Publikationen von Javier F. Collado

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Salfer, M.; Collado, J. F.; Baumeister, W.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.; Martinez-Sanchez, A.: Reliable estimation of membrane curvature for cryo-electron tomography. PLoS Computational Biology 16 (8), e1007962 (2020)
Collado, J.; Kalemanov, M.; Campelo, F.; Bourgoint, C.; Thomas, F.; Loewith, R.; Martinez Sanchez, A.; Baumeister, W.; Stefan, C. J.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: Tricalbin-Mediated Contact Sites Control ER Curvature to Maintain Plasma Membrane Integrity. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 51 (4), S. 476 - 487.e7 (2019)
Gruber, A.; Hornburg, D.; Antonin, M.; Krahmer, N.; Collado, J.; Schaffer, M.; Zubaite, G.; Luechtenborg, C.; Sachsenheimer, T.; Bruegger, B. et al.; Mann, M.; Baumeister, W.; Hartl, F. U.; Hipp, M. S.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: Molecular and structural architecture of polyQ aggregates in yeast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (15), S. E3446 - E3453 (2018)
Collado, J.; Fernandez-Busnadiego, R.: Deciphering the molecular architecture of membrane contact sites by cryo-electron tomography. SI 1864 (9), S. 1507 - 1512 (2017)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Collado, J.: Tricalbins maintain plasma membrane integrity by modulating endoplasmic reticulum membrane curvature at ER-PM contact sites. Dissertation, Technische Universität München, School of Natural Sciences, München (2024)
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