Publikationen von Reinhard Fässler

Zeitschriftenartikel (319)

Theodosiou, M.; Widmaier, M.; Böttcher, R. T.; Rognoni, E.; Veelders, M.; Bharadwaj, M.; Lambacher, A.; Austen, K.; Müller, D. J.; Zent, R. et al.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-2 cooperates with talin to activate integrins and induces cell spreading by directly binding paxillin. ELIFE 5, e10130 (2016)
Giancotti, F. G.; Fässler, R.: Guido Tarone, Ph.D. (1951-2015) OBITUARY. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 128 (16), S. 2955 - 2956 (2015)
Karaköse, E.; Geiger, T.; Flynn, K.; Lorenz-Baath, K.; Zent, R.; Mann, M.; Fässler, R.: The focal adhesion protein PINCH-1 associates with EPLIN at integrin adhesion sites. Journal of Cell Science 128 (5), S. 1023 - 1033 (2015)
Klapproth, S.; Moretti, F. A.; Zeiler, M.; Ruppert, R.; Breithaupt, U.; Mueller, S.; Haas, R.; Mann, M.; Sperandio, M.; Fässler, R. et al.; Moser, M.: Minimal amounts of kindlin-3 suffice for basal platelet and leukocyte functions in mice. BLOOD 126 (24), S. 2592 - 2600 (2015)
Klapproth, S.; Sperandio, M.; Pinheiro, E. M.; Pruenster, M.; Soehnlein, O.; Gertler, F. B.; Fässler, R.; Moser, M.: Loss of the Rap1 effector RIAM results in leukocyte adhesion deficiency due to impaired beta 2 integrin function in mice. BLOOD 126 (25), S. 2704 - 2712 (2015)
Ruppert, R.; Moser, M.; Sperandio, M.; Rognoni, E.; Orban, M.; Liu, W.-H.; Schulz, A. S.; Oostendorp, R. A. J.; Massberg, S.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-3-mediated integrin adhesion is dispensable for quiescent but essential for activated hematopoietic stem cells. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 212 (9), S. 1415 - 1432 (2015)
Chen, X.; Wang, H.; Liao, H.-J.; Hu, W.; Gewin, L.; Mernaugh, G.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, Z.-Y.; Vega-Montoto, L.; Vanacore, R. M. et al.; Fässler, R.; Zent, R.; Pozzi, A.: Integrin-mediated type II TGF-beta receptor tyrosine dephosphorylation controls SWIAD-dependent profibrotic signaling. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 124 (8), S. 3295 - 3310 (2014)
Speicher, T.; Siegenthaler, B.; Bogorad, R. L.; Ruppert, R.; Petzold, T.; Padrissa-Altes, S.; Bachofner, M.; Anderson, D. G.; Koteliansky, V.; Fässler, R. et al.; Werner, S.: Knockdown and knockout of beta 1-integrin in hepatocytes impairs liver regeneration through inhibition of growth factor signalling. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 5, 3862 (2014)
Rognoni, E.; Widmaier, M.; Jakobson, M.; Ruppert, R.; Ussar, S.; Katsougkri, D.; Böttcher, R. T.; Lai-Cheong, J. E.; Rifkin, D. B.; McGrath, J. A. et al.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-1 controls Wnt and TGF-beta availability to regulate cutaneous stem cell proliferation. Nature Medicine 20 (4), S. 350 - 359 (2014)
Winograd-Katz, S. E.; Fässler, R.; Geiger, B.; Legate, K. R.: The integrin adhesome: from genes and proteins to human disease. NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 15 (4), S. 273 - 288 (2014)
Böttcher, R. T.; Fässler, R.: Membrane tension drives ligand-independent integrin signaling. EMBO JOURNAL 33 (21), S. 2439 - 2441 (2014)
Janbandhu, V. C.; Moik, D.; Fässler, R.: Cre recombinase induces DNA damage and tetraploidy in the absence of LoxP sites. CELL CYCLE 13 (3), S. 462 - 470 (2014)
Pokidysheva, E.; Boudko, S.; Vranka, J.; Zientek, K.; Maddox, K.; Moser, M.; Fässler, R.; Ware, J.; Bächinger, H. P.: Biological role of prolyl 3-hydroxylation in type IV collagen. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 111 (1), S. 161 - 166 (2014)
Schiefermeier, N.; Scheffler, J. M.; de Araujo, M. E. G.; Stasyk, T.; Yordanov, T.; Ebner, H. L.; Offterdinger, M.; Munck, S.; Hess, M. W.; Wickström, S. et al.; Lange, A.; Wunderlich, W.; Fässler, R.; Teis, D.; Huber, L. A.: The late endosomal p14-MP1 (LAMTOR2/3) complex regulates focal adhesion dynamics during cell migration. Journal of Cell Biology 205 (4), S. 525 - 540 (2014)
Sun, Z.; Lambacher, A.; Fässler, R.: Nascent Adhesions: From Fluctuations to a Hierarchical Organization. CURRENT BIOLOGY 24 (17), S. R801 - R803 (2014)
Tseng, H.-Y.; Thorausch, N.; Ziegler, T.; Meves, A.; Fässler, R.; Böttcher, R. T.: Sorting Nexin 31 Binds Multiple beta Integrin Cytoplasmic Domains and Regulates beta 1 Integrin Surface Levels and Stability. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 426 (18), S. 3180 - 3194 (2014)
Meves, A.; Stremmel, C.; Böttcher, R. T.; Fässler, R.: beta 1 Integrins with Individually Disrupted Cytoplasmic NPxY Motifs Are Embryonic Lethal but Partially Active in the Epidermis. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 133 (12), S. 2722 - 2731 (2013)
Ziegler, T.; Horstkotte, J.; Schwab, C.; Pfetsch, V.; Weinmann, K.; Dietzel, S.; Rohwedder, I.; Hinkel, R.; Gross, L.; Lee, S. et al.; Hu, J.; Soehnlein, O.; Franz, W. M.; Sperandio, M.; Pohl, U.; Thomas, M.; Weber, C.; Augustin, H. G.; Fässler, R.; Deutsch, U.; Kupatt, C.: Angiopoietin 2 mediates microvascular and hemodynamic alterations in sepsis. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 123 (8), S. 3436 - 3445 (2013)
Schiller, H. B.; Fässler, R.: Mechanosensitivity and compositional dynamics of cell-matrix adhesions. EMBO REPORTS 14 (6), S. 509 - 519 (2013)
Schiller, H. B.; Hermann, M.-R.; Polleux, J.; Vignaud, T.; Zanivan, S.; Friedel, C. C.; Sun, Z.; Raducanu, A.; Gottschalk, K.-E.; Thery, M. et al.; Mann, M.; Fässler, R.: beta(1)- and alpha(v)-class integrins cooperate to regulate myosin II during rigidity sensing of fibronectin-based microenvironments. NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 15 (6), S. 625 - 636 (2013)