Klaus Kühn (1927-2022)
The founding director of the MPI of Biochemistry, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Kühn, deceased on April 8 at the age of 94.
The Institute loses a scientist of high standing. Klaus Kühn (*1.5.1927 - † 8.4.2022), was one of the founding directors of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) of Biochemistry in Martinsried. He was a Scientific Member of the Max Plank Society since 1966 and Director first at the MPI for Protein and Leather Research and from 1972 of the department "Connective Tissue Research" of the MPI of Biochemistry. He retired on April 30th,1995.

Klaus Kühn is considered the founder of molecular connective tissue research in Germany and also internationally as one of the pioneers in the field of the extracellular matrix with a focus on the collagens and basement membrane structure. He made decisive contributions to the electron microscopic elucidation of the collagen fibril structure, including the complete decoding of the collagen type I structure, and the mechanism underlying the macromolecular assembly of collagen type IV in basement membranes. He developed collagen research in Germany into a modern, protein chemistry- and molecular biology-oriented field of research with diverse links to medical and biological issues.
Klaus Kühn published more than 260 original publications and was awarded various prizes such as the Aschoff Medal and two honorary doctorates. Particularly noteworthy is his outstanding commitment to the promotion of young scientists.
With Klaus Kühn, the Institute loses a renowned and internationally highly respected scientist and colleague.