitz, D. M.; Grose, R.; Werner, S.: FGF receptors 1 and 2 are key regulators of keratinocyte migration in vitro and in wounded skin. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 125 (23), S. 5690 - 5701 (2012)
Moik, D. V.; Janbandhu, V. C.; Fässler, R.: Loss of migfilin expression has no overt consequences on murine development and homeostasis. Journal of Cell Science 124 (3), S. 414 - 421 (2011)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Reiner, M.; Streil, K.; Haubner, B. J.; Bader, K.; Moik, D. V.; Faessler, R.; Pachinger, O.; Metzler, B.: Cardiac morphology and function in migfilin deficient mice due to experimental pressure overload. In European Heart Journal, 33 (Suppl. 1), S. 113 - 113. OXFORD UNIV PRESS, OXFORD (2012)
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