John Briggs

Publikationen von Assa Yeroslaviz

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Klumpe, S.; Senti, K. A.; Beck, F.; Sachweh, J.; Hampoelz, B.; Ronchi, P.; Oorschot, V.; Brandstetter, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Briggs, J. A. G. et al.; Brennecke, J.; Beck, M.; Plitzko, J. M.: In-cell structure and snapshots of copia retrotransposons in intact tissue by cryoelectron tomography. Cell (2025)
Sun, Z.; Cernilogar, F. M.; Horvatic, H.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Abdullah, Z.; Schotta, G.; Hornung, V.: β1 integrin signaling governs necroptosis via the chromatin-remodeling factor CHD4. Cell Reports 42 (11), 113322 (2023)
Haeussler, S.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Rolland, S. G.; Luehr, S.; Lambie, E. J.; Conradt, B.: Genome-wide RNAi screen for regulators of UPRmt in Caenorhabditis elegans mutants with defects in mitochondrial fusion. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 11 (7), jkab095 (2021)
Johnsen, M.; Kubacki, T.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Späth, M. R.; Moersdorf, J.; Gobel, H.; Bohl, K.; Ignarski, M.; Meharg, C.; Habermann, B. et al.; Altmüller, J.; Beyer, A.; Benzing, T.; Schermer, B.; Burst, V.; Müller, R.-U.: The Integrated RNA Landscape of Renal Preconditioning against Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY 31 (4), S. 716 - 730 (2020)
Aigner, P.; Mizutani, T.; Horvath, J.; Eder, T.; Heber, S.; Lind, K.; Just, V.; Moll, H. P.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Fischer, M. J. M. et al.; Kenner, L.; Gyorffy, B.; Sill, H.; Grebient, F.; Moriggl, R.; Casanova, E.; Stoiber, D.: STAT3 beta is a tumor suppressor in acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Advances 3 (13), S. 1989 - 2002 (2019)
Ramos, E. S.; Motori, E.; Brüser, C.; Kühl, I.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Ruzzenente, B.; Kauppila, J. H. K.; Busch, J. D.; Hultenby, K.; Habermann, B. H. et al.; Jakobs, S.; Larsson, N.-G.; Mourier, A.: Mitochondrial fusion is required for regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication. PLOS GENETICS 15 (6), e1008085 (2019)
Rolland, S. G.; Schneid, S.; Schwarz, M.; Rackles, E.; Fischer, C.; Haeussler, S.; Regmi, S. G.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Habermann, B.; Mokranjac, D. et al.; Lambie, E.; Conradt, B.: Compromised Mitochondrial Protein Import Acts as a Signal for UPRmt. Cell Reports 28 (7), S. 1659 - 1669.e5 (2019)
Pfeiffer, F.; Zamora-Lagos, M.-A.; Blettinger, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Dahl, A.; Gruber, S.; Habermann, B. H.: The complete and fully assembled genome sequence of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. pectinolytica and its comparative analysis with other Aeromonas species: investigation of the mobilome in environmental and pathogenic strains. BMC Genomics 19, 20 (2018)
Spletter, M. L.; Barz, C.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Zhang, X.; Lemke, S. B.; Bonnard, A.; Brunner, E.; Cardone, G.; Basler, K.; Habermann, B. H. et al.; Schnorrer, F.: A transcriptomics resource reveals a transcriptional transition during ordered sarcomere morphogenesis in flight muscle. eLife 7, e34058 (2018)
Spletter, M. L.; Barz, C.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Zhang, X.; Lemke, S. B.; Brunner, E.; Cardone, G.; Basler, K.; Habermann, B. H.; Schnorrer, F.: Systematic transcriptomics reveals a biphasic mode of sarcomere morphogenesis in flight muscles regulated by Spalt. bioRxiv, 229534 (2017)
Le, H. Q.; Ghatak, S.; Yeung, C.-Y. C.; Tellkamp, F.; Guenschmann, C.; Dieterich, C.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Habermann, B.; Pombo, A.; Niessen, C. M. et al.; Wickstroem, S. A.: Mechanical regulation of transcription controls Polycomb-mediated gene silencing during lineage commitment. Nature Cell Biology 18 (8), S. 864 - 875 (2016)
Roth, S.; Bergmann, H.; Jaeger, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Neumann, K.; Koenig, P.-A.; da Costa, C. P.; Vanes, L.; Kumar, V.; Johnson, M. et al.; Menacho-Marquez, M.; Habermann, B.; Tybulewicz, V. L.; Netea, M.; Bustelo, X. R.; Ruland, J.: Vav Proteins Are Key Regulators of Card9 Signaling for Innate Antifungal Immunity. Cell Reports 17 (10), S. 2572 - 2583 (2016)
Spletter, M. L.; Barz, C.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Schönbauer, C.; Ferreira, I. R. S.; Sarov, M.; Gerlach, D.; Stark, A.; Habermann, B. H.; Schnorrer, F.: The RNA-binding protein Arrest (Bruno) regulates alternative splicing to enable myofibril maturation in Drosophila flight muscle. EMBO Reports 16 (2), S. 178 - 191 (2015)
Nousch, M.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Habermann, B.; Eckmann, C. R.: The cytoplasmic poly(A) polymerases GLD-2 and GLD-4 promote general gene expression via distinct mechanisms. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 42 (18), S. 11622 - 11633 (2014)

Preprint (1)

Klumpe, S.; Senti, K. A.; Beck, F.; Sachweh, J.; Hampoetz, B.; Ronchi, P.; Yeroslaviz, A.; Briggs, J. A. G.; Brennecke, J.; Beck, M. et al.; Plitzko, J. M.: In-cell structure and snapshots of copia retrotransposons in intact tissue by cryo-electron tomography. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2024)
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