Publikationen von Daniel Horn-Ghetko

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Horn-Ghetko, D.; Hopf, L. V. M.; Tripathi-Giesgen, I.; Du, J.; Kostrhon, S.; Tung Vu, D.; Beier, V.; Steigenberger, B.; Prabu, J. R.; Stier, L. et al.; Bruss, E. M.; Mann, M.; Xiong, Y.; Schulman, B. A.: Noncanonical assembly, neddylation and chimeric cullin-RING/RBR ubiquitylation by the 1.8 MDa CUL9 E3 ligase complex. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 31 (7), S. 1083 - 1094 (2024)
Hehl, L. A.; Horn-Ghetko, D.; Prabu, J. R.; Vollrath, R.; Tung Vu, D.; Pérez Berrocal, D. A.; Mulder, M. P. C.; van der Heden van Noort, G. J.; Schulman, B. A.: Structural snapshots along K48-linked ubiquitin chain formation by the HECT E3 UBR5. Nature Chemical Biology 20, S. 190 - 200 (2024)
Purser, N.; Tripathi-Giesgen, I.; Li, J.; Scott, D. C.; Horn-Ghetko, D.; Baek, K.; Schulman, B. A.; Alpi, A. F.; Kleiger, G.: Catalysis of non-canonical protein ubiquitylation by the ARIH1 ubiquitin ligase. Biochemical Journal 480 (22), S. 1817 - 1831 (2023)
Berrocal, D. A. P. A.; Vishwanatha, T. M.; Horn-Ghetko, D.; Botsch, J. J.; Hehl, L. A.; Kostrhon, S.; Misra, M.; Dikic, I.; Geurink, P. P.; van Dam, H. et al.; Schulman, B. A.; Mulder, M. P. C.: A Pro-Fluorescent Ubiquitin-Based Probe to Monitor Cysteine-Based E3 Ligase Activity. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (32), e202303319 (2023)
Suryo Rahmanto, A.; Blum, C. J.; Scalera, C.; Heidelberger, J. B.; Mesitov, M.; Horn-Ghetko, D.; Gräf, J. F.; Mikicic, I.; Hobrecht, R.; Orekhova, A. et al.; Ostermaier, M.; Ebersberger, S.; Möckel, M. M.; Krapoth, N.; Da Silva Fernandes, N.; Mizi, A.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, J.-X.; Choudhary, C.; Papantonis, A.; Ulrich, H. D.; Schulman, B. A.; König, J.; Beli, P.: K6-linked ubiquitylation marks formaldehyde-induced RNA-protein crosslinks for resolution. Molecular Cell 83, S. 4272 - 4289 (2023)
Horn-Ghetko, D.; Krist, D. T.; Prabu, J. R.; Baek, K.; Mulder, M. P. C.; Kluegel, M.; Scott, D. C.; Ovaa, H.; Kleiger, G.; Schulman, B.: Ubiquitin ligation to F-box protein targets by SCF–RBR E3–E3 super-assembly. Nature 590 (7847), S. 671 - 676 (2021)
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