Publikationen von W. Baumeister
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Konferenzbeitrag (26)
Correlation Averaging of Two-dimensional Crystals: Basic Strategy and Refinements. 44th Ann. Meet. Electr. Micr. Soc. Am., Albuquerque., (1986)
3-D Reconstruction of a Regular Bacterial Surface Layer: Effects of Limited Tilting and Preparation Conditions. 44th Ann. Meet. Electr. Micr. Soc. Am., Albuquerque., (1986)
A Bacterial S Layer: Separation of Double Lattices, Correlation Averaging and 3-D Reconstruction. 44th Ann. Meet. Electr. Micr. Soc. Am., Albuquerque., (1986)
High Resolution Shadowing at Low Temperature of Freeze-dried Bacterial Photosynthetic Membranes. Proc. Royal Micr. Soc., Cambridge, England., (1985)
Electron Microscopy of Unstained/Freeze-dried Macromolecular Assemblies. Proc. Royal Micr. Soc., Cambridge, England., (1985)
STEM Mass Determination of the Photosynthetic Unit in Native Membranes of the Bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halochloris. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Metal Shadowing and Decoration as Tools for Investigating the Structure of Bacterial Photosynthetic Membranes. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Structure of the Regular Surface Layer of Acetogenium kivui. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Fidelity Limits in 3-D Reconstructions - an Appraisal of Techniques for 2-D crystals. 8th Europ. Congr. Electr. Micr., Budapest., (1984)
Meeting Abstract (10)
Meeting Abstract
11, S. 22 - 22. Wiley (2021)
Structural biology in situ: the promise and challenges of cryo-electron tomography. In FEBS Open Bio, 551.
Meeting Abstract
11, S. 443 - 443. Wiley (2021)
Structural insight in the complex between major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and invariant chain. In FEBS Open Bio, 552.
Meeting Abstract
116 (3, Suppl. 1), S. 257A - 257A. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Baltimore, MD, 02. März 2019 - 06. März 2019. Biophysical Society, Bethesda, MD (2019)
Modulation of Microtubule Curvature under Different Cellular Conditions Revealed by In-Cell Ceryo-Electron Tomography. In Biophysical Journal (Annual Meeting Abstracts), 553.
Meeting Abstract
89 (Suppl 1), S. A5 - A5. Plenary Meeting of the European-Huntington's-Disease-Network (EHDN), Vienna, AUSTRIA, 2018. BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP (2018)
The cryo-electron microscopy structure of huntingtin. In Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 554.
Meeting Abstract
46, S. S91 - S91. 19th IUPAB Congress / 11th EBSA Congress, British Biophys Soc, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, 16. Juli 2017 - 20. Juli 2017. Springer, Berlin (2017)
Phase contrast single particle analysis of small protein complexes at atomic resolutions. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 555.
Meeting Abstract
27, E65. ASCB 2016 Meeting, Microsymposium 8, San Francisco, 03. Dezember 2016 - 07. Dezember 2016. American Society for Cell Biology (2016)
The structure of the COPI coat determined within the cell. In Molecular Biology of the Cell, 556.
Meeting Abstract
110 (3, Suppl. 1), S. 2a - 2a. 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Los Angeles, CA, 27. Februar 2016 - 02. März 2016. CELL PRESS, 600 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, 5TH FLOOR, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2016)
Charting Cellular Landscapes in Molecular Detail by in Situ Cryo-Electron Tomography. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 557.
Meeting Abstract
33 (Suppl. 1), 70, S. 45 - 46. TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA (2015)
Three-dimensional arrangements of ribosomes inside fast growing E. coli cells. In JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 558.
Meeting Abstract
106 (2), S. 600A - 600A. 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Francisco, CA, 15. Februar 2014 - 19. Februar 2014. CELL PRESS, 600 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, 5TH FLOOR, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2014)
Opening Windows into the Cell: Focused-Ion-Beam Milling for Cryo-Electron Tomography. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 559.
Meeting Abstract
104 (2), S. 353A - 354A. 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Philadelphia, PA, 02. Februar 2013 - 06. Februar 2013. CELL PRESS, 600 TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, 5TH FLOOR, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 USA (2013)
Opening Windows into the Cell: Focused Ion Beam Micromachining of Eukaryotic Cells for Cryo-Electron Tomography. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Sonstige (1)
In memoriam - Anna Tramontano, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 491, S. 869 - 869 (2017)