Publikationen von Peter J. Murray

Zeitschriftenartikel (43)

Nordmann, T. M.; Anderton, H.; Hasegawa, A.; Schweizer, L.; Zhang, P.; Stadler, P.-C.; Sinha, A.; Metousis, A.; Rosenberger, F. A.; Zwiebel, M. et al.; Satoh, T. K.; Anzengruber, F.; Strauss, M. T.; Tanzer, M. C.; Saito, Y.; Gong, T.; Thielert, M.; Kimura, H.; Silke, N.; Rodriguez, E.; Restivo, G.; Nguyen, H. H.; Gross, A.; Feldmeyer, L.; Joerg, L.; Levesque, M. P.; Murray, P. J.; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S.; Mund, A.; Abe, R.; Silke, J.; Ji, C.; French, L. E.; Mann, M.: Spatial proteomics identifies JAKi as treatment for a lethal skin disease. Nature 635 (8040), S. 1001 - 1009 (2024)
Bosch, M.; Kallin, N.; Donakonda, S.; Zhang, J. D.; Wintersteller, H.; Hegenbarth, S.; Heim, K.; Ramirez, C.; Fürst, A.; Lattouf, E. I. et al.; Feuerherd, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Kumpesa, N.; Griesser, V.; Hoflack, J.-C.; Siebourg-Polster, J.; Mogler, C.; Swadling, L.; Pallett, L. J.; Meiser, P.; Manske, K.; de Almeida, G. P.; Kosinska, A. D.; Sandu, I.; Schneider, A.; Steinbacher, V.; Teng, Y.; Schnabel, J.; Theis, F.; Gehring, A. J.; Boonstra, A.; Janssen, H. L. A.; Vandenbosch, M.; Cuypers, E.; Öllinger, R.; Engleitner, T.; Rad, R.; Steiger, K.; Oxenius, A.; Lo, W.-L.; Klepsch, V.; Baier, G.; Holzmann, B.; Maini, M. K.; Heeren, R.; Murray, P. J.; Thimme, R.; Herrmann, C.; Protzer, U.; Böttcher, J. P.; Zehn, D.; Wohlleber, D.; Lauer, G. M.; Hofmann, M.; Luangsay, S.; Knolle, P. A.: A liver immune rheostat regulates CD8 T cell immunity in chronic HBV infection. Nature 631 (8022), S. 867 - 875 (2024)
Gottemukkala, K. V.; Chrustowicz, J.; Sherpa, D.; Sepic, S.; Tung Vu, D.; Karayel, O.; Papadopoulou, E. C.; Gross, A.; Schorpp, K.; von Gronau, S. et al.; Hadian, K.; Murray, P. J.; Mann, M.; Schulman, B. A.; Alpi, A. F.: Non-canonical substrate recognition by the human WDR26-CTLH E3 ligase regulates prodrug metabolism. Molecular Cell 84 (10), S. 1948 - 1963.e11 (2024)
Gross, A.; Müller, J.; Chrustowicz, J.; Strasser, A.; Gottemukkala, K. V.; Sherpa, D.; Schulman, B. A.; Murray, P. J.; Alpi, A. F.: Skraban-Deardorff intellectual disability syndrome-associated mutations in WDR26 impair CTLH E3 complex assembly. FEBS Letters 598 (9), S. 978 - 994 (2024)
Abu-Zaid, A.; Fang, J.; Jin, H.; Singh, S.; Pichavaram, P.; Wu, Q.; Tillman, H.; Janke, L.; Rosikiewicz, W.; Xu, B. et al.; Van De Velde, L. -.; Guo, Y.; Li, Y.; Shendy, N. A. M.; Delahunty, I. M.; Rankovic, Z.; Chen, T.; Chen, X.; Freeman, K. W.; Hatley, M. E.; Durbin, A. D.; Murray, P. J.; Murphy, A. J.; Thomas, P. G.; Davidoff, A. M.; Yang, J.: Histone lysine demethylase 4 family proteins maintain the transcriptional program and adrenergic cellular state of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma. Cell Reports Medicine 5 (3), 101468 (2024)
