Publikationen von Reinhard Fässler

Zeitschriftenartikel (319)

Fischer, L.; Klingner, C.; Schlichthärle, T.; Strauss, M. T.; Böttcher, R. T.; Fässler, R.; Jungmann, R.; Grashoff, C.: Quantitative single-protein imaging reveals molecular complex formation of integrin, talin, and kindlin during cell adhesion. Nature Communications 12 (1), 919 (2021)
Guo, S. S.; Seiwert, A.; Szeto, I. Y.Y.; Fässler, R.: Tissue distribution and subcellular localization of the family of Kidney Ankyrin Repeat Domain (KANK) proteins. Experimental Cell Research 398 (1), 112391 (2021)
Mole, M. A.; Weberling, A.; Fässler, R.; Campbell, A.; Fishel, S.; Zernicka-Goetz, M.: Integrin beta 1 coordinates survival and morphogenesis of the embryonic lineage upon implantation and pluripotency transition. Cell Reports 34 (10), 108834 (2021)
Orre, T.; Joly, A.; Karatas, Z.; Kastberger, B.; Cabriel, C.; Böttcher, R. T.; Leveque-Fort, S.; Sibarita, J.-B.; Fässler, R.; Wehrle-Haller, B. et al.; Rossier, O.; Giannone, G.: Molecular motion and tridimensional nanoscale localization of kindlin control integrin activation in focal adhesions. Nature Communications 12 (1), 3104 (2021)
Rabanal-Ruiz, Y.; Byron, A.; Wirth, A.; Madsen, R.; Sedlackova, L.; Hewitt, G.; Nelson, G.; Stingele, J.; Wills, J. C.; Zhang, T. et al.; Zeug, A.; Faessler, R.; Vanhaesebroeck, B.; Maddocks, O. D. K.; Ponimaskin, E.; Carroll, B.; Korolchuk I, V.: mTORC1 activity is supported by spatial association with focal adhesions. The Journal of Cell Biology 220 (5), e202004010 (2021)
Ruiz-Ojeda, F. J.; Wang, J.; Baecker, T.; Krueger, M.; Zamani, S.; Rosowski, S.; Gruber, T.; Onogi, Y.; Feuchtinger, A.; Schulz, T. J. et al.; Faessler, R.; Mueller, T. D.; Garcia-Caceres, C.; Meier, M.; Blueher, M.; Ussar, S.: Active integrins regulate white adipose tissue insulin sensitivity and brown fat thermogenesis. Molecular Metabolism 45, 101147 (2021)
Brod, F.; Fässler, R.: A FAK conundrum is solved: activation and organization of focal adhesion kinase at the plasma membrane. EMBO Journal 39, e106234 (2020)
Benito-Jardon, M.; Strohmeyer, N.; Ortega-Sanchis, S.; Bharadwaj, M.; Moser, M.; Mueller, D. J.; Fässler, R.; Costell, M.: alpha v-Class integrin binding to fibronectin is solely mediated by RGD and unaffected by an RGE mutation. The Journal of Cell Biology 219 (12), e202004198 (2020)
Guo, S. S.; Au, T. Y. K.; Wynn, S.; Aszodi, A.; Chan, D.; Fässler, R.; Cheah, K. S. E.: beta 1 Integrin regulates convergent extension in mouse notogenesis, ensures notochord integrity and the morphogenesis of vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Development 147 (22), dev192724 (2020)
Krenn, P. W.; Koschmieder, S.; Fässler, R.: Kindlin-3 loss curbs chronic myeloid leukemia in mice by mobilizing leukemic stem cells from protective bone marrow niches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (39), S. 24326 - 24335 (2020)
Mole, M. A.; Galea, G. L.; Rolo, A.; Weberling, A.; Nychyk, O.; De Castro, S. C.; Savery, D.; Fässler, R.; Ybot-Gonzalez, P.; Greene, N. D. E. et al.; Copp, A. J.: Integrin-Mediated Focal Anchorage Drives Epithelial Zippering during Mouse Neural Tube Closure. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 52 (3), S. 321 - 334 (2020)
Pinto-Costa, R.; Sousa, S. C.; Leite, S. C.; Nogueira-Rodrigues, J.; da Silva, T. F.; Machado, D.; Marques, J.; Costa, A. C.; Liz, M. A.; Bartolini, F. et al.; Brites, P.; Costell, M.; Fässler, R.; Sousa, M. M.: Profilin 1 delivery tunes cytoskeletal dynamics toward CNS axon regeneration. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 130 (4), S. 2024 - 2040 (2020)
Reich, D.; Kresinsky, A.; Müller, J. P.; Bauer, R.; Kallenbach, J.; Schnoeder, T. M.; Heidel, F. H.; Fässler, R.; Mann, M.; Böhmer, F.-D. et al.; Jayavelu, A. K.: SHP1 regulates a STAT6-ITGB3 axis in FLT3ITD-positive AML cells. LEUKEMIA 34 (5), S. 1444 - 1449 (2020)
Samarelli, A. V.; Ziegler, T.; Meves, A.; Fässler, R.; Böttcher, R. T.: Rabgap1 promotes recycling of active beta1 integrins to support effective cell migration. Journal of Cell Science 133 (18), jcs243683 (2020)
Spoerri, P. M.; Strohmeyer, N.; Sun, Z.; Fässler, R.; Müller, D. J.: Protease-activated receptor signalling initiates alpha(5)beta(1)-integrin-mediated adhesion in non-haematopoietic cells. NATURE MATERIALS 19, S. 218 - 226 (2020)
Dedden, D.; Schumacher, S.; Kelley, C.; Zacharias, M.; Biertümpfel, C.; Fässler, R.; Mizuno, N.: The Architecture of Talin1 Reveals an Autoinhibition Mechanism. CELL 179 (1), S. 120 - 131.e13 (2019)
Hubeau, C.; Gerard, C.; Carnet, O.; Moser, M.; Fässler, R.; Noel, A.; Rocks, N.; Cataldo, D.: Microenvironment-Derived ADAM28 Impacts the Onset of Lung Cancer. JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 14 (10, Suppl.), P1.04-65, S. S466 - S466 (2019)
Sun, Z.; Costell, M.; Fässler, R.: Integrin activation by talin, kindlin and mechanical forces. Nature Cell Biology 21 (1), S. 25 - 31 (2019)
Volckaert, T.; Yuan, T.; Yuan, J.; Boateng, E.; Hopkins, S.; Zhang, J.-S.; Thannickal, V. J.; Fässler, R.; De Langhe, S. P.: Hippo signaling promotes lung epithelial lineage commitment by curbing Fgf10 and beta-catenin signaling. Development 146 (2), UNSP dev166454 (2019)
Tseng, H.-Y.; Samarelli, A. V.; Kammerer, P.; Scholze, S.; Ziegler, T.; Immler, R.; Zent, R.; Sperandio, M.; Sanders, C. R.; Fässler, R. et al.; Böttcher, R. T.: LCP1 preferentially binds clasped alpha M beta 2 integrin and attenuates leukocyte adhesion under flow. Journal of Cell Science 131 (22), UNSP jcs218214 (2018)