Publikationen von W. Baumeister

Konferenzbeitrag (26)

Baumeister, W.; Rachel, R.; Guckenberger, R.; Hegerl, R.: Correlation Averaging of Two-dimensional Crystals: Basic Strategy and Refinements. 44th Ann. Meet. Electr. Micr. Soc. Am., Albuquerque., (1986)
Engelhardt, H.; Saxton, W. O.; Baumeister, W.: 3-D Reconstruction of a Regular Bacterial Surface Layer: Effects of Limited Tilting and Preparation Conditions. 44th Ann. Meet. Electr. Micr. Soc. Am., Albuquerque., (1986)
Hegerl, R.; Cejka, Z.; Baumeister, W.: A Bacterial S Layer: Separation of Double Lattices, Correlation Averaging and 3-D Reconstruction. 44th Ann. Meet. Electr. Micr. Soc. Am., Albuquerque., (1986)
Engelhardt, H.; Guckenberger, R.; Baumeister, W.: High Resolution Shadowing at Low Temperature of Freeze-dried Bacterial Photosynthetic Membranes. Proc. Royal Micr. Soc., Cambridge, England., (1985)
Rachel, R.; Jakubowski, U.; Baumeister, W.: Electron Microscopy of Unstained/Freeze-dried Macromolecular Assemblies. Proc. Royal Micr. Soc., Cambridge, England., (1985)
Engelhardt, H.; Engel, A.; Baumeister, W.: STEM Mass Determination of the Photosynthetic Unit in Native Membranes of the Bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halochloris. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Engelhardt, H.; Guckenberger, R.; Baumeister, W.: Metal Shadowing and Decoration as Tools for Investigating the Structure of Bacterial Photosynthetic Membranes. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Rasch, M.; Saxton, W. O.; Baumeister, W.: Structure of the Regular Surface Layer of Acetogenium kivui. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Saxton, W. O.; Barth, M.; Hegerl, R.; Baumeister, W.: Fidelity Limits in 3-D Reconstructions - an Appraisal of Techniques for 2-D crystals. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Baumeister, W.: Structural biology in situ: the promise and challenges of cryo-electron tomography. In FEBS Open Bio, 11, S. 22 - 22. Wiley (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Karnicar, K.; Turk, M.; Cernic, M.; Vidmar, R.; Baumeister, W.; Turk, D.: Structural insight in the complex between major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and invariant chain. In FEBS Open Bio, 11, S. 443 - 443. Wiley (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Mahamid, J.; Chakraborty, S.; Baumeister, W.: Modulation of Microtubule Curvature under Different Cellular Conditions Revealed by In-Cell Ceryo-Electron Tomography. In Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts), 116 (3, Suppl. 1), S. 257A - 257A. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Baltimore, MD, 02. März 2019 - 06. März 2019. Biophysical Society, Bethesda, MD (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Kochanek, S.; Huang, B.; Seefelder, M.; Engler, T.; Cheng, J.; Baumeister, W.; Guo, Q.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: The cryo-electron microscopy structure of huntingtin. In Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 89 (Suppl 1), S. A5 - A5. Plenary Meeting of the European-Huntington's-Disease-Network (EHDN), Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2018. BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Khoshouei, M.; Liang, L.; Radjainia, M.; Baumeister, W.; Danev, R.: Phase contrast single particle analysis of small protein complexes at atomic resolutions. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 46, S. S91 - S91. 19th IUPAB Congress / 11th EBSA Congress, British Biophys Soc, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, 16. Juli 2017 - 20. Juli 2017. Springer, Berlin (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Bykov, Y. S.; Schaffer, M.; Dodonova, S. O.; Albert, S.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.; Engel, B. D.; Briggs, J. A.: The structure of the COPI coat determined within the cell. In Molecular Biology of the Cell, 27, E65. ASCB 2016 Meeting, Microsymposium 8, San Francisco, 03. Dezember 2016 - 07. Dezember 2016. American Society for Cell Biology (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Plitzko, J.; Mahamid, J.; Engel, B. D.; Albert, S.; Schaffer, M.; Arnold, J.; Fukuda, Y.; Danev, R.; Baumeister, W.: Charting Cellular Landscapes in Molecular Detail by in Situ Cryo-Electron Tomography. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 110 (3, Suppl. 1), S. 2a - 2a. 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Los Angeles, CA, 27. Februar 2016 - 02. März 2016. CELL PRESS, 600 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, 5TH FLOOR, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Hoffmann, T.; Ortiz, J. O.; Hartl, F. U.; Baumeister, W.: Three-dimensional arrangements of ribosomes inside fast growing E. coli cells. In JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 33 (Suppl. 1), 70, S. 45 - 46. TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Villa, E.; Schaffer, M.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: Opening Windows into the Cell: Focused-Ion-Beam Milling for Cryo-Electron Tomography. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 106 (2), S. 600A - 600A. 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Francisco, CA, 15. Februar 2014 - 19. Februar 2014. CELL PRESS, 600 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, 5TH FLOOR, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Villa, E.; Schaffer, M.; Rigort, A.; Bäuerlein, F. J. B.; Plitzko, J. M.; Baumeister, W.: Opening Windows into the Cell: Focused Ion Beam Micromachining of Eukaryotic Cells for Cryo-Electron Tomography. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 104 (2), S. 353A - 354A. 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Philadelphia, PA, 02. Februar 2013 - 06. Februar 2013. CELL PRESS, 600 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, 5TH FLOOR, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2013)

Sonstige (1)

Baumeister, W.: In memoriam - Anna Tramontano, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 491, S. 869 - 869 (2017)
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