Campus Martinsried

Campus Martinsried

The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry on the Martinsried campus is one of the largest biological and medical research institutions of the Max Planck Society. The Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, facilities of the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich and the Biotechnology Innovation and Start-Up Center (IZB) are located in the immediate vicinity.

Since 1984, the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence has been an integral part of the Martinsried campus. Today, more than 1000 employees work here and at the neighboring LinkMax-Planck-Institute for Biological Intelligence. Martinsried is thus one of the largest Max Planck sites in the world.

The faculties of chemistry and pharmacy as well as the Biocenter of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) and the Biomedical Center (BMC) of the LMU are located in the immediate vicinity. The University Hospital Großhadern, the Gene Center of the LMU and the Hematologikum of the Helmholtz Center are also within walking distance.

Another important campus partner is the LinkBiotechnology Innovation and Start-up Centre (IZB). On currently 25,000 m², the IZB offers more than 50 life science start-up companies the perfect conditions for their first years. Quite a few of the currently successful companies started as spin-offs of the Max Planck Institutes.

Where there is so much research and work, the infrastructure must be right. The cafeteria, canteen, Food lounge The Bowl and the Seven and More restaurant provide for the physical well-being on campus. There are also three daycare centres for children. Equipped with a Faculty Club, a hotel for academic guests and a restaurant, the "Campus at Home" is a central meeting place for the academic community. The planned extension of the underground line U6 will make the Campus even easier to reach in the future.

Further information about the campus and the individual facilities can be found on the LinkCampus-Website.

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