Botsch, J. J.; Junker, R.; Sorgenfrei, M.; Ogger, P. P.; Stier, L.; von Gronau, S.; Murray, P. J.; Seeger, M. A.; Schulman, B. A.; Bräuning, B.: Doa10/MARCH6 architecture interconnects E3 ligase activity with lipid-binding transmembrane channel to regulate SQLE. Nature Communications 15 (1), 410 (2024)
Henneberg, L. T.; Singh, J.; Duda, D. M.; Baek, K.; Yanishevski, D.; Murray, P. J.; Mann, M.; Sidhu, S. S.; Schulman, B. A.: Activity-based profiling of cullin-RING E3 networks by conformation-specific probes. Nature Chemical Biology 19, S. 1513 - 1523 (2023)
Dietschmann, A.; Ruhl, A.; Murray, P. J.; Guenther, C.; Becker, C.; Fallon, P.; Voehringer, D.: Th2-dependent disappearance and phenotypic conversion of mouse alveolar macrophages. European Journal of Immunology 53 (10), 2350475 (2023)
Zeitler, L.; Murray, P. J.: IL4i1 and IDO1: Oxidases that control a tryptophan metabolic nexus in cancer. Journal of Biological Chemistry 299 (6), 104827 (2023)
Schloesser, D.; Lindenthal, L.; Sauer, J.; Chung, K.-J.; Chavakis, T.; Griesser, E.; Baskaran, P.; Maier-Habelsberger, U.; Fundel-Clemens, K.; Schlotthauer, I. et al.; Watson, C. K.; Swee, L. K.; Igney, F.; Park, J. E.; Huber-Lang, M. S.; Thomas, M.-J.; El Kasmi, K. C.; Murray, P. J.: Senescent cells suppress macrophage-mediated corpse removal via upregulation of the CD47-QPCT/L axis. Journal of Cell Biology 222 (2), e202207097 (2023)
Watson, C. K.; Schloesser, D.; Fundel-Clemens, K.; Lerner, C.; Gabler, S.; Baskaran, P.; Wohnhaas, C. T.; Dichtl, S.; Huber, H. J.; Ask, K. et al.; Gantner, F.; Viollet, C.; Thomas, M. J.; Ramirez, F.; Murray, P. J.; El Kasmi, K. C.: Antifibrotic Drug Nintedanib Inhibits CSF1R to Promote IL-4-associated Tissue Repair Macrophages. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 68 (4), S. 366 - 380 (2023)
Kohl, L.; Siddique, M. N. A. A.; Bodendorfer, B.; Berger, R.; Preikschat, A.; Daniel, C.; Oelke, M.; Liebler-Tenorio, E.; Schulze-Luehrmann, J.; Mauermeir, M. et al.; Yang, K.-T.; Hayek, I.; Szperlinski, M.; Andrack, J.; Schleicher, U.; Bozec, A.; Kroenke, G.; Murray, P. J.; Wirtz, S.; Yamamoto, M.; Schatz, V.; Jantsch, J.; Oefner, P.; Degrandi, D.; Pfeffer, K.; Mertens-Scholz, K.; Rauber, S.; Bogdan, C.; Dettmer, K.; Luehrmann, A.; Lang, R.: Macrophages inhibit Coxiella burnetii by the ACOD1-itaconate pathway for containment of Q fever. EMBO Molecular Medicine 15 (2), e15931 (2022)
Sherpa, D.; Mueller, J.; Karayel, Ö.; Xu, P.; Yao, Y.; Chrustowicz, J.; Gottemukkala, K. V.; Baumann, C. A.; Gross, A.; Czarnecki, O. et al.; Zhang, W.; Gu, J.; Nilvebrant, J.; Sidhu, S. S.; Murray, P. J.; Mann, M.; Weiss, M. J.; Schulman, B. A.; Alpi, A. F.: Modular UBE2H-CTLH E2-E3 complexes regulate erythroid maturation. eLife 11, e77937 (2022)
Brüggenthies, J. B.; Fiore, A.; Russier, M.; Bitsina, C.; Brötzmann, J.; Kordes, S.; Menninger, S.; Wolf, A.; Conti, E.; Eickhoff, J. E. et al.; Murray, P. J.: A cell-based chemical-genetic screen for amino acid stress response inhibitors reveals torins reverse stress kinase GCN2 signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (12), 102629 (2022)
Lechner, A.; Henkel, F. D. R.; Hartung, F.; Bohnacker, S.; Alessandrini, F.; Gubernatorova, E. O.; Drutskaya, M. S.; Angioni, C.; Schreiber, Y.; Haimerl, P. et al.; Ge, Y.; Thomas, D.; Kabat, A. M.; Pearce, E. J.; Ohnmacht, C.; Nedospasov, S. A.; Murray, P. J.; Chaker, A. M.; Schmidt-Weber, C. B.; Esser-von Bieren, J.: Macrophages acquire a TNF-dependent inflammatory memory in allergic asthma. The journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 149 (6), S. 2078 - 2090 (2022)
Musiu, C.; Caligola, S.; Fiore, A.; Lamolinara, A.; Frusteri, C.; Del Pizzo, F. D.; De Sanctis, F.; Cane, S.; Adamo, A.; Hofer, F. et al.; Barouni, R. M.; Grilli, A.; Zilio, S.; Serafini, P.; Tacconelli, E.; Donadello, K.; Gottin, L.; Polati, E.; Girelli, D.; Polidoro, I.; Iezzi, P. A.; Angelucci, D.; Capece, A.; Chen, Y.; Shi, Z.-L.; Murray, P. J.; Chilosi, M.; Amit, I.; Bicciato, S.; Iezzi, M.; Bronte, V.; Ugel, S.: Fatal cytokine release syndrome by an aberrant FLIP/STAT3 axis. Cell Death and Differentiation 29, S. 420 - 438 (2022)
Bronte, V.; Santambrogio, L.; Murray, P. J.: OBITUARY Ursula Grohmann, PhD: In Memoriam (1961-2022). Cancer Immunology Research 10 (5), S. 542 - 542 (2022)
Chen, F.; El-Naccache, D. W.; Ponessa, J. J.; Lemenze, A.; Espinosa, V.; Wu, W.; Lothstein, K.; Jin, L.; Antao, O.; Weinstein, J. S. et al.; Damani-Yokota, P.; Khanna, K.; Murray, P. J.; Rivera, A.; Siracusa, M. C.; Gause, W. C.: Helminth resistance is mediated by differential activation of recruited monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages and arginine depletion. Cell Reports 38 (2), 110215 (2022)
Dichtl, S.; Sanin, D. E.; Koss, C. K.; Willenborg, S.; Petzold, A.; Tanzer, M. C.; Dahl, A.; Kabat, A. M.; Lindenthal, L.; Zeitler, L. et al.; Satzinger, S.; Strasser, A.; Mann, M.; Roers, A.; Eming, S. A.; El Kasmi, K. C.; Pearce, E. J.; Murray, P. J.: Gene-selective transcription promotes the inhibition of tissue reparative macrophages by TNF. Life science alliance 5 (4), e202101315 (2022)
Fiore, A.; Zeitler, L.; Russier, M.; Gross, A.; Hiller, M.-K.; Parker, J. L.; Stier, L.; Kocher, T.; Newstead, S.; Murray, P. J.: Kynurenine importation by SLC7A11 propagates anti-ferroptotic signaling. Molecular Cell 82 (5), S. 920 - 932.e7 (2022)
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