Press Page Kikuë Tachibana


Press releases

Hooking an anchor on the DNA Minor Groove

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry discovered a mechanism of the pioneer factor Nr5a2 that facilitates gene expression and contributes to the development of organisms. more

Pioneer factor Nr5a2 (red) binds to the still inactive DNA wrapped around histones (gray), of a fertilized egg cell. Thereby, it awakens the genome. Now genes can be read that are necessary for the development of an embryo.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry have discovered that the pioneer factor Nr5a2 awakens the inactive genome in the early embryo. more

For efficient packaging, DNA is placed in loops. The cohesin ring (pink) forms the basis for the loop. The protein complex MCM (yellow) limits the loop formation.

Researchers at the MPI of Biochemistry have discovered that the protein complex MCM has an unexpected influence on the three-dimensional organization of DNA.

Two new directors at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry:<br />Kikuë Tachibana and John Briggs

The Max Planck Society has succeeded in recruiting two renowned scientists. Kikuë Tachibana and John Briggs will now be conducting their research at the MPI of Biochemistry in Martinsried. more

